Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Metro decides, you obey

Transit-oriented Development Implementation Program
These compact mixed-use, mixed-income developments:

1. concentrate retail, housing and jobs in urban environments scaled for pedestrians

2. increase use of non-auto transportation choices such as taking transit, riding bikes and walking

3. decrease regional congestion and air pollution

Not just how the region gets composed, it's who the region get's composed of. (I.E. "mixed income")

The primary use of program funds is site acquisition.

Property is acquired, planned and reparceled. It is then sold with conditions to private developers for constructing transit-oriented development and/or dedicated to local governments for streets, plazas, and other public facilities where appropriate. In many cases the land value is written down to cover the extraordinary development costs required to construct a specific TOD project. In such cases, a “highest and best transit use” appraisal is used to establish the sale price.

So your tax dollars are used by government to by property so they can resell it to private owners with conditions. Many times the value of the property is "written down" to reduce the price.

NOTE: If you did that with your house to avoid paying propety taxes you would be in jail.

This is so far outside governments purview that it's hard to even comprehend. Yet every day our lives are influenced by these jokers who think that they know better how we should live, work and play.


Anonymous said...

We have a functioning mass transit system.

It's called the automobile. It has won the battle in the free-market for dominance.

Small 1900's comunities were arranged the way they were because the current choice modes of transportation ( trains and trolleys ) dictated what was cost effective ... small communities and shops clustered around train-stops.

Spending lots of money to replicate these victorian small towns will not make the automobile go away.

rickyragg said...


Metro and their zombie followers don't want you to have cars for the same reason Ginny Burdick doesn't want you to have guns - it tends to diminish their POWER.

Automobiles empower their owners/drivers - Mass Transit (why am I capitalizing that? - bad habit) enslaves riders.

Proponents of mass transit attempt to dictate where you live (transit-oriented development), where you work (somewhere on the MAX line, preferably. since MAX is the least efficient fiscally per rider and therefore requires more public employees to support it)) and the value of your time (99% of trips in the Metro area take way more time by MT than private automoblie).

Political power is a zero-sum equation.

Freedom is power.

The more they have, the less we have.

Ric said...

>>So your tax dollars are used by government to by property so they can resell it to private owners with conditions. Many times the value of the property is "written down" to reduce the price. <<

Lets see, there is this little thing called eminent domain and a SCOTUS ruling - Kelo. Where by, governments can seize property and put it to better, read more tax revenue, use.

If they are taking property and then reducing its value, there by reducing the taxes it will generate - that is a contrary method ....


Maybe we should look to other cities which have gone this path, like Oakland:

"Oakland is a big liberal city controlled for decades by liberal Democrats. Why the heck hasn’t utopia broken out there yet?"

Anonymous said...

Mixed income? You mean they want to let poor people into the neighborhood? Oh the horrors!