Thursday, February 02, 2006

For principled conservatives

URGENT NOTICE-The Eugene protest of the "Carousel De Informacion" or Matricula Card ID giveaway by the Mexican Consulate for Illegal Aliens and subsequent Tax Payer Handouts, has been moved to next Saturday the 11th.

That is, unless the illegal aliens have been converted to "guest workers" and become eligible for all the programs offered at these events.


Daniel said...

It's a great resolution. I'm just drunk with disapointment right now.

RINO WATCH said...

RE: Mannix

Where the hell was his "Resolution" a year ago, a month ago, two weeks ago?

The guy is a front runner, and most of all a RINO!

There I've said it.....

Daniel said...

I think that you're right RINO. A lot of what Mannix and Saxton are doing is posturing, thankfully it is bringing this issue out though.

RINO WATCH said...


What did Mannix do, as party chair, to support last legislative session two bills:

1st time proof of citizenship to register to vote in Oregon

Drivers Licenses for legal residents only

Clue: Nothing!

BEAR said...

It's the primary. Mannix and Saxton will say anything they think will get them past the primary. They cannot be trusted.