Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Oregon connection

Eighteen Illegals Flee Car At Oklahoma Traffic Stop
An early-morning traffic stop by a Yukon policeman led to a full-scale manhunt Tuesday for 18 suspected illegal immigrants.

The FBI, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and several state and local law enforcement agencies combed the area near Interstate 40 and Mustang Road after 18 men fled from a traffic stop, officials said.

Officials first contacted the men when Yukon officer Jared Reed said he saw a van swerving on eastbound I-40 and pulled it over.

Reed said he began asking the driver questions, noticing the vehicle had numerous people inside.

The driver handed Reed an Oregon driver's license and answered all of the officer's questions.

Yukon Deputy Chief John Corn said immigration officials then were called to the scene. Corn said the arrival of the transport vehicle may have been what prompted the men to flee.

Why is it that every illegal alien from Washington to Florida has an Oregon drivers license?

At this point I'm very suprised that the rest of the states have not voted to fence us off from the rest of the country. Clearly we are endagering everyones lives with the loony policies that people like Ted Kulongoski, Tom Potter and Lorna Youngs have put in place.

Because these people have been able to operate in this country a customs officer was beat down, four schools were closed and and countless man-hours have been spent trying to find these now fugitives. And those are just what's noted in the news article! Who knows how many drugs were brought here by these people, how many tax dollars wasted, how many wages depressed, how many kids were raped and how many other crimes were committed.


RINO WATCH said...

Thank you Judge Steven L. Price

Washington Co. Circuit Court

the "Aquittal Judge"

80,000 ODL's floatin' around this country

Anonymous said...

Then we have this...

Texas Officers Involved in Standoff at Border

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

SIERRA BLANCA, Texas — Men dressed as Mexican Army soldiers, apparent drug suspects, and Texas law enforcement officers faced off on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande, an FBI spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Andrea Simmons, an agency spokeswoman in El Paso, told The Associated Press that Texas Department of Public Safety troopers chased three SUVs, believing they were carrying drugs, to the banks of the Rio Grande during Monday's incident.

Men dressed in Mexican military uniforms or camouflage were on the U.S. side of the border in Texas, she said.

Simmons said the FBI was not involved and referred requests for further details to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., reported Tuesday that the incident included an armed standoff involving the Mexican military, suspected drug smugglers and nearly 30 U.S. law enforcement officers. It said Mexican military Humvees were towing what appeared to be thousands of pounds of marijuana across the border into the United States.

The incident follows a story in the Bulletin on Jan. 15 that said the Mexican military had crossed into the United States more than 200 times since 1996.

Chief Deputy Mike Doyal of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Department told the newspaper that Border Patrol agents called for backup and were joined by Hudspeth County deputies and DPS troopers. Mexican army personnel had several mounted machine guns on the ground more than 200 yards inside the U.S. border, the newspaper said.

Doyal said deputies captured a Cadillac Escalade that had been reported stolen from El Paso, and found 1,477 pounds of marijuana inside. He said Mexican soldiers set fire to one of the Humvees stuck in the river.

The site is near Neely's Crossing, about 50 miles east of El Paso, it said.

"It's been so bred into everyone not to start an international incident with Mexico that it's been going on for years," Doyal said. "When you're up against mounted machine guns, what can you do? Who wants to pull the trigger first? Certainly not us."

After the newspaper reported on Mexican military crossings, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the report was overblown and most of the incursions were just mistakes.

In eastern California, Arizona and New Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico border is largely unmarked. But in Texas, the Rio Grande separates the two countries and even when dry, is a riverbed about 200 feet wide.

In November, Doyal said Border Patrol agents in the border town of Fort Hancock called for help after confronting more than six men dressed in Mexican military uniforms. The men allegedly were trying to bring more than three tons of marijuana across the Rio Grande, Doyal told the newspaper.

Doyal said such incidents are common at Neely's Crossing.

Scott said...

Thats funny I was just about to post a like to the same storey..

Anonymous said...

What is it going to take, a war with Mexico? I truly hope not, but if they keep doing stuff like this, there may be no other recourse for our government.

My problem is the disease, and crime they bring into our country. Our government does not seem to even think about what they are doing. I guess all they are interested in is our businesses making profits at the expense of citizens of the US.

Anonymous said...

How much more stereotypical can you get - 18 mexicans in one car.

Anonymous said...

they were midget clown mexicans and the car was a VW bug--that would be more stereotypical...

MAX Redline said...

Any clues as to why an ODL is not considered a valid identification increasingly across the USA?

Daniel said...

All I know is that I would pay good money for a picture of me standing next to a car packed with 18 illegal aliens with my thumbs up sign...

Gunslinger said...

So, were they fleeing because they were late for work at the jobs us Lazy Americans won't do?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and we have this today...

Activists to provide migrants Ariz. maps

Activists to provide migrants Ariz. maps safe routes, stations for water included

Chris Hawley
Republic Mexico City Bureau
Jan. 24, 2006 12:00 AM

MEXICO CITY - Mexico's human rights agency says it will give out detailed maps of the Arizona desert, including rescue beacons and water stations, to guide migrants safely through the most popular and deadliest corridor into the United States.

The maps were designed by a Tucson-based group, Humane Borders, which plans to hold a joint press conference today with the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico City to announce its strategy.

The maps are the latest effort by activists to aid undocumented immigrants as they trek across the border, helping to fuel a raging debate over illegal immigration in Arizona and other parts of the United States.

Two rights commission officials confirmed the quasi-governmental agency had agreed to print and distribute the maps through its state offices to reach Mexican migrants before they ever leave their hometowns. It has not decided how many copies to print or how much it will spend on the project, the officials told The Republic.

They spoke on condition of anonymity pending the official announcement today. Officials in President Vicente Fox's office said Monday that they were unaware of the project and had no immediate comment. The Mexican Foreign Ministry said it would not be involved in distributing the maps.

The plan's proponents say they are trying to prevent deaths, and they deny the maps encourage people to cross.

"This is good information, and it will save lives," said Rev. Robin Hoover, president of Humane Borders.

But border-control advocates say they fear the maps could embolden people to make the trek.

"I'm afraid that maps and water jugs do nothing but give illegal crossers false hope," Arizona Rep. J.D. Hayworth, a Republican, said in a written statement. "Either we convince potential crossers not to make the journey or, failing that, we stop them from crossing the border."

Last year, the Mexican government outraged border-control activists in the United States by publishing a comic book containing safety tips for illegal immigrants. Soon afterward, the southeastern state of Yucatn published its own guide containing detailed information on routes through the desert.

Arizona has become the most traveled corridor for Mexicans trying to enter the United States illegally. Border Patrol agents in Arizona caught more than 577,000 undocumented migrants, most of them Mexicans, during the 2005 fiscal year. At least 279 immigrants attempting to cross the desert died during that time.

Humane Borders has produced maps for each of the four main corridors through Arizona: Douglas, Lukeville, Sasabe and Nogales.

The maps show mountains, roads, railroads and cities. Blue flags show where migrant-aid groups have left water tanks in the desert. Blue stars indicate Border Patrol rescue beacons where migrants can push a button to summon help.

Black lines show how far a migrant can expect to get walking one, two or three days.

The maps use red dots to show where migrants have died during the past four years. Humane Borders used data from the Border Patrol, medical examiners and other agencies to pinpoint each death.

At the top of each map, a bar graph shows the number of deaths during each month of the year. At the bottom are several tips including:

"Go with people you know and trust."

"Don't cross the desert between May and August, because the temperatures are very high."

"Bring enough water and food."

"Know your route well and the distance well before starting."

"Look for tanks of water in the desert that are marked with blue flags."

Large letters say "Don't go! There's not enough water! It's not worth it!"

Future versions of the maps will include circles showing cellular telephone coverage, Hoover said.

In May, Humane Borders distributed a few maps in Sasabe, Sonora, just over the border in Mexico. But the group decided it needed to get the information farther south, to discourage potential migrants before they even leave their hometowns, Hoover said.

The Human Rights Commission pledged its support in December. The agency is technically independent of the Mexican government, but it is funded by Mexican taxpayers and operates under a government charter.

The effort is supported by Pima County, partly as an attempt to help alleviate the expense of dealing with hundreds of corpses found in the desert, said Enrique Serna, a deputy county administrator who accompanied Hoover to Mexico.

Pima County encompasses Tucson and some 115 miles of the Arizona-Mexico border.

Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe, a Republican, said he supports the maps as a way of saving lives. But the best way of keeping migrants from dying in the desert is by helping Mexico create jobs and reforming U.S. laws to better manage migration, he said.

"It's hard to disagree with giving information to your citizens to save their lives," Kolbe said. "Ideally, what I would prefer is that they hand out flyers saying {grave}You don't have to cross the desert because there are jobs in Mexico, and here is some job information.' But that isn't going to happen, because there aren't jobs in Mexico."

Critics of the maps said they don't do enough to emphasize the dangers, or the illegality, of crossing the border.

"If you want to tell people, {grave}Don't go,' then that's an entirely different handout. You don't give people a map," said Rick Oltman, western field director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

Glenn H said...

Why should Oregon even consider securing its ID system... Lord knows if it were to happen then all the lefties out there would have no way to give and give to the illegals. What would they spend our money on then? Bet it wouldnt be anything to help the legal citizens in the state.

Shortly before I left Colorado we just started accepting MC cards as proof of ID at the jail for visitors... a sad day. Before I would routinely denie visitors access to the jail if they showed be a INS Border Crosser Card without the INS I94 (?) form... I tell them they were too far from the border w/o INS permission and breaking the law.

All I can say is - Fix It.

Wish I knew about your site before last weekend... I would have been at the Corney Circus with ya.

Anonymous said...

Wired Pig, Ther are more Carousels to come-FEB. 11th-Eugene & Feb. 25th-Salem. See you there.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and we also have this....

Authorities Find 'Massive' Border Tunnel Full of Pot
Thursday, January 26, 2006

SAN DIEGO — Authorities were removing an estimated 2 tons of marijuana from a "massive" cross-border tunnel that began near the Tijuana airport and ended near an apparently vacant industrial building on the U.S. side, officials said.

Authorities on Wednesday located the U.S. exit to the tunnel, which began inside a warehouse near the airport with a cement shaft about 10 feet wide and 7 feet long. The shaft dropped about 75 feet to the tunnel, which was armslength wide and high enough for an adult to stand inside.

The tunnel floor was cement, and lights ran down the side of one of the hard soil walls.

Mexican authorities allowed reporters and photographers in the tunnel late Wednesday night. Near the entrance, authorities were seen weighing what appeared to be marijuana. Several hundred packages wrapped with brown packing tape were stacked about 5 feet high.

The discovery of the exit prompted a criminal investigation by the U.S. Attorney's office in San Diego, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Mack described the passageway as longer than most of the 21 cross-border tunnels discovered since authorities began keeping track after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

"It's massive," she said.

Mexican investigators found the entrance to the tunnel Tuesday in the warehouse about 100 yards south of the border. The tunnel was equipped with a pulley system.

Also Wednesday, U.S. and Mexican authorities found an unfinished tunnel when a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle struck a sinkhole early Wednesday near the San Ysidro border crossing, which links Tijuana and San Diego. It was about two feet underground and extended about 30 feet into the United States, near a storm drain.

"It was very, very small and extremely primitive," Mack said.

The unfinished tunnel began just south of the border in Tijuana in a vacant lot, said Jose Marquez Padilla, a Mexican Customs director. It was about three feet wide.

Four tunnels have been discovered this month in the Tijuana-San Diego area.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know just why these tunnels are not blown shut or something? At least it would take them time to dig them again and they could shut them from the US side atleast. My brother is a border patrol agent in Nogales and he has told me some real horror stories, but he said they are not authorized to shut the tunnels. He has told me about driving the distance to Nogales from his home, which is about an hour's drive and almost running into Mexican trucks zipping down the road in the middle of the night with no lights. Again, nothing can be done. He actually thinks the border patrol is a joke since their hands are tied and they can do nothing. Until our government gets their head out of the sand we are stuck putting up with this crap.

Anonymous said...

Well now...i think someone is starting to get the message...

Mexico Cancels Border Map Program
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Anti-Immigration Groups Targeting Businesses
MEXICO CITY — Mexico will suspend its plan to distribute maps to migrants wanting to cross the U.S. border illegally, but an official said Thursday the decision was not made because of American pressure.

Miguel Angel Paredes, spokesman for the federal Human Rights Commission, said the decision was made because human rights officials in border states expressed concern that the maps would show anti-immigrant groups where migrants likely would gather.

On Wednesday, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the United States opposed the plan "in the strongest terms."