Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Now I remember, THIS is why I strongly oppose the gay agenda

The other day I was reading the Fishwrapper and I noticed the name "Savage." With fond thoughts of Michael Savage in my mind I started reading the article and was absoulutely disgusted by what I read.

Dan Savage, is the mouthpiece (no pun intended) for the gay movement in Seattle and his comments are the prime examples of the social degeneration that liberals, and gays in particular, want our society to embrace.

Some excerpts:

Savage -- who with his boyfriend, Terry, adopted their young son D.J. from a homeless Portland birth mother...

I'm sure they'll seize on the not-necessarily-monogamous stuff... This country has totally unrealistic expectations about monogamy. What are the odds of straight couples being totally monogamous over 40 or 50 years?
Good idea Savage, set the expectations low.

D.J.'s mom is on the streets. She was the most responsible drug-and-alcohol-plagued street kid I've ever met. She stayed clean for her entire pregnancy, and I feel very protective of her. But now, we don't know where she is.
I know that I'm always describing drug plagued street kids as responsible...

Straight people, the fins are sticking out of the water and the shark is coming for you, too.
Threats from the tolerance crowd.

Anyway, I brought this up even though it was a couple days ago because this idiot is also in the Portland Mercury.

What prompted so many young straights to run off and live like homos? I have a theory: A lot of the early opposition to the Gay Lifestyle was motivated by envy. Straight people resented gay people for giving themselves permission to do what a lot of straight people wanted to do but couldn't—have fun while you're young, sleep around while you're hot, and live someplace more interesting than the suburbs.

That sounds great! Doing drugs, have anonymous sex, no limits and no rules! That's what everyone should want! Thank goodness that there's no such thing as lasting consequences...

My point is, they gay movement is all about selfishness, a lack of responsibility and a tearing apart of the social fabric. They celebrate absolute anarchy while pretending to want happy families. (Two dads to their son: don't forget to "sleep around while you're hot")


Gunslinger said...

I like how the article refers to the birth mother as a "Kid." What the hell? So if I read that correctly, they used a young street junky to have a kid, then cast her back to the streets? Wow, that is really helping her. Awesome. I blame that show "My two dads" for starting all this.

Anonymous said...

I would assume by tony's digress, that he simply found a single article that bolstered his one way agenda. Otherwise, why digress into a meaningless stereotype of homosexuals. Poor taste.
And that research does show that a child is more likely to be molested by a heterosexual known to the child than by any homosexual.

Here are some findings from the scientific peer-reviewed journal, "Pediatrics" published in July of 1994. The study was done by Dr. Carole Jenny of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. The subjects were 269 sexually abused children seen at Denver Children's Hospital over the course of one year.

*1 in 219 girls was molested by a lesbian * 1 out of 50 boys by a gay male.*About 8 in 10 girls were molested by a man who was or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the child's mother or another relative. *3 out of 4 boys were abused by males in heterosexual relationships with female relatives.

2% of the boys in the study were molested by gay males.

98% of the boys in the study were molested by heterosexuals. Of that number, 75% were molested by heterosexual males KNOWN TO THE VICTIMS in an incestuous scenario.

0.05% of the girls in the study were molested by a lesbian.

99.5% of the girls in the study were molested by heterosexuals. Of that number, 80% were molested by heterosexual males KNOWN TO THE VICTIMS in an incestuous scenario.

Furthermore, being a victim myself i can attest, that in my scenario, a hetero male was the perpatrator.

Don't be as blinded by your preconceived notions that you'll find whatever words you can to satisfy your point.

Gunslinger said...

If a male "hetero-sexual" molests another male, doesn't that make him gay?

Gavin S. said...

Tony you are absolutely ridiculous. Your 'facts' are nothing but misconstrued percentages put together by one of THE MOST ANTI-GAY organizations out there.

How in the hell can you present these studies as factual? It's preposterous and only makes you look like a ignorant jackass. You should have prefaced your comment by saying "From the Family Research Council" so people could simply skip that BS.

Bryan H.
Gay Rights Watch

Gavin S. said...


Also do you persoanlly know ANY gay or lesbian couples that have children?

You also said "shame on the media for not printing this"...

The media doesn't use BS studies like this simply for that reason - they are formulated, biased and produced for a single reason--to promote their own anti-gay agenda.

Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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Anonymous said...

HEY! I had no idea...for the record, I am NOT the Terry who is, um, associated with that Savage guy. (He oughta change his name...)