Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Last chance effort

Please continue to call members of the Senate and ask them to vote NO on Senate Bill 2611, the so-called “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006.”

The bill grants amnesty to illegal aliens, sets up a guest worker program that would eventually bring in 66 to 90 million more immigrants over the next 20 years.

Make sure you call the D.C. office of Senator Gordon Smith.

Toll free at (866) 340-9281, (866) 220-0044 or directly at (202) 224-3753.

Senator Smith should vote NO on S. 2611 because it

* Amnesty 10 to 20 million illegal aliens.

* Increase our population of low-skilled
people by 60 to 90 million over the next 20
20 years.

* Senator Jeff Sessions states that S. 2611 would cost
the federal government $50 billion a year in just
welfare costs in the second 10 years of the program.

* Illegal aliens would be able to receive Social Security
benefits even though they committed a felony by
stealing the Social Security number of an American

Senator Ron Wyden –
Toll-free: 866-340-9281, 866-220-0044, and 888-355-3588.
Direct to Wyden’s office: 202-224-5244 (not toll-free)

Thank you OFIR


Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that Gordon Smith only cares about Gordon Smith. Having interacted with a number of his office staff, they are less than interested in the people of Oregon. His Chief of Staff is especially abrasive and doesn’t care about the concerns of constituents unless it benefits Gordon. I expect these types of votes from Ron Wyden, but am sad to see Gordon sell us out.

Anonymous said...

There is no difference between the two major political parties. Both elect leaders who are crooks and strong supporters of illegal activies, whether amongst themselves or of illegal aliens. The bad guys have truely won so prepare yourselves, your family, and your homes because they are coming after us.

Anonymous said...

The Federal government would put you away for 20 to 40 years if you (just) said that the Senators who advocated treason by voting for amnesty should bleed for it.Could it be true?

Anonymous said...

Robert, you work for Wells Fargo? BofA? Which bank that provides money for Mexico?

Anonymous said...

Smith and Wyden are all for unlimited illegal immigration. Here is what they just voted against; "To limit the total number of aliens, including spouses and children, granted employment-based legal permanent resident status to 650,000 during any fiscal year." They want all that can arrive but whatever method and then make them legal.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the previous Senate vote I posted:

Anonymous said...

Comments like Roger's are why our family is purchasing lots of guns. When elected officials side with those breaking the laws and creating new ones to let the illegals get even more rights than legal citizens have, yea I am upset, mad, and frightened. I am not an immigrant. It has been 100's of years since our family members legally immigranted to America. We are witnessing the toppling of Rome (America) by the horde invasion of illegal aliens and none of us can do a damn thing about it. Leaderless we are.

Anonymous said...

The main issue is that the anti-immigrant crowd got it's ass kicked by the pro-immigrant crowd and you bitches are smarting over it. All those "illegals" you speak of are soon to be "legal", so use the term while you can.

Anonymous said...

Checking some of the anti-immigrant crimes and actions Doger references in "his" post there is definately something to this. What Doger points out probably has alot to do with why the true border security advocates lost the debate. Because the racists, nativists and general idiots controlled the debate for the border secruity side, Senators were too affraid of political reprecussions if they voted for anything extreme. I know if I were a Senator, I would not want to be lumped in with that mess.