Thursday, April 20, 2006

Metro: pure genius

Those "smarter than us" folks at metro have done it again. Perhaps you've heard the commercials for It's a website you paid for that is jam packed with helpful tips such as:

Try making only right turns.
UPS experts have determined that left turns tend to take more time and waste more gas than right turns because drivers often have to wait for traffic and/or the light to change.

Consider one-stop shopping.
Many stores and shopping centers may offer you the opportunity to get all of your errands done in just one stop.
(But no Wal-Mart)

Another interesting fact:

Did you know?
Most American families spend more on transportation than on healthcare, education or food.

Following this revelation the Democrat party immediatly called for a "constitutional right" for "universal" transportation as well as a "gas stamp" program.

The one problem that I find with this super helpful website is that there is no Spanish version. Imagine, thousands of illegal aliens aren't grouping their trips to the liquor store and the High School to find underage girls to get drunk and rape.


BEAR said...

Since liberals are incapable of making any turn to the right, it must be THEM that are wasting all that gas!! It figures.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Hmm, we wouldn't want to build more roads, synchronize traffic signals somewhere besides downtown, use flashing yellow left-turn signals at night so people don't sit there for 3 min waiting for no one.

Nah, it's easier to build bike paths and tell us to make more right turns....

Anonymous said...

careful what you joke about! The dem's just might take you seriously!

Anonymous said...

"...synchronize traffic signals..."

I am thoroughly convinced Metro and ODOT intentionally refuse to synchronize lights other than downtown. This is their way to make us so frustrated, we have to find alternative modes.

I remember reading some study stating Portland-area commuters don't use side streets as much as highways. Well duh!! No one can stand stopping at every intersection.

davidhamilton said...

Try making only right turns. But suppose I want to go left? Should I go around the block, using three right turns instead of one left? Would that save gas?

Ric said...

There is a right turn only movement.

Number of accidents involving intersections, particularly left turns - is the highest category.
Sorry - motor vehicle collisions, not accidents. An accident implies it could not be helped.

Let see if we can get Tri-Met to use nothing but right hand turns?
Or, all the School Buses.