Watch the evening news on KATU channel 2 tonight. They took a statement from myself (the good side) and Ramon Ramirez (the "what laws?" side) about the temper tantrum planned for Monday.
Don't forget, it's American shopping day! Make your purchases, ignore stores that support the walk-out!
Hey, Mike!
Why do you remind me of Che Gueverra?
Unlike illegals, we don't have to accept exploitation. You apparently don't care so much for your fellow anti-American border crashers. Our triumph is represented by our flag. We don't have to crawl, whining, into another country to beg and steal. We Americans know how to tie our own shoe laces. Please remember the Russian promise; "We will bury you." Mikey.....who's your daddy?
Daniel, just heard you! Great JOB!!!!
Mike, everyone except people who make minimum wage work for what the market declares their labor is worth!
more like Daniel (the racist side) and Ramirez (the pro-immigrant side)
No, the idea is too show them that they will have an opposite effect.
Watch the economic reports later in the week.
AND we prefer the stores, roads and especially SCHOOLs being much less crowded. It will be a glaring reminder of how we should be living, instead of how we are FORCED to Live & Work. ALL because of an unsecure Border.
MIKE, it will cost NOTHING to deport. Illegal's are only 5% of our labor, they will be replaced with American workers, this will INCREASE the Tax Revenue for States and the Feds and be a HUGE economic BOOM.
FAR LESS persons will be on assistance.
CRIME, very expensive, will DROP (little Umatilla CO. would save $300,000/YR. JUST in Jail Bed space).
It is only $2 Billion to build an Isreal type double Wall.
California would save 5 times that alone in the 1st year.
Hospitals/DR.s will see a 50% DROP in "Charity Care".
Over $1.5 BILLION a Month will STAY here instead of going South.
SCHOOLS would see an 80% DROP in English Learner Students, saving $7 Billion/YR.
If Ilegal Aliens cannot work or get help from our Gov't, they WILL leave on thier own.
That is FREE.
AND we already PAY for Immigration enforcement with thousands of Agents. It would be the same money for them to WORK, instead of doing NOTHING most days.
Daniel, you did great on TV!
Thank you for taking time away from your Family to speak out for us Americans. If more people did, this would all go away.
Gonna get us that missed the news a clip?
Go shopping, you won't be able to get your fast food from some places.
Fear the "useless" people who are here. Fear...
M&M-stick with your little Bob Dylan wantabe music. By the way, I know the real Mike Mayhem and you're not him.
Mike Mayhem likes Kelly Pickler. That says enough to me that he has no idea what he's talking about.
non profit grant writing can help any organization gain the funding that they need, also. BTW great post! Really informative.
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