Illegal-immigration opponents have a message.
They'll sound it on the steps of the Capitol on Friday during an anti-illegal-immigration rally.
"It's appropriate to hold this rally on the steps of the Capitol because we believe the government of Oregon actively encourages illegal immigration," said Jim Ludwick, the president of Oregonians for Immigration Reform, a nonprofit group that opposes illegal immigration.
OFIR and Citizen Caucus, a conservative group based in Coos County, organized the event. It's set to start at 11 a.m.
It should be a good one, some good speakers and a chance to make a show of numbers. Be there if you can.
One thing about this article though:
Immigrant-rights activists, on the other hand, support legislation passed by the Senate in late May. That bill would give certain non-U.S. citizens living in the country a chance at citizenship.
No quote from any of these "immigrant-rights activists" to support this statement. Why not? Because the pro-illegal alien crowd doesn't like the senate bill. They say it doesn't give enough to illegal aliens and we need to have open borders.
From PCUN:
PCUN and CAUSA cannot support the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S 2611), the bill in its current form.
We want a workable and humane solution that rewards work, respects rights, unites families, protects workers, strengthens the economy, and leads to citizenship for immigrants who are here today and those who come in the future.

Translated: the proposal of the Senate is an advance but it is not sufficient
They want amnesty for everyone here and open borders for everyone that is going to come here. Anything less and these criminals and their supporters won't be satisfied... boo hoo.
I wonder if businesses would give people the day off if they skipped work to attend...
I will have several T-Shits that say:
Please borow one for this Rally for photos.
I will be wearing one and should be easy to find.
Any BIKERS out there?
Join the ride in Portland to come to Salem. We are trying to get permission for all Motorcycles to park right in front of Capitol.
Did ya know its a Felony to write a check on your overdrawn account but not if you illegaly enter the USA without authorization.
IIRC, it is not a felony the first time someone enters the USA illegaly, it's a misdemenor; the second time makes it a felony, after which the actor is no longer eligable for citizenship.
According to the present immigration laws, that is.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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