Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday night drunken rant

I have bad allergies. Real bad. I don't know, maybe it's AIDS. Oh wait, AIDS is a disease of choice. I definitely don't have that. In fact, I propose that we divert all taxpayer funding for AIDS into a permanent cure for allergies. Seriously.

Happy fathers day weekend to all you fathers out there. I guess that I'm discriminating because that doesn't include gays...

In the "there is hope for humanity" department: I invited my dad and my brother (a registered green party member) to go trap shooting on father's day and it's going to happen. Yes, my brother is going to go shooting. Oh, and I ate a salad the other day. Yes, a salad.

Mayor Tom Potter has demoted the chocolate body to captain. No word on a possible contract with Penthouse Letters.

(Is that a horrible picture or what?)

Did anyone catch the guest commentary in today's Oregonian about the "wings" of the parties no longer having control? It lamented the extremes of "both" parties and then went on to bash several conservative propositions. Let that be a lesson to you. Anyone who wants "non-partisan" or "moderate" politicians is really saying they want democrats positions. The column thought that having law enforcement disarm citizens in a time of crisis was a "moderate" position.

In the nation news department, Cynthia McKinney has not been indicted for hitting a DC police officer. Said McKinney, "I plan to join OJ in looking for the real hitter in this incident."

In the really local news that no one but me cares about: why did Sherwood make the sidewalks in the new downtown area the same level as the street? It's stupid.


Anonymous said...

I guess if Karl Rove can take a walk for betraying our country and putting intel operatives in danger, certainly McKinney can take a walk for tapping a D.C cop.

Anonymous said...

First Anonymous , you don't know crap. You only hear and read what you want to hear and read , not what is really there . Not the truth for sure . There is not a shred of evidence to indicate any law breaking on Roves part at this time ,so lets convict him anyway. Now McKinney is another matter, for she definately hit a person that was there for HER protection.

MAX Redline said...

Dishonest Abe:

Facts just really seem to bug you a lot. You just can't stand them.

Fact: Plame had not been a "spy" for over six years, and her own husband had publicly referred to her work as an analyst at Langly.

Your version: Rove "sells out U.S. spies".

You really need to choose a different moniker, as you clearly wouldn't recognize honesty if in snuck up behind you and bit you on the butt with all 32 teeth.

Daniel said...

Typical 3rd grade logic. Timmy gets in trouble so he quickly points out that Billy did something worse. (Not that I am conceding anything about Rove, who I personally think is a total jackass)

R Huse said...

Get over it; the only deep secret revealed in the Plame outing was her incredibly poor judgment. Her recommendation of husband Joe Wilson to do the Niger report did more to jeopardize this countries safety than any revelation of her identity. The only substantial damage that accrued to her was she was shown to be little more than a desk bound political hack. Her actions were deplorable, her judgment, appalling.

R Huse said...

Daniel – I do agree with you that AIDS is over funded when compared on a funding per patient basis. I do not agree with you that it is a disease you choose to get anymore than lots of diseases could be considered as such.

Heart disease? Stop eating like a pig and maybe take a jog around the trailer once in a while. Arthritis? Obviously you didn’t keep bees (yes, bee keepers have an extremely low incidence of arthritis). Allergies? Move; find a place where they do not affect you. AIDS? Stop running around being a fuck bunny.

The fact is, to some extent we all bring some diseases on ourselves. AIDS perhaps more than others. I am not one who falls for the line that AIDS affects everyone. It simply is untrue. Most people do not know someone with AIDS. Most don’t have it. Even with all the propaganda the fact remains that AIDS is a disease that mostly affects gay men; it has not spread into the straight community. That said, that does not mean we should not look for a cure. What it means is that it should be funded in terms of research with the same amount of dollars as any other disease. The focus should be on curing the disease because of our humanity. That means fair funds should be apportioned, if we are to fund any disease research at all. That’s does not mean that disproportionately large funds should be spent because a lot of people wear cute ribbons, or because people long for the good old days of being fuck bunnies. It also does not mean that lesser funds should be spent because the victims are gay. They are human beings and they deserve no less treatment than anyone else if we are to spend taxpayer funding on medical research at all.

The obligatory – Yes, I have allergies, yes I know people with AIDS, 15 or so dead. Yes I have raised money for AIDS victims on an individual and group level. La La La La oh Goddamn I care so much about everything.

BEAR said...

Thank goodness for liberal guilt.....job security for therapists.

Anonymous said...

Be real. Rove told Libby to leak the name of Plame to the press as being a CIA-NOC thereby putting U.S. intelligence agents in danger whom she worked with.

Regardless of Rove, Libby will surely go down for this demonstrating once and for all that the White House under Bush's leadership cares more about politics than the security of our nation.

Anonymous said...

"Sgt". Lewis,

R Huse said...

Love it how the left seems to think leaking a desk jockeys name to the press puts people lives in danger, but giving full constitutional rights to terrorists at Gitmo or faking an intelligence report, as Plames husband Wilson did, doesn’t. Frankly I think people with this kind of faulty logic wiring probably put more peoples lives at risk just driving their car to work than leaking the name of every CIA agent ever would.

Jim in KFalls said...

Side walks, don't you mean running lanes? Sherwood would be the first city in the country to have both bike lanes and running lanes on their streets...then they can take over an additional 16 feet of land from property owners to make room for the real side walks.

Can you imagine running lanes on the freeway...