Monday, June 19, 2006

The Oregonian: Latinos = illegal aliens

Immigrant roundup could hurt fire effort
Across the country, a growing number of Latinos are taking on the hot, dangerous and dirty work because the demand is high and it usually pays better than farm work.

Many -- nobody knows how many -- are undocumented, a problem Franco claims does not concern him.

National standards require the crew boss and the three squad leaders on each 20-man crew to speak sufficient English and the language of the crew.

But the audit found no guarantee that non-English-speaking crew supervisors can talk to incident coordinators who oversee firefighting strategy, and there is no standard language assessment for crew members.

I'm not even sure what the Fishwrapper is saying here. Are all hispanics illegal? The one that is cooking me breakfast right now isn't. I'm not going to face a shortage of breakfast due to the immigration crackdown.

Thankfully though the firefighters seem to have recognized the safety concern of having illegal aliens on there crews:

The U.S. Forest Service inspector general has launched an effort to identify illegal immigrants who are working for contract crews.

Once again, I hope to see some familiar faces get deported:

I look forward to seeing you guys go from waiting in a line for your matricula card to getting frog-marched in a line to the nearest immigration detention center.


Robin said...

it sounds to me like the daily dead fish wrapper is trying to make the case for hiring illegal aliens i.e. "see, we need them."

on the issue of crew bosses needing to be bilingual... another one of the unforeseen expenditures of turning our backs to immigration issues

Anonymous said...

The reforestation/wildfire control service companies that contract to BLM, USFS and the State have for many ears used Illegal Aliens in place of College students.

Again US Students lose as more must rely on loans for schooling rather than work and pay their way along.

This makes importing and distibuting Illegal Drugs from Mexico an almost natural extension of the service contracting business as the Illegals use the boost they gain from the Meth to out-preform the students.

BEAR said...

Mr. Daniel, have the carousels of crime become history? If so, I have to research some hobbies for senora ugarte.

Anonymous said...

"... the audit found no guarantee that non-English-speaking crew supervisors can talk to incident coordinators who oversee firefighting strategy ..."

Wow. That sure sounds like a cluster-f*ck. One that could cost lives.