Yes, the crack lawyers at The Nation have come to the conclusion that "lying" is not illegal. Unless of course it is under oath. (I did not have sex with that woman)
The article goes on to not really specify what "lie" was told but Bush and Rove are bad. Real bad.
I'm not a doctor, but I play one on T.V.....aren't the lefties doing what my Webster's defines as projecting? Wow, I think I just made a "glittering" understatement!! LOL.
Oh, here we go. As if blowing the cover of a CIA agent is compared to fucking some broad. Listen Daniel Miglaves, the fact is we won't know what damage has been done by those that leaked the name of Valerie Plame as being CIA until a damage assessment has been done. The American operatives she worked with overseas are at risk. These are people I highly respect. Those that keep your worthless excon ass, your wife and kid safe in Sherwood.
People like you that claim to be freedom loving, god fearing and patriotic Americans think this is all a big joke. You think it is cool to play with the lives of those that protect us for some worthless political gain.
Sir, I hope I don't run into you at the next OFIR rally. Until then, continue to make light of their service to this country.
Daniel is an ex-con? Huh? Is this fact or no?
Oh get over it – you are so not a former intel official and the whole Plame thing was a tempest in a tea pot that never got off the ground. Lets stop trying to make out that she was a brave, valiant covert Joan of Arc working tirelessly to keep us all safe.
At the end of the day Plame will be remembered for recommending her husband, Joe Wilson, to investigate the Niger yellow cake connection. Wilson was later was proven to be a complete liar and the furthest thing from an impartial gatherer of intelligence one could imagine. It can hardly be thought possible that Plame would have recommended Wilson for the assignment not knowing his agenda. This speaks volumes about her judgment.
You got faded. Burned. By r huse.
Former intell -
First, I call BS on your nic.
Second, Plame was NOT an "undercover operative". She had not been out of the country in the past six years as the "rules" say she must be to qualify for that.
Third, she recomended Joey, an unskilled layman to investigate the Niger yellow cake rumor, and he dallied a while and came back and did what a good leftist would do: blasted President Bush.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
"As if blowing the cover of a CIA agent is compared to fucking some broad. Listen Daniel Miglaves, the fact is we won't know what damage has been done by those that leaked the name of Valerie Plame as being CIA ..." blah, blah, blah.
Listen, alleged former intel officer, and listen good: Valerie Plame had no cover. She was already known to be employed as an analyst - not as an undercover secret agent - at Langly. Hell's bells, her own husband spoke openly about the fact that she worked at CIA a full two years before her "cover" was supposedly "blown".
You are an absolute imbecile, and I don't believe that you have ever been involved in any way, shape, or form in intel ops. If you ever were, your sheer idiocy makes it clear as to why you're a "former".
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