Saturday, June 04, 2005

NARAL: Standing up for women's dignity with a kissing booth

Pro-Choice Dance Party & Contraceptive Night
Join NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon on Sunday, June 26 at Portland's hippest music spot - The Doug Fir Lounge - for a Pro-Choice Dance Party and Contraceptive Night. Bands will include "Strength," "The Snuggle-Ups," and "The Planet." DJ Somebody will keep us grooving between sets. We'll be entertained with an innovative pro-choice cabaret and educated on contraceptive options by Lovejoy Surgicenter. Lots more fun, including a kissing booth, a raffle, and free stuff - plus drinks!

From The Doug Fir Lounge web site calender:
A hot-sweaty-dance-party benefit for NARAL...

A google search for "Lovejoy Surgicenter" brings up the results: Lovejoy Surgicenter, Portland Oregon's leading abortion clinic

What a proud title. Oregon's "leading" abortion clinic.

So NARAL is promoting "safe sex" by having a "hot-sweaty-dance-party" with a kissing booth and drinks"!" at a venue that features an attached motel. I have soooo much respect for the women who attend this...

LINK to NARAL Oregon (click on their calender to see their "events")


Anonymous said...

So they're creating a fun event. I wonder whether you even have the facts right, like when you claimed that there was an event earlier this year that was at a strip club, which wasn't actually a strip club.

Daniel said...

Here is the LINK to the strip club story that anonymous is referring to.

And the follow up where State school superintendent says that it was a strip club... LINK

And finally the story about representative Nolan attending the NARAL event at the strip club... LINK

So it was a strip club. Period. And for some people a "fun event" involves shooting heroin. JWalker is correct that these people do not behave in a proffessional manner. And, being feminists, the self-proclaimed defenders of women's dignity and keeping women from being objectified as just sex objects, I think that a "hot sweaty dance" and kissing booth is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the event is about promoting safe-sex, not about abstinence. People are going to have sex, so why not make it as safe as possible?

As far as your comment about the "feminists" go - do you even know what feminism is about? The media has done a good job in skewing the goals of many feminists . . . a good site for you to check out to learn more about feminism today would be (I am sure that you will absolutely HATE this site, but it is a good starting place for you to learn about the feminist movement today).

Feminists aren't about not having sex, they are about not being labelled for their choices (whatever those may be) - a woman should be able to walk out her door and not be called a slut, a whore, frigid, tight, loose, etc . . .

In the future, you should be more careful about throwing out terms that you don't fully understand.

PS. Making a link between shooting heroin and a dance party as "fun times?" Come on - even you know that is a faulty comparison.

Daniel said...

From the website:

Since 1985 the Guerrilla Girls have been reinventing the “F” word—feminism, that is. Still going strong in the 21st century, we're a bunch of anonymous females who take the names of dead women artists as pseudonyms and appear in public wearing gorilla masks.

Ok, sounds like a great group. I guess...

As for your comments anonymous;

Feminists aren't about not having sex, they are about not being labelled for their choices (whatever those may be)

How about labels like "extremist" or "anti-choice?" Those labels seem to be tossed around by the feminists a lot these days.

Anonymous said...

You were selective in quoting the Guerrilla Girl's website - that is not being fair to the information that is posted there. After the blurb you pulled from the very front page of the site (did you even look further?), the Guerrilla Girls go on to explain that:

"In 20 years we have produced over 100 posters, stickers, books, printed projects, and actions that expose sexism and racism in politics, the art world, film and the culture at large. We use humor to convey information, provoke discussion, and show that feminists can be funny. We wear gorilla masks to focus on the issues rather than our personalities. Dubbing ourselves the conscience of culture, we declare ourselves feminist counterparts to the mostly male tradition of anonymous do-gooders like Robin Hood, Batman, and the Lone Ranger. Our work has been passed around the world by kindred spirits who we are proud to have as supporters. The mystery surrounding our identities has attracted attention. We could be anyone; we are everywhere."

To get a better idea of some of their campaigns, just check out the link on the site to their "Posters/Actions," or "Newsletter."

If I had the time and space I would try to explain to you what feminism is, but I am not sure that you would listen anyways. It is more complicated than what you are making it out to be (and to be fair, what a lot of misinformed people make it out to be). This is largely do to biased media coverage and a society that is cleary male-oriented.

And you have some of the oddest logical connections in all of your arguments I am noticing . . .

>As for your comments anonymous;

Feminists aren't about not having sex, they are about not being labelled for their choices (whatever those may be)

How about labels like "extremist" or "anti-choice?" Those labels seem to be tossed around by the feminists a lot these days.<

Umm . . . I never said anything about feminists using labels. I was refering to the fact that they don't want women being labelled with damaging and constrictive stereotypes (this goes for men as well - both genders need to deal with restrictive cultural norms). . .and is "anti-choice" really a label?

Think before you write shit down.

This will be the last time I visit your blog. I find it pointless to engage you in debate . . . you will obviously never change your (angry) mind. Really, I feel sorry you. You obviously have a lot of energy but it is going nowhere productive.

Best of luck in your ranting. I'm not listening anymore.

Daniel said...

I never said anything about feminists using labels. I was refering to the fact that they don't want women being labelled

Seems to contradict itself...
And yes, I did look further on the website. I just didn't think that it was all that interesting.

Anonymous said...

Different Anonymous than above...

You are implying that since the Doug Fir (a very hip lounge) has a 'motel' attached to it people are going to get drunk and all get rooms there and have sex? Give me a break Daniel. You sure do grasp at anything you can.