Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm a boy, no I'm a girl, no wait...

Appeals Court Reverses Radical Judge's Gender-Bending Ruling
A precedent-setting case in Florida has ended with a court order annulling the marriage between a transsexual who was born female and a biological mother of two children. One pro-family legal expert believes the court's action will have major repercussions.

The Florida case involved transsexual Michael Kantaras (born Margo Kantaras), who had married a woman (Linda Kantaras) with two biological children of her own. Linda Kantaras later became a Christian and sought to annul the marriage. However, a child custody dispute between the estranged couple had to be resolved in court.

Judge O'Brien ruled that the Kantarases' transsexual marriage was legal, and he granted custody of the 11-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son to Michael (Margo) Kantaras. But that decision was overturned last year by a Florida appellate court, and last week, a court-approved settlement returned the two children to the primary care of their biological mother.

What kind of nutty judge awards custody of two kids to a transsexual over the Christian biological birth mother? Where are these kids going to be better off? Thankfully this crazyness has been fixed and it sounds as if this could be a landmark ruling that keeps the whole "gender identity" nonsense in check.


The Rambling Taoist said...

While I will certainly agree that a biological parent should generally be awarded their own children instead of a step-parent, I don't think the issue of transexuality should play a major role in decisions of this nature.

I mean, if Michael had been born Michael, I still think the court would be correct in granting custody to the biological mother.

The only way that I think the transexuality issue would be material is if Linda was unaware that Michael began life as Margo.

Daniel said...

The reason that this current ruling is so important is because it turned back the ruling that the judge made where he said wacky things like "self-identity" was more relevant to determining a persons gender than biology was.

And I don't think that a transsexual is fit to raise a parent. Someone who attempts to change their sex has some mental health issues that need to be addressed.

The Rambling Taoist said...

And I don't think that a transsexual is fit to raise a parent.

I hope you meant " to raise a CHILD" because, if not, this sentence doesn't make any sense.

Someone who attempts to change their sex has some mental health issues that need to be addressed.

Look, I don't necessarily understand transexuality. That said, just because I don't understand it, that doesn't mean I think it qualifies as a mental health issue.

If not understanding something qualified it as a mental health problem, then I would add Republicans to the mix. I've never understood how a sane and rational individual would willingly choose to be a Republican.