Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hillary's village includes illegals

Clinton says the government isn't doing its part for Latinos
Without mentioning the president by name, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told leaders of the nation's Latino community Monday that the Bush administration is not doing enough for their families.

''You are doing your part,'' the New York Democrat told 2,000 delegates to the annual convention of the National Conference of La Raza (The Race) in Philadelphia. ''But I don't know that your government is doing its part right now.''

...the senator spoke in favor of several bills now pending before Congress...

One would help children of illegal immigrants go to college by encouraging states to let those children pay in-state tuition rates where they live.

Clinton also called on the federal government to do more to reimburse hospitals that provide free health care to immigrants.

So Clinton, speaking at the Klan meeting for Latinos, said that we are not doing enough for Hispanic families. Why Hispanic families should be treated any different than other families is beyond me but I think that what she is really talking about is illegal aliens.

In a classic example of "not doing enough" the state of Oregon is hiring for the following bilingual positions: (BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE) and (OREGON HEALTH PHONE BANK-SPANISH SPEAKING). Clearly though, taxpayer funded health care and government workers who speak your language are "not enough."

I'm also very confused by the contradictory "in-state tuition" bill. I though illegal aliens only came here to do the jobs that "Americans won't do?" Wouldn't a college degree mean that they are pursuing jobs that Americans would do? (Note: My personal belief is that Americans will fill any job either with a worker or with American ingenuity.)

But hey, I hope that Ms. Clinton continues to support the lawbreakers. Make it a campaign slogan: Vote Clinton in '08! Perfect record on supporting criminals!


Anonymous said...

Great discussion here...NOT!

This isn't a blog, it's just a place where the same few feeble-minded conservatives get together and jerk each other off! Come on, let's add a little depth the discussion here.

Besides blueoregon, do any of you know a place where discussion takes place at level where one might actually get around to discussing some policy ideas?

Anonymous said...

Try using proper english then you can slam us.

Anonymous said...

we could always solve the illgal problem by invading mexico & makeing it the 51st state ...... well maybe not mexico.

Daniel said...

Yes, BlueOregon is a great place where they censor the conversation so you only hear what you want to hear. (I have been banned.)

Daniel said...

Sue, here it is: