Working with several other agencies, Corvallis Police busted a drug ring Tuesday that they say supplied many pounds of meth and cocaine to the mid-valley each week. Police anticipate that the amount of drugs being moved dwarfed anything the city has ever seen.
[Captain Jonathan M. Sassaman of the Corvallis Police Department] says the investigation revealed that “La Poderosa Mexican Store” located at 1411 NW 9th Street in Corvallis, “Gregorios Auto Body” located at 4079 SE 3rd Street in Corvallis and “Del Valle Mexican Store” located at 1339 Monmouth Street, Independence, Oregon were used as cover for the drug trafficking and money laundering operations of the organization.
And the arrested:
Isidro Linares Andrade
Ricardo Linarez Andrade
Irma Linares Munguia
Ashley Nicole Palomo
Jesus Monroy Lopez
Jorge Soto Aquino
Gregorio Hernandez
Jose Bernal Ortiz
Manuel Salgado Lujano
Nadia Fabiola Legorreta
Raul Becerra Cardenas
John Smith
Ok you caught me, the last name I made up.
These folks are NOT lodged in the Benton County Jail (or have not been added to the list yet) so I can't check for ICE holds. Anyone want to put a gentlemen's wager that we have at least 3 "hardworking immigrants" in the bunch?
But remember, we can't deport them because it would "break up families."
Or perhaps we will finally get a defense attorney brave enough to use the "it's part of their culture" defense. I mean, we have Mexicans (again, willing to make a bet here) selling drugs that originated from... Mexico (betting double or nothing on this one) and selling them out of... Mexican stores.
If only there was some sort of pattern here that we could identify.
Is it Oregon or is it Mexico? (hint: it's Woodburn)
**UPDATE** "Most of the defendants spoke Spanish and were accompanied by a translator."
From the Corvallis Gazette-Times story. Still no sign of these folks in the Benton or Polk county jail lists.
Perhaps they will be allowed conjugal visits in Prison so they can continue squirting babies.
White Americans bear children and start families.
Immigrants "squirt babies."
No, good parents bear children.
Bad parents make criminals of their children at a young age (by dragging them across the border) or use them as tools to try to negate the fact that the parents are criminals. (anchor babies)
Hey, Mr. Daniel, racism watch (a.k.a. la raza shill) has a good point.......those victims of American injustice, so rudely interrupted from doing jobs Americans won't do, all seem to have classic IRISH names, right?......hmmm. I would submit that immigrants have babies, and illegal aliens drop anchors.
I would submit to you anti-American libs out there, that communities that harbor such criminality, under the guise of "diversity," should be ashamed, and should wake up to their own duplicity. They are such fools.
I want to thank you for addressing this topic. I am trying to raise a family here in "Indepencio" and we awoke Wed. morn. to see police storming "Mr." Linares' house right across the street from us. People wondered why we were suspicious of a family that had a Jag in the garage, never seemed to go to work, and rented a 1200 sq ft home. Huh? It's a mystery.
Funny, the "open" sign is in English. Hmmm.
"Anti-American libs" is an evasive bullshit non-argument made by morons who have nothing to say.
Tell it to all the supporters of la raza, aztlan, and la causa. Claims of patriotism while working for the destruction of our laws and society are foolish....sheesh.
It's a very good argument, because anti-american libs are the ones that support this type of criminal activity. Open your eyes.
Daniel, are you sure that picture is in Woodburn, it looks more like Av. Revolution in Tijuana. Ooops, I forgot Teddy K has annexed Oregon to Mexico.
Anon 8:26, Oregon is annexed to Mexico. With that umbilical cord we call "I-5."
Bad parents instill in their children a fear of people who are different, particularly people from other countries who speak a different language. They do this by dehumanizing them in both word and deed. For example, they aren't humans; they're "aliens." (Note: Focus all your attention on the "aliens" so it soon becomes irrelevant to them if they are actually "aliens" or not, so that whenever they see a Latino person or see something written in Spanish, they have an immediate, visceral and negative response and soon do not make any effort to distinguish between the two.
Also, if you see a shop in an Oregon town called Tienda Lucreo's, take a picture of it and post it on your blog with a caption that suggests (subtly, of course, you don't want to be too obvious about it) that it is a threat to them. (If you haven't taken your children to other countries and they haven't had an opportunity to see the extent to which they have been Americanized and taken over by OUR culture and economic interests, all the better, because then they might wonder if you have some sort of double-standard.)
Also, respect for the law: Bad parents teach their children that the law ought to be applied selectively: For example, if a Latino man working in a field picking cherries or something is found to not have a card in his pocket that is green, he is an "alien" and is thus a criminal. He deserves to go to jail and be sent back to a place he decided to leave so he could earn a living.
If it is impossible to ignore the fact that this might be disruptive to the man's family and even split them apart, don't mourn the fact. Celebrate it! Revel in their pain.
But on the other hand, if a white American who professes to be a Christian tells many lies and then uses your money to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in another country and it is clear to most rational people, even to some Republicans, that this might actually be a violation of some laws that the leaders of all other nations are expected to follow, you must disuade your children from believing that these laws are legitimate ... but only in this case. This may be confusing to them at first, but they will soon catch on, particularly if you fill their heads with religion. Hypocrisy will become second-nature to them.
These are just a few things that bad parents can do to turn their children into ignorant little xenophobes and racists. We'll have more examples later. Check back soon!
So if I understand you correctly; Bush may or may not have started an illegal war, therefor, all U.S. laws are void?
I have always heard that two wrongs don't make a right, but according to teacher's formula; two wrongs DO make a right!
Boy! The things you learn!
"LA RAZA" nuff said!
Anon 10:05, thanks for your question and for participating. First of all, there's no "may" about it. Secondly, I didn't say that "all U.S. laws are void," although I think you should be congratulated for using the standard debate method that bad parents should teach their children: Avoid dealing with the real issue, change the subject, etc. You've learned your lesson well.
No, the main point here is that if, at the end of the day, your ultimate concern is constructing a society as white as possible, then you must be prepared to selectively apply your professed principles and positions. Daniel has mastered this skill well. Observe him. Learn from him.
The horrors or having our children "Americanized." Yeah, that's my biggest fear.
Our culture is superior, our economic system is superior and our country is superior. Don't believe me? Ask the 20 million illegal aliens who have voted with their feet on which country is better!
Spoken like a supremely arrogant, provincial fool who revels in his own ignorance and hubris. I feel so sorry for you, Daniel. I hope someday you grow up and figure it out.
Daniel does the best impersonation of a Roman centurion I've ever heard. I wonder if he knows how that story ended. Probably not. Should we tell him? No, let it be a surprise.
To the teacher:
You are the one who makes this a "white versus everybody else" situation.
There are many hispanics and others from all over the world who waited in line to legally immigrate to this country and support our immigration laws. Not to mention many that were born U.S. citizens, and want the immigration laws enforced.
So, it is about the rule of law and showing respect for blue collar workers, whose wages are undercut by illegal aliens.
It is about criminal misconduct which this post points out.
It is about state tax dollars being consumed by people who have no right to be here, while there is less tax dollars for those with a right to be here.
It is about adopting the social norms of this country, not having to adopt other countries social norms.
"The teacher" is an arrogant handle.
Arrogance and hubris will lead to your failure to persuade anybody of the rightousness of your cause.
Indeed, you fail to recognize the honest, heartfelt, and reasonable concerns of Daniel and many others who think the same way.
You dismiss Daniel's concerns and substitute your own belittling characterizations of what you think his concerns are without ever stopping to consider, "Daniel always supplies evidence, maybe he's got a point."
"Maybe, just maybe illegal immigration is out of control, and an amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigration."
Teach, take a look at the evidence and come down from that false pulpit.
But understand this, if you call others racists, most likely it is you who are demagoguing the issue.
Darn, there goes my "illegal" source of sudafed!
I hope these scumbags rot in jail! Oh wait, they are innocent until proven guilty.
Those arrested are crying like babies because they automatically haven't been given court appointed attorneys and some have high bail. Why should taxpayers be expected to pay for their defense after they were poisoning our communities?? They have been laughing all the way to the bank for a long, long time. Wonder if it was Bank of (UN)America? Hmmmm, maybe they should have set aside a legal defense fund and a fund to pay for translators in court. Let's see how many of them will play the "I don't understand English" game now that they've been arrested. Funny, they've been able to get by quite nicely all this time without translators. Our law enforcement have done their job. It is NOW time for our judicial system to do ITS job and not coddle these criminals. SueK
Teacher, you're right. There is no may or may not about it. It's not an illegal war.
It's not about race. That's what YOU are making it out to be, which makes YOU the racist. This is about respecting laws, and the criminal aliens are the ones tearing their families apart, not us.
DEAR ANON 10:15.
LA RAZA.....if you read their doctrine...ANY THING WHITE MAYBE TOAST....get real asswipe!!!
Is it Washington or is it Germany? (I'll give you a hint, it's Leavenworth.)
I just have one thing to say to "teacher": Vouchers, home school, private school, what ever it takes to get these socialist-communist propaganda merchants out of our schools. Take your one world multicultural ideals with you.
I'm not "multicultural." The world is multicultural. Deal with it.
Japan is NOT Multicultural, neither is France(yet) or Italy. Africa via Muslims is being forced to be multicutural & millions have been raped, burned and killed for not accepting the culture of the Middle East. France with 5,000 Cars burned up, had a taste of Multiculturalism, last year.
America IS the most multicutural nation on earth.
With LEGAL immigrants and peoples of all Races & Ethincities.
Millions come to get a piece of the American culture, PROOF that we have a large envious World that begs for our culture.
Spoiled rotten dumb ass only have a heart and no brain liberals are NOT balanced, they are my way or the hi-way small minded and shallow idiots with a mental disorder who claim RACISM, if you do not like the Pregnant norm of the 12 yr. old girls of Mexico/Woodburn (sit in the Parking lot of Salud De Medical, close to the H.S. for convience)
I do understand because I was young and ignorant too but grew up when I had a child and wondered how I would raise my child with the paycheck I have left after the Liberal, cradle to grave-especially for Hispanics, because they are so "needy", Govt. took MY money that I worked for.
Hopefully most Liberals will grow up also, even with a test tube Baby (having Sex with the same Gender does not produce a Child, sorry, scientific fact for some reason, A Law of NATURE thing, you must just hate).
Bad Parents are people who are still Liberal, even after getting a Child one way or another and telling them that anybody that thinks all those Grandparents who died for us to have a Nation, all our own, are Hateful to only allow so many to come here every year, because they just won't make any good changes for their own nation.
So,we should just let everybody who wants a better life to take it?
Bad Parents tell thier creation that people that want our Border secure are Xenophobes.
GOOD Parents, who brought a Human onto this Earth with Love, naturally, tell their Child that a Nation of 300 Million peoples must have law & order or else complete Chaos happens and people get hurt or DIE, when their is only chaos.
Millions of people fleeig chaos and corruption should prove this to Liberals, ahh if they only had a Brain.
You guys don't get out much, do you?
I can only guess we have a ton of Drug Fronts all over Oregon.
When was the last time you saw a Mexican restaurant go broke even when they have few customers?
What ya got in that take-home box?
Nope, no racism here!
3. Self-Defense against the occupying forces of the oppressors at every school, every available man, woman, and child.
4. Community nationalization and organization of all Chicanos: El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán.
5. Economic program to drive the exploiter out of our community and a welding together of our people's combined resources to control their own production through cooperative effort.
6. Creation of an independent local, regional, and national political party.
A nation autonomous and free - culturally, socially, economically, and politically- will make its own decisions on the usage of our lands, the taxation of our goods, the utilization of our bodies for war, the determination of justice (reward and punishment), and the profit of our sweat.
El Plan de Aztlán is the plan of liberation!
Back to UO MEChA homepage
My question is "What happen to diverse, mulit-culturalism, and can't we all just get along?"
I oppose ALL forms of nationalism and race identity politics. La Raza is as disoriented and reactionary than you people are. Different words, same message. You may be from different nations, speak different languages and have different skin color and cultures, but you are all working class brothers and sisters, and at the moment, you're stuck in the same swamp. You can fight amongst yourselves, or you can fight together.
DEAR COMMIE: MY GOD(I know you don't think there is one) They don't wanna work together, an that includes you....STUPID!
That's correct: They don't want to work with you, and you don't want to work with them -- even though you serve the same function within the capitalist model of economic and social relations, and have the same objective interests.
Which is why neither of you will get anywhere following your present course. You -- you in the collective sense -- are trapped in the cul-de-sac of bourgeois protest and identity politics. Are you having fun with that? Then by all means, continue to do what you're doing.
That's correct: They don't want to work with you, and you don't want to work with them -- even though you serve the same function within the capitalist model of economic and social relations, and have the same objective interests. SAID THE COMMIE.
Unless you are a "latino commie" an it sounds like you might be, there is no room for your politics either.
An then there is the "little matter" of Radical Islam.
Unless you and the la Raza CLOWNS......don't chose their views, you guys are DOA!
God is going to cleanup this mess sooner then later....TAKE IT TOO THE BANK!
If God cleans up this mess, I can guarantee you one of the first things to go will be the banks. So taking it to the bank really wouldn't be a safe bet. You'd be better off putting under the mattress.
Anonymous 6:40 wrote: "So,we should just let everybody who wants a better life to take it?"
Why not? Isn't that how we ended up with our country? Seems to me that there were people here already who liked their lives the way they were, thank you. and we took much of the land from them.
Good timing on our part, if we had waited a 100 years they'd be talking about the United States committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. They would talk about how the United States was building re-eduction camps and was showing a total and complete disregard for human dignity and suffering.
Why not? Isn't that how we ended up with our country? Seems to me that there were people here already who liked their lives the way they were, thank you. and we took much of the land from them. ROBERT SAYTH THAT.
Ok...Let's give it Back!
So what you're saying is "so sad, too bad. We stole from you, get used to it."
Funny, we don't allow other countries to say the same thing. Funny how we can defend Israel's right to exist based in large part upon their historical claim to the land.
I wonder how we would react if the Clatsop Indians came up to us and said, "you can continue to live here, but now you're part of the Clatsop nation."
Maybe we could give them all the federal, state and local lands that have no one living on them.
A convenient cop-out: God will clean up the mess and take care of everything, so I can basically go through life without really trying to seriously understand anything and without taking any responsibility for the conditions in which I live. But at least I can go to Daniel Miglav's blog and bitch about it.
You remember what Charlton Heston said? "WHEN YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!"
I take issue with the "we" stuff because I just wasn't around back then to take anyone's land and the apostrophe goes after the "s" when you make my last name possessive.
The Management.
Daniel Miglavs returns to clarify his own well thought-out positions, including his belief that it's unfair and ludicrous to suggest that all Mexican restaurants are fronts for the drug trade.
Oh ... wait, I guess he didn't say that. Obviously, he didn't see that as something he wanted to distance himself from.
(Just keep repeating: Daniel is not racist, Daniel is not racist ...)
P.S. to Anon 12:26: Fuck you.
Daniel is pointing out other's grammatical errors? I hardly think you have license to do that considering the following:
"If after you are done reading you may want to go here..."
Bravo, Daniel.
We as a nation. As a corporate entity we have been in continual existence for over 200 years. Just like any corporation remains responsible for illegal actions even if they were undertaken by a different CEO. We, "the people", also have to accept responsibility for actions taken by our country.
Invidiually, you're right. The vast majority of us did not steal land from Native Americans. However, Our country does bear that responsibility and it is part of our debt and heritage until we make it right. Made especially relevant by the fact that we continue to profit from that theft.
For instance, your Grandfather steals a car. That car is passed down from him to your father to you. Once it had been determined that the car was stolen property, you souldn't be able to keep it simply because you were not the one that had stolen it.
Daniel Miglavs, Master of the Apostrophe, Idiot About Everything Else.
Bunch of liberal cowards hiding behind other peoples' ideas and avoiding responsibility for their own actions.
How are those no money down, high risk loans doing that the "they're only here to make their lives better" illegal immigrants get? Oh right, they're destroying our economy. But I thought they make our economy better. I hate to be one to say I told you so, but...
Anon wrote: "Bunch of liberal cowards hiding behind other peoples' ideas and avoiding responsibility for their own actions."
I'm not sure what you mean by this. As far as I can tell, none of the ideas on this blog are wholly original.
Anonymous 3:18 -- speaking of hiding, I just find it too funny that you talk about hiding and avoiding responsibility, and yet you post anonymously. Just too funny.
HIDING>>>>????? = Robert.
When you do name, rank..etc. I will also.
If you feel the illegals need more welfare....send a check, lets us know how much it is, you know, Money where your BIG MOUTH is.
Dear Daniel:
First of all, thanks for being there.
I sent this email to the people at OFIR.
You are doing such good work, but Lars Larson said to me on air that the state was "lost". The elected's in Salem WILL not listen. I SAID,THE GOAL OF ALL OF US, S/B A RECALL OF " TEDDY K". Lars said it will not work!
The recall should be the only attack, REASON AN COMMONSENSE ,don't seem to work.
Once we have their attention after the recall, then "'REASON AN COMMONSENSE", will prevail.
My point is...WHAT HAPPEN TO ALL THOSE "RED COUNTIES" that voted for Bush? Vance Day couldn't find them either!
If people like Lars, WILL NOT "GET A PAIR"( NOR WILL VICTORIA IF SHE COULD), an a grassroots effort cannot be mounted...then this site, an all the others are wasting our time.
You have done a hell of a job, but effort and connections you have made statewide need to be brought to bear on this "idiot" that runs the state and take him down...then reason an commonsense will prevail.
Are the people in Redmond that put out all those flags all Latinos?
HELL NO! Are they apathetic ,HELL YES THEY ARE.
What can change that?
Public School Bus Routes, School Plans Found on Suspected US Terrorist Computers
Submitted by admin on Sun, 2007-03-18 16:24. U.S. News read more
"...we have the right to kill 4 million Americans, 2 million of them children..."
--al-Qaeda spokesman Suleiman Abu Gheith (al Quds, 2002).
"...FBI and Homeland Security officers have served search warrants around the country on suspected terrorists and found school bus route schedules and information on public school systems."
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
18 March 2007: Yesterday's headline from AP News read: "Some extremists driving school buses, officials warn." The article continued: Suspected members of extremist groups have signed up as school bus drivers in the United States, counterterror officials said yesterday, in a cautionary bulletin to police. An FBI spokesman said, "Parents and children have nothing to fear." (Emphasis added for that comforting snippet from the FBI). Click "read more" above for complete article.
America has the laws on the books and we want them enforced.
70% of Americans want illegal immigration stopped, ie, we want the law enforced.
Great question!!!
Because people should be able to live where they want to live. If I want to move to France or Mexico or Australia, and I can find someone who is willing to rent me an apartment or sell me a house, and someone who will hire me, why shouldn't I be able to live and work where I want? Why shouldn't that be true for someone who lives in those countries, or any country? Why should it be up to the government? That's not a liberal position, it's a Libertarian position, if anything, and it's a position that defers to human freedom and the democratic rights that is suggested by the phrase, "All men are created equal," which you people have twisted to mean "All people born in the United States to "legal" parents are created equal." It's bullshit. You're living in the 15th century. Why not try joining the rest of us in the 21st? You're such huge supporters of capitalism? Then let the market work.
To pay devil's advocate, GA: to secure their unalienable rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed. Would you say that a government has the legitimate authority to close its borders to some or all, if the governed consent?
*play. Apologies.
DEAR "GREAT QUESTION: I be able to live and work where I want? Why shouldn't that be true for someone who lives in those countries, or any country you said:
WHY???(trying to contain myself)
An as Daniel said," THEY PAY TAX'S DON'T CUT IT.
How refreshing it is to have a response and follow-up question without being called a faggot or facing veiled threats of violence.
I think the question naturally lends itself to a discussion of the broader issue of nation-states and what purpose they serve. Nation states, ultimately, are a product of capitalism, and yet I would argue that the development of capitalism will ultimately lead to its own demise. Say whatever you want about Marx and Lenin, they were right on this point: Nation-states are incompatible with the development of capitalism. That's why World War I broke out, and of course, WWII was to a large extent a continuation of that. We're now at the point where we can see that globalization is setting the stage for the end of nation-states. My own view is that this will ultimately be a good thing. A century from now, I doubt very much we'll have "countries" in the sense that we do now, and I doubt that our economic system will resemble what it is now. Hopefully it will be something infinitely more humane and progressive, although that's hardly guaranteed.
So the question is complicated, but I haven't answered the specific issue. I suppose I'd say that, yes, government in its current formation should have the right to close its borders. But I'd turn around and ask: Why are they closed? Why should they be closed? Whose interests are served by them being closed? (Most importantly, who are they closed to? Corporations and capital move with few or no restrictions across borders, but the people who do the actual work face endless bullshit and regulations.) Daniel and his groupies have no good response to this, and I think you and I know what really drives them. Fear. Daniel sees a shop catering to Mexicans in Woodburn and it freaks him out, so he takes a picture of it and posts it on his blog and expects everyone to go, "Aaaaaaah!" Is this a rational response? No.
Which brings me to a final point: I think that it is entirely possible for a decent, rational person to make a case for immigration reform and not be motivated by racism. But I've read this blog since last summer, and it is overwhelmingly clear where Daniel is coming from, both from what he says, how he says it, and what he doesn't say. He can deny it all he wants, and maybe he even really believes his own bullshit, but it's just that. Bullshit.
We're now at the point where we can see that globalization is setting the stage for the end of nation-states. My own view is that this will ultimately be a good thing. A century from now, I doubt very much we'll have "countries" in the sense that we do now,
Between Illegals and Radical Islam..ONE WANTS US OUT,THE OTHER WANTS US DEAD! Tell me oh "educated" nutcase, WHERE THIS ALL FITS YOUR IDEA'S?
Yes, I posed the question, "why open borders and amnesty?"
Of course, I posed it to make people stop and think, but also to understand the open border, amnesty mind set.
From the answers, this is my conclusion:
A far left, socialist mind set seems to guide their thinking.
Throw in a libertarian or two.
But the sad thing for socialists is in reality open borders destroys socialism because the state collaspes under the weight. As a result, open borders promotes a more ruthless capitalism (which socialists decry), and socialists in desperation turn to communist dictatorship in order to impose their form of brotherly love on those that just don't share their quest for the perfect society.
This is a call to socialists: drop your delusions, open borders is promoted by big business because it weakens the social safety net and makes it a more competitive market for labor(ie, lower wages, workers more easily replaced), and less competitive for capital(ie, more consumers for products and services).
Plutocratic cigar smoking capitalists laugh at socialists desire for open borders and amnesty.
For the record, Nadia was on the inmate list. Obviously you don't know how to do a search.
Daniel wrote: 'But remember, we can't deport them because it would "break up families."'
One of 'the arrested' is my niece's mother's boyfriend. I'd *love* to see him deported and that family broken-up. (he's here illegally anyway) I'm not a fan of Hispanic culture. Women are treated as breeding-stock in that culture, and my niece doesn't need that kind of influence.
Daniel i have to wonder where you came from. If in the usa, where did you ancestry come from. Did they cross a border or two to get here. If not that makes you full blooded native American...Right...Hey i have an idea why don't you look at how many names appear in any holding cell in lane county or benton county,and appear to be "white" or good Christian names add em up and see how many you get compared to hispanics and see what you come up with and add that to your so blinded research. I have an idea all of you like daniel should have your own little island and make mutants together. So you can live in harmony. oh ya that was tried and America kicked the crap out of the Nazi's
MXWzdW The best blog you have!
rRECZf Magnific!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
Hello all!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
fKbzyd write more, thanks.
Nice Article.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Hello all!
Thanks to author.
Thanks to author.
Thanks to author.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Good job!
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Thanks to author.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Good job!
All generalizations are false, including this one.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Thanks to author.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Wonderful blog.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
C++ should have been called B
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Please write anything else!
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
Wonderful blog.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Good job!
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
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