Make sure you tune into the
Lars Larson show today to hear Senator Gordon Smith formally announce his LAWFUL WORKER TAX DEDUCTION ACT.
In a nutshell: Employers will no longer be able to claim a worker as a bussiness expense for tax deduction purposes if the employee doesn't have a matching name and social security number. (Hey, just like you can't claim a dependent on
your tax return if they don't have a matching name and social security number, no brainer huh)
This will raise the cost of employing illegal aliens astronomically and will force employers to fire them. Without jobs the illegal aliens will, for the most part, be forced to go home.
This will not cost billions in tax dollars. It will not create new federal beauracracies. It will simply provide a self-enforcing way to follow the laws already on the books.
I'm excited to have a Senator from Oregon take this up. (note: it was originally Rep Steve King's idea and has been pushed hard by Lars Larson)
Special note: I know that many of you are signatories to the website. Those of you who have signed may receive an email from myself or Greg, once we have seen hard evidence that the senator is going to push this thing as hard as he can and not let it languish in some comittee or let it get amended six ways from Sunday, that will encourage you to once again support Gordon Smith.
Much in the way we need to punish our elected officials for bad votes, we do need to reward them for their good actions as well.