4 p.m. on Friday, June 8, in Salem at the intersection of Hawthorne and Mission Streets (by Costco)
Bring your own signs or use one of the OFIR signs that will be available.
Previous rally photo
Senate Blocks Final Vote on Immigration Reform Bill
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hoped to scramble enough support to pass an immigration reform bill during a second test vote expected Thursday evening, vowing to try to get it through the Senate despite a morning vote that failed to reach the 60-vote threshold needed to end debate and get to final passage.
Republicans stuck together to block an end to debate, 33-63. They opposed the measure because it would have prevented Republican amendments from being offered.
This is good news but let's not let our guard down.
I'd love to go to the rally, however work gets in the way.
To all those attending, have fun, good luck, and GIVE 'EM HELL!
I look forward to looking at some of the photos that I'm sure will be up by tomorrow night.
Activism & doing what is really "Good for the Country" does work!
From: Anne Manetas, Deputy Director, NumbersUSA
Date: 07JUN07 9 p.m.
VICTORY: You Defeated Amnesty, Cloture Failed
The Senate just voted 45 to 50 against invoking cloture on S. 1348. Senator Reid has pulled the bill from the floor for now.
You all have done an outstanding job this week and throughout today. You never gave up!
McCain threatened firebombings of cars, and riots (ala France), this week, if this stupid bill failed. The next demand we can place before our government is: WHERE'S THE FENCE!! Cut off the goodies - check for valid ss#'s - deport on contact those who are foolish enough not to vamoose on their own.
No votes for rinos, or other anti-American cowards.
Yes, Cloture failed on a 45 - 50 vote. Not even a simple majority.
Now let's kill this bill by calling and faxing and e-mailing.
Yes, this bill needs to be smothered in its Senate crib.
Republicans called the Democrats bluff. Democrats wanted this Amnesty act badly. Why? Too get amnesty off the table. Democrats know you can't talk socialism out of one side of your mouth and amnesty out the other side. It just doesn't square up.
Now, keep it up, and persuade Republican Senators to make "Democrats wear amnesty around their necks like a millstone.
Why? Easy. Rank and file Republicans, rank and file Democrats, and independents were all revolted by this bill and revolted against this bill.
This was a victory for the American People. But the lying traitors will be back.
Give the word to Senate amnesty supporters that to Vote for this bill is a political death warrant.
AOL Keyword: My Government
How can I contact you? I have a question for you.
Email me, repunder@gmail.com
No bill passed so the system stays the way it is. Pat yourselves on the back for obstruction. undocumented workers continue to work without documentation or restriction. Way to go!!!
To anon11:58pm,
I agree with you. Now America must enforce the law.
Bush should be impeached if he won't enforce the law. And frankly, he has intentionally not been enforcing the law: Solid grounds for impeachment.
To continue on the solution track.
Once you have enforced the law vigorously, to THE BEST THAT CAN BE DONE.
Clamp down even harder on the border. Send the signal South of the border: "Illegal Aliens Will NOT be tolerated."
If that message gets out UNAMBIGUOUSLY, half the job will be done.
Get tough on employers, with stringent interior enforcement...To the extent interior enforcement has been hampered by inadiquate laws, then update the law, so it can be enforced. Tamper proof I.D. would be a start.
Self-deportation is a first step.
No jobs, Mexicans will go home.
Active deportation of criminals and gang members.
After self-deportation has time to work, then sweep up the remains with active aggressive deporation.
If the word gets out North of the boder UNAMBIGUOUSLY, that illegal aliens will not be tolerated, the other half of the job will be done.
There is your SOLUTION 11:58pm.
It's just a matter of political will.
And that political will is getting stronger every day.
Austa La Vista, Baby!
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