Monday, December 15, 2008

Flush with cash and ready to support YOUR lifestyle

An Invitation to apply for a job at Lane County
Diversity is a key to the future success of Lane County. We who work for Lane County government are charged with providing effective government services for everyone. Diversity, and the respect for and understanding of the integrity and worth of all culture, peoples and lifestyles is today and will continue to be simply good business (Diversity Policy LM 2.390).

Have an exotic lifestyle that causes normal people to recoil in horror? Do you insist on taking a "hacky-sack break" every ten minutes to realign your spirit with Mother Earth? Maybe you insist that casual unprotected sex with other anonymous men while smoking pot is a good way to spend your lunch break?

Well maybe those lifestyles qualify you for a rigorous position with Lane County... a position such as... 908-000 EXTRA HELP - GENERAL POOL - Various

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