Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Independence Day


Anonymous said...

Deport that A-Hole, too!

Anonymous said...

Why don't they all just go home and take their own damn country back?

Bruce the Barber said...

This is what you get, people, when you elect representatives of this particular agenda. Where is this A-holes allegiance lie? And he is an elected official?. is right when they say that if this trend of letting them all in continues....eventually they will elect "their own" to Congress with just this exact sentiment. "They" are not playing...he sounded quite specific on what he wanted to see happen here. I am 60 years old, and up until this crap in 2007, I have had quite a nice life. Exciting, a little dangerous, sometimes fairly easy, but always quite good. I am just getting back to having a nice life again. I have a nice apartment, small, but clean. I have a nice conservative reliable car. I am pursuing a legitimate, respectable career, and I have it much better than many in my "situation". I have not been really scared (not counting 2007-2008) in my life about anything until now. I saw this coming many years ago...and now it is here. In full force, ugly, brutal, and aggressive. Happy Independence Day is all well and good...but how many years are we going to be able to say that with conviction and true purpose. When will it finally happen that we are numerically eliminated. I never thought it would be in my lifetime, but now, it very well could. I'm only 60, and feel I have a good 20 or 25 good years left. I want to enjoy them, but will I be able to? Can I go out into the streets and take up arms, run, and hide, duck and cover at 70 or 75, maybe even 65...who knows? I hope I can wish Daniel a Happy Independance Day in 2023.

Anonymous said...

"we" did not create the problem...
"we" did not force them to come here...
now "we" have to deal with the problem and there are going to be some that won't like it and it is time for the Feds to enforce the law or stand aside!

Anonymous said...

This guy is spot on. We need to elect more like Gutierrez and less bozo fools like Lamar Smith.

Anonymous said...

Because, anon 11:42, going back to their country of origin to fight for their rights and take their country back would require effort and giving up welfare and all the feebies over here. That simple.