In the lower left corner of this billboard is the logo for our regional government, Metro. Since your tax dollars paid for this ad let me translate: We are Oregonians and we recycle.
What really bothers me is how culturally insensitive this billboard is. On the road where this billboard is placed there are a lot of businesses that cater to Spanish speakers but I notice that the advertisements done by these companies are much different. These ads almost exclusively have a picture of a woman in a bikini on them.
This was taken by me just down the street during a 2008 day labor protest
For Metro to try to advertise to the illegal alien community using pictures of fully clothed women just shows that all the diversity training done so far has been a waste of time.
I'm convinced that the only way for Metro to make up for this multicultural faux pas is for them to make sure that their new employee, the puppeteer, can speak Spanish. Yes, Metro is currently hiring a puppeteer for $14.77 an hour.
The position will be represented by AFSCME Local 3850. You blue collar union boys must be proud.