Monday, November 15, 2010

I can do my Christmas shopping!

Portland mayor to announce gun buy-back event scheduled for December
As Mayor Sam Adams prepares to bring to City Council on Thursday five proposed ordinances to stem shootings through gun-control regulations and stiffer juvenile curfews, he's expected to also announce today a gun buy-back event scheduled for the second week in December.

The mayor said on Friday he'd announce the exact date and location today. The December date, Adams said, should draw plenty of gun owners who may looking for extra shopping money for the holidays.

Ceasefire Oregon hosted 15 annual gun turn-in events since 1994, but had to discontinue the event two years ago because lack of donations. For each firearm turned in, residents receive a merchandise gift certificate.

I would like to see gun shoppers stand across the street from this event and offer the "turn in rate" +20% to buy people's guns! Let's make this a successful event!


Anonymous said...

This is a great event. I wonder how many guns used in crimes by gang bangers will be disposed of and how many crimes will never be solved now. I love liberalism, they will hide crimes forever by disposing of these guns. I wonder how many will be registered democrats

Hal Lillywhite said...

I took advantage of such a buy-back program years ago. I had a couple of basically worthless guns. Got a lot more out of them than I would have selling them to anyone who knew their value.

Anonymous said...

You know any gunsmiths with a bucket full of junk they want to part with?