Thursday, May 14, 2009

Amnesty by any other name would stink as sweetly

Senator Feinstein Introduces Legislation to Relieve Labor Crisis in Agriculture
The Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits and Security Act (AgJOBS) would reform the broken H-2A seasonal worker program, provide farmers with the stable, legal workforce they deserve, and offer a pathway to citizenship for hard-working, law-abiding immigrants already employed on American farms.

Let me check my liberal translation dictionary since actual hard working and law-abiding immigrants don't need a pathway to citizenship...

Hard-working, law-abiding immigrants noun criminal aliens who are currently breaking our immigration laws, labor laws and ID laws. They have a tendency to use your SSN to gain unlawful employment and may be raping coworkers in a Wendy's bathroom.

The AgJOBS bill is a two-part bill. The first part would create a five-year pilot program to identify undocumented agricultural workers and legalize the immigration status for those who have been working in the United States for the past two years or more. The second part would reform the H-2A visa system to provide farmers and growers with a legal path to bring guest workers to the United States to harvest their crops.

Whew, thank goodness that with illegal labor we can keep our farming in the 19th century with no mechanization. Imagine the engineers and machinists who would be employed with that more efficient form of crop picking.

It is clear that the tactic for amnesty is to do the death by 1 million cuts. Although in this case it's more like 20 million.


innominatus said...

>>> and may be raping coworkers in a Wendy's bathroom.He's not a rapist! He's an undocumented boyfriend!

Anonymous said...

AG Visa system is broken? This is the only worker visa allowed with NO limits on the number of arrivals. With over 12 million illegal's and only 1 million needed in AG, what's the problem?

Anonymous said...

You need to check your law dictionary too dolt. Undocumented presence in the U.S. brings civil penalties, not criminal penalties. I know you Miglavians over here are too busy working as delivery drivers and auto techs, but maybe you can get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Forgery, identity theft, and aiding and abetting illegals are criminal offenses legal eagle.
BTW-if you denigrate delivery drivers and auto techs you must really disrespect agricultural workers you stupid little piss ant.

Anonymous said...

Improper Entry without inspection IS the only Federal misd. that carries an up to 6 months in Jail plus fines and 2nd offense (went home for Christmas) is a Felony with up to 2 years in Prison plus fines.

Not including ID theft/forgery, perjury on an I-9 and the Felony of registering to vote IF D's in charge actually respected our laws.

Anonymous said...

My senators and representatives support ag jobs act so we are good to go. Thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

and we should vote them there senators out ! So long ang gooooooooooood buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good old fashion farmer work, sound like a good place for 12,000 low to mid-range jobs.

Fresh air, sunshine and the good earth. Many young people gain valuable work experience on farms.