FOX and CBS didn't do it but NBC and now ESPN are insisting on this Hispanic awareness month nonsense.
NBC used as much Spanish as the local welfare office while ESPN's contribution involved showing a mural with a picture of Che Guevara's face on it.
I'd like to make some comparisons:
Portland's own Randy Leonard insists on locking up spray paint. What percentage of spray paint users are people who break the law with it?
He works for the same government that insists on hiring an endless supply of Spanish-speaking staff. What percentage of monolingual Spanish speakers in Oregon are lawbreakers?
It's the same with cold pills. A small minority of lawbreakers ruin it for the rest of us.
The ONLY reason that Spanish is so prevalent here in America is because of criminal aliens from south of the border. Our government and the NFL are helping criminals feel comfortable by pandering to their culture.
What would people think of a store that sold spray paint and cold pills while advertising a "no questions asked" policy?
The ONLY reason that Spanish is so prevalent here in America is because of criminal aliens from south of the border.
Because the ONLY-Spanish speaking people here are illegal aliens, which means that ALL the Latinos here are ... illegal aliens.
And there's nothing racist about saying so.
Nothing at all.
All Labrador retrievers are dogs but not all dogs are Labrador retrievers.
This may be a difficult concept for you.
Daniel surrenders after standoff with police at Sherwood home
Daniel surrenders after standoff with police at Sherwood home
That's an excellent point, Miglavs. Too bad you're incapable of applying it to your own bigoted view of Latino culture. Miglavians always want "proof" of bigotry. Well, read Daniel's post today.
Anon 6:31: WTF?
Most of the criminal aliens are hispanics because of the easy access. Where are the same considerations for africans, asians and europeans? Don't forget the throat slitters from the mideast. Dammit we need diversity.
I wonder if the beheadings in mexico are the from their axtec heritage or from the religion of peace? I wonder if the axtecs stoned people to death, they had a mayor in mexico stoned to death. Maybe they are learning from the religion of peace.
Diversity is so wonderful.
Dave, holding up beheadings by Mexican drug gangs as an example of Latino culture is like holding up David Koresh and the Branch Davidians up as an example of Christian culture. There really is no end of topics on which you are just earth-shatteringly stupid, is there?
As Dave said: Diversity is so wonderful.
America is not built upon diversity, but upon commonality - as Dave obliquely notes.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not "celebrate diversity". He correctly recognized that as institutionalized racism. He famously advocated for a day when his children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Our government actively opposes King's dream. They promote recognition of differences, which is itself nothing more than government-sanctioned racism. And they select people for special treatment. This is why you have English and Spanish on all government material.
They never did that when waves of Italians came over here. So what makes Spanish so special? Certainly, it's not the "native language" of Mexicans - they are a conquered people. They actually had their own languages before the Spanish Conquistadors landed and hit them hard.
What is it with latinos, Spanish, and the apparent insistence by government agencies to treat them as somehow more deserving of accommodation than the previous waves of immigrants?
David Koresh was a jerk who undoubtedly broke laws. But who was it that killed 21 little children and numerous adults at Waco?
It is logical that someone who cannot speak English is "foriegn" to this country. All immigrant citizens are required to pass an English test. So the next logical conclusion is that if you cannot speak English and you live here (vs being a tourist) that you are not here legally. This isn't racist it is common sense pure and simple.
ANON 4:44 PM
Are you saying beheadings are not a mexican (I didn't say latino) culture thing? Mexicans are descendants of aztecs. Did you know that? Maybe they only slit their throats or disemboweled their human sacrifices. It is well documented that the axtecs practiced human sacrifice. Read a book once in a while.
Are you the same nitwit who said we are on the downside of peak oil? If you are, I understand why you don't know that the axtecs practiced human sacrifice.
ANON 4:55 PM If I remember correctly, that would be clinton and janet reno who killed the children in Waco, TX. They also murdered Randy Weaver's baby.
Ah yes, it was the government's fault. Of course. (Because a Democratic administration was in power.) And if it had happened under Bush, the government would have done everything by the book, and anyone who suggested that anything was amiss would have been branded a "Bush-hater" by you kool-aid drinking hypocrites. I keep forgetting, I'm in Miglavia, arguing with white guys who have convinced themselves that they're somehow an oppressed minority.
Our Gov't prints every "Free" handout for "free" stuff in Spanish, because they are the Majority Minority here now (40 Mil. black Babies Killed by Planned non-Parenthood has fulfilled their Founders agenda apparently), according to the Census Bureau.
The tens of Millions of Hispanics that have fled their failed societies & come here legally & illegally, have become the #1 source of the Democrat Agenda of Socialism for all. You will see this Parade of Commies/Socialists in DC on Oct. 2nd, Endorsed by Pres. Hussein Obama'sv ery own activist group and the Communist Party of America, SEIU, Nat'l Council of La Raza and many more far left "Progressive" groups.
Glenn Beck has proof on his website if you Brainwashed dare to check the facts (just once please).
Us old white guys are the #1 source of the Taxes (Per the IRS) used to pay for all of this "free" stuff, we have every right to feel used and abused.
This historically failed agenda can and will change in 35 days.
MLK (& Cesar Chavez) was a great Man and would be ashamed of you Liberal idiots in here and of our Race baiting Pres. Obama/Democrats also.
Anon, over the summer I decided to check out Beck and soon tired of chasing down every one of his ludicrous claims and determining, pretty quickly, that nearly every one of them was total bullshit. You might check again on who the recipient of "brainwashing" has actually been. One tool that might assist you in this investigation is a mirror. Good luck!
In Miglavia, what the NFL does, for some reason, matters. But those who watch American Idol are "sheeple."
Welcome to Miglavia.
Anon 7:16, Beck has screen shot of all of these groups on his Website, you can in only a few minutes, go to there websites and VERIFY the truth.
but that would require having an open and not Brainwashed mind, I understand why you won't.
Since I've never seen anyone come forward with a more scientifically rigorous set of estimates, these numbers are based largely on Passel's estimates published by Pew.
As of 2008, there were about 18 million foreign-born Hispanics living in the U.S. At about the same time, Passel estimated that about half of these were in the country illegally.
Thus, even without the illegal component, there are still 9 million foreign-born Hispanics in the country. There are an additional 4 million Puerto Ricans, Spanish-Speaking, but U.S. citizens at birth and thus not included in the 18 million cited above. Hispanics are much younger than the population as a whole, and thus have an even greater market share among the segment of the population tuning into the NFL.
So, that is about 13 million Spanish-speakers, completely authorized to be here. Daniel, how can you be so dismayed that marketers are reaching out to a population of this size, especially in major media markets where the population tends to concentrate: New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, etc.?
I think Daniel's just troubled by the uncomfortable realization that his cherished free-market isn't linguistically bounded, which, by definition, should have been terribly obvious to him.
Anyway Daniel, the numbers make you look foolish, and more than a little racist. Spanish-language marketing would be underway even with zero illegal immigration.
I wish the NFL all the success in the world in luring Hispanic immigrants to football. I think soccer sucks!
Spanish-language marketing would be underway even with zero illegal immigration...
That is totally true. And so is ...
the numbers make you look foolish, and more than a little racist.
I no longer cease to am surprised at the things that Daniel either does not understand, or things about which he has a tiny sliver of understanding that he feels grants him expert status.
Miglavians, you're always asking for "proof" or "evidence" of Miglavs' bigotry. Great. Read Miglavs' post. Then read Anon 7:07 and Anon 11:58.
Then, try this:
The ONLY reason that Spanish is so prevalent here in America is because of criminal aliens from south of the border.Because the ONLY-Spanish speaking people here are illegal aliens, which means that ALL the Latinos here are ... illegal aliens.And there's nothing racist about saying so.Nothing at all.Nope. ;-)
Miglavians, you're always asking for "proof" or "evidence" of Miglavs' bigotry. Great. Read Miglavs' post. Then read Anon 7:07 and Anon 11:58.
Then, try this:
Since y'all are so stupid, our anonymous savior has come down from on high to proclaim the gospel truth, which is: straw men and ad hominems are thought-provoking!
So what's the matter with you Miglavians? Get with the program!
第71回 菊花賞 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!
菊花賞 2010 予想 オッズには抜け穴がある…現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読みきる!優良サイトをランキング形式で大公開!
第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 予想 出走馬の調子とオッズの矛盾を比較。仕組まれた枠順・・・JRAの裏情報を独占入手!一般には漏れないデータを極秘公開。昨年は3連単的中、今年も鉄板買い目で勝負を挑み結果につなげる
第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!結果につなげるのはあなた次第!
第35回 エリザベス女王杯 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!
ジャパンカップ 競馬 2010の最新情報・馬場状態を徹底分析!過去のデータから見抜ける勝ち馬の秘訣とは!?枠順からみたレース展開…最後に笑うのはどの馬なのか…裏情報満載でお届け!
第30回 ジャパンカップ 2010 予想 オッズを徹底分析!出走馬の状態から現地の状態まで、全てを網羅したデータが集約!!過去の勝ち馬から見抜いた勝てる馬の法則とは!?裏情報と共に大公開
第30回 ジャパンカップ 2010 予想 オッズには抜け穴がある・・・現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読みきる!裏情報を独占公開
第62回 朝日杯フューチュリティステークス 2010 人気に左右されないレース独自の傾向があった!自社独自に集めた豊富なデータから導かれた予想を大公開
有馬記念 2010 過去のデータから共通する勝ち馬の法則!!注目馬や穴馬などの最新情報を随時公開!
日本でも最大級のクルーズ ブログで、クリスマスを一緒に過ごす相手を見つけませんか?業者排除システムを搭載しているから、安心安全に異性を見つけれますよ。この機会にみなさんも参加しませんか?気になる異性がいたら直メ直電で即ゲット出来ますよ
芸能人と仲良くなれちゃうコミュニティ デコログ(DECOLOG)誕生☆今よりももっとずっと、楽しい♪を見つけちゃおう
有馬記念 2010を徹底予想!気になる枠順やオッズ情報はもちろん、今年は確実に当てにいきます
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