Electrically propelled vehicles are much cheaper to operate, need less maintenance, and emit a fraction of the green house gas emissions than traditional vehicles.
Which is why everyone is clamoring to buy one and government subsidies aren't needed... oh wait.
1. The Governor's Transportation Electrification Executive Council (Executive Council) is established.
2. The Executive Council shall consist of no more than 12 members appointed by the Governor.
3. Members of the Executive Council serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
This means that Kitzhaber's girlfriend can get a new gig.
e. Facilitate development of public education and acceptance outreach campaigns to accelerate the transition to electric transportation, including education and training of Oregon's workforce to prepare for electric vehicle infrastructure
This means "brainwash" and "force" people to accept and use vehicles that they wouldn't otherwise choose.
Was there an executive order to mandate use of the internet? Of the refrigerator? Of the iPhone? Of Facebook?
This is another example of the government knowing what we should want rather than letting us choose what we want. They need to keep the kicker so that they can force us into three wheeled electric cars.
if they will buy it for me... then I will use it...
I am not sure for what... but I'll find something.
One of the biggest problems with electric vehicles is the range and versatility.
I need a vehicle that can not only get me around town but can also give me from Eugene to Portland... Oregon to Nevada reliably.
I'm also type that will keep a vehicle for 10+ years and therefore the vehicle needs to be durable enough to last that time, and reliable enough not to nickel and dime to death.
for example, I own a 1970 Datsun pickup... it has over 425,000 miles on it. Averages 35 miles to the gallon on the freeway and still runs great.
so when they can make an electric vehicle that will last like that and is simple to work on, then I will think about it.
I do NOT remember Voting to give MY tax dollars @ $7,500 per Car to people to buy an electric car, NO there is no Socialism going on here, look the other way.
Where are we going to get all that electricity from to plug these pieces of crap in to?
Will Big Brother make us ride Bikes to generate eletricity at Human Powered Elect. Centers next?
Goerge Orwell was not supposed to become a Prophet you dummy Democrats, it was a Fictional book!
And let's not forget the cost of replacing those batteries when they no longer will take a charge. The cost alone will make those electric cars actual throw-away cars. When it is time for a new battery, just call a junk yard to come and get it. Then go to a dealer and get a real gas-burning car.
I thought I heard that making the batteries was a really nasty process. Can anyone confirm that?
What is the initial cost?
Could we save money by firing the executive council?
What is the warranty? What will the repairs cost?
You can take Obama out of the picture, replace every Democratic officeholder in the country from President all the way down to dog-catcher with a far-right Republican and put an immediate halt to all construction of trains, buses, light-rail and bike lanes, but:
That will NOT change the fact that we're on the down-slope of Peak oil, we're running out of time, and within our lifetimes, we will need an alternative to the way we live now. A dramatic, epoch-shattering, lifestyle-changing alternative.
I'm curious ... what's yours?
You say "That will NOT change the fact that we're on the down-slope of Peak oil, we're running out of time, and within our lifetimes, we will need an alternative to the way we live now. A dramatic, epoch-shattering, lifestyle-changing alternative."
We don't need a dramatic, epoch-shattering, lifestyle-changing alternative. We have it!
I say you need to educate yourself on the facts. We have the largest reserves in the world. We use about 8 billion barrels a year and with the current reserves, we have over a two hundred year supply.
We have anywhere from 1.5 to 1.9 trillion barrels in shale oil. Don't forget, all the other wells won't stop producing. Hell, they are looking in Montana and around there. We don't even explore a lot of our territory. How come ANWR was put off limits? We bought Alaska for its resources.
The reason the oil spill in the gulf was so bad because it was deep because a lot of shallow water is off limits. Why are they drilling in deep water, because the enviro nuts had shallow water put off limits. That disaster is on the head of the politicians and enviro nuts.
Nice try.
Who am I to argue with a happy fool? Enjoy the next few decades, Dave.
TW, how can we enjoy the next century if the enviro nuts and politicians won't let us?
Why did you call me a happy fool? I showed that you were wrong in your claim. What kind of answer is that? I guess you don't like the truth. You must be a kool-aid drinker. Typical progressive/commie/liberal/democrat.
No wonder our country is fucked, it is ran by people like you.
I'm a Republican, and with God as my witness I've never done drugs in my life. And why, if I actually regard you as a fool, would I waste my time explaining your own stupidity to you? Would it occur to you to try persuading Charles Manson that he's insane?
I asked a question. You answered, the answer being a hopelessly naive amalgam of "Smile, be happy," "Drill, baby, drill!" and "It's the Enviros' fault."
Fine. Let us know in a few years how that's working for you.
TW, you said we were reaching peak oil and that is a lie. We may have reached peak production currently. I don't have any control over the use of resources in this country.
It does not make any sense to me that we don't use our own resources until we can get alternative energy resources on line. It does not make any sense to send all that money out of the country when it can be used here.
Right now, alternative sources for energy are expensive and we can't afford them. I want more time to develop alternative sources, I don't want them shoved down my throat.
I don't care if you are a republican or not. John McCain is a republican and I don't like him at all. I ended up disliking Bush very much because of his love for illegal more than his love for Americans.
A party label is bullshit to me. It is how the person acts that is important to me. I don't judge a book by its cover.
You mentioned peak oil, I did not. You must believe that we are running out of oil. That is bullshit. We have shit loads of oil. We just don't use it. There is not one reason we can't use our own resources. Just like the illegal situation, there is not one reason to have them here (a reason that will benefit the average American and is good for our country long term).
You can give me all the shit you want, but your statement we are reaching peak oil in our lifetime is bullshit. The old and the young are going to pay for the expensive alternative sources, they are the ones that will be hurt. Our children and grand children will be paying for a long time.
You made a fool of yourself for saying we were reaching peak oil. I proved you wrong.
Deal with it kool aid drinker.
Building a Toyota Prius causes more environmental damage than a Hummer that is on the road for three times longer than a Prius. As already noted, the Prius is partly driven by a battery which contains nickel. The nickel is mined and smelted at a plant in Sudbury, Ontario. This plant has caused so much environmental damage to the surrounding environment that NASA has used the ‘dead zone’ around the plant to test moon rovers. The area around the plant is devoid of any life for miles.
The plant is the source of all the nickel found in a Prius’ battery and Toyota purchases 1,000 tons annually. Dubbed the Superstack, the plague-factory has spread sulfur dioxide across northern Ontario, becoming every environmentalist’s nightmare.
As well, it's worth remembering that the battery pack has been widely reported to fail between 50,000 and 70,000 miles, and replacement costs range between $4,000 and $5,000.
The anticipated road life of a Prius is 100,000 miles.
"Peak oil" is a myth.
You may believe that it's a product of dead dinosaurs, but it isn't. It isn't a "fossil fuel", either.
The reality of (and challenges presented by) peak oil is acknowledged in virtually every government institution (in every major industrial power worldwide) that has good reason to give a shit (like the U.S. military, for example) and also in the oil industry itself, both domestic and foreign. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's FACT. We live on a rock in space, and by definition, resources here are finite, and sensible people of all political persuasions who have looked at this issue know what's coming, and while it's just a guess on my part, I suspect that everyone on the planet (including even you) will be painfully aware of this reality within the next four or five years. But: You evidently live on either another planet than I do, or in an alternate universe. So either way, further discussion is pointless. You haven't "proved" a fucking thing except that you're a goddamned fool, not to mention an embarrassment to conservatives.
Oh what the hell, let's give Dave something to think about other than what I have to say. Here's some tidbits from a recent report issued by those kool-aid soaked hippies at Lloyd's of London:
•Businesses that prepare for the new scarcity (of oil) will prosper, and failure to act could be catastrophic.
•Access to relatively cheap, combustible, carbon-based energy is an outmoded expectation, caused by surging energy consumption in the Third World, a range of factors affecting conventional fuel production, and "international recognition that continuing to release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will cause climate chaos."
•The importance of China and emerging Asian economies in energy markets will grow. Chinese oil consumption is rising rapidly, as is Chinese coal production. "Third, their energy security policies are driving investment in clean energy technologies on an unprecedented scale."
•We are heading towards a global oil supply crunch and price spike on international markets. Said spike would prompt "drastic national measures to cut oil dependency."
•Climate change will make energy infrastructure increasingly vulnerable. Global warming itself imperils oil production and delivery due to "severe weather events." For investors, this means betting on instability makes sense.
•Businesses have to address energy risks by reducing oil consumption. In addition to natural scarcity, companies will face regulation such as carbon pricing and cap and trade.
•Investment in renewable energy and "intelligent infrastructure" presents "huge opportunities for new business partnerships." The smart grid is the wave of the future, but in clean energy too there will be scarcities and higher costs. Plus vulnerabilities in a system increasingly dependent on IT.
That's one story from the recent headlines. I see stories like this in the international business press several times a week. Interesting stuff, assuming you're paying attention.
You can go back to sleep, Dave. Sweet dreams.
Yes max, that was what I was remembering. The nickel mining and smelting has destroyed that area. Of course, the greenies don't care about that. As long as it fits their agenda, it's okay with them.
I didn't know that the battery fails between 50K and 70K miles. If the battery in my truck, it costs less than $100 to replace.
TW, I agree that we need alternative sources. But the statement about peak oil in our lifetimes (I'm 45) is bullshit.
If we are at peak oil and it is so important to our economy and our national security, why have we placed a lot of our country off limits to EXPLORATION? We know exactly where in ANWR the oil is at. Why was it placed off limits?
What about the shale oil in the rockies? There is 1.5-1.9 trillion barrels there. That in itself is over a two hundred year supply at our current rate of use. We finally started to do something about that a few years ago.
If oil is so evil, why are we giving or loaning $2 billion to Brazil and over $1 billion to mexico under obama? Shouldn't we be helping them with green technology?
As soon as I skimmed what you put into your post and saw GLOBAL WARMING, I knew it was a bunch of crap. Don't you mean climate change, no now its global climate disruption. It's called that because global warming by man is bullshit, we have been into a cooling phase for the last decade or so. You got to get with the current terminology.
TW the only reason we have scarcity of oil and coal is because the government doesn't want us to have it. I want you to tell me why we have put major parts of our country off limits to any exploration? I guess it's don't explore and there must be no oil there. Typical liberal, hear no evil and see no evil, must be no evil.
Dave 01 @1130: That the oil companies are looking for oil in Montana is hardly news. Oil was found near the Canadian border just eat of Glacier National Park in the early 20s at a depth of about 1200 feet. This area,incidentally, where my wife and I were raised. In the 40s oil was found in the Cat Creek area, about 60 or so miles east of Lewistown. In the mid-50s oil was found along the Cedar Creek anticline, which runs northwest to southeast in eastern Montana roughly from northwest of Glendive through Baker and on into the extreme northwest corner of South Dakota and the south west corner of North Dakota. These wells were at a depth of about 9,000 to 10,000 feet. I broke out as an oil field truck driver there in 1959. Also, oil was found along the western edge of North Dakota next to the border with Montana and north of the Theodore Roosevelt Badlands, also at a depth of about 9,000 feet. In the 70s wells were drilled offsetting 1/4-mile from existing wells and went to about 15,000 feet, hitting into a whole new production field. Now those wells are being offset again and are being drilled to 18,000 to 20,000 feet.
So you see that oil is not at all new to Montana. Nor to Wyoming, Colorado, or Utah. Oil shale was found near Rifle, Colorado in the late 60s. Subsequently, Union Carbide built a small plant there to process the oil shale. But the enviro-wackos got their panties all in a twist and the project was eventually abandoned in the mid-70s. Today there is a very large oil shale plant in the MacKenzie River area in northern Alberta near the city of Ft. McMurray. The last I heard they are still producing quite a large amount of oil and even making a (gasp!) profit. Which, of course, in anathema to the enviro-wackos. And, I believe, that most of that production is staying in Canada in the form of gasoline, Diesel fuel, etc.
Thanks for the education scottie.
Scottie, here is a small read about clinton locking our low sulfur coal in utah. Another crime by Clinton and foreign money. Our leaders do nothing but sell us out for money.
Tw, you might want to read the above link.
TW, why are we not allowed to use our own resources?
I tend to agree with Max that fossil fuel is an incorrect characterization. This is what we were taught in school with the poster of dinosaurs turning into oil. I believe however that oil is probably created within the Earth's core and collects in underground pools.
Be as that may, it doesn't mean that we aren't currently using more oil then is being produced. The fact is it is becoming harder and harder to extract said oil.
While I believe electric vehicles have a future we have not reached a level of technology to adequately replace oil.
It is going to take cooperation between the environmentalists and free market in order to allow increased electrical generation if we are to seriously come up with an alternative.
So either way, further discussion is pointless. You haven't "proved" a fucking thing except that you're a goddamned fool, not to mention an embarrassment to conservatives.
Hey, TeeDub, thanks much for your demonstration of the "progressive" mind-set: when confronted with fact, they can only resort to spluttering expletive-laden ad-hominem attacks.
Now, if you were actually sentient, you might have provided evidence that oil is somehow related to actual fossil fuels, such as coal and peat. Of course, you can't. That's because a preponderance of evidence indicates that oil is continually produced as a byproduct of core/mantle interactions, and has nothing to do with dead plants or dinosaurs.
Your reaction, quite naturally, is to foam at the mouth and spout expletives. That's all "progressives" seem capable of doing. Thank you for your impressive demonstration.
TW: When we actually begin to run out of oil or all cheap energy people will die. When people begin dying by the thousands and hundreds of thousands and there are no jobs and no hope do you really believe we won't drill everywhere and mine coal everywhere??? Of course we will. If the government refused there would be an uprising. Is it "the answer"? Of course not it is grabbing at straws. But that is what we will do. it will be impossible to even achieve a late 19th century/early 20 century life without cheap energy and the people are not going to go back there willingly. And more importantly we cannot support 7 billion people on earth once cheap energy is gone; maybe 2 billion but probably less. Those other 5 billion aren't going gently into that long sleep. Anyone who thinks there is some kind of high tech solution never took college physics. Electric cars, wind, PV, etc. is only possible BECAUSE of cheap energy they are not the alternative to it. Just as 7 billion people are only possible because of cheap energy. When peak oil (or peak fossil fuel) really hits it will be a human disaster of biblical proportions. There is NO other alternative.
Gosh such doom and gloom. In 1968 Paul R. Ehrlich became very famous when he predicted that in the 70s and 80s there would be mass world wide starvation because food production could not possibly keep up with population growth. While many millions of people die each year of starvation, it is usually caused by political corruption and unrest rather than available food.
Coming up with a suitable alternative to oil will not be easy but to say it can't be done seems rather silly.
I stand by my position, and am certain that nothing I say will change your mind. But I am also certain that reality will.
Actually, I'm not really certain of the latter, either. Because regardless of the transformations in store for the world, and this country, over the coming years, I am sure that if it is unpleasant, you will find some way to blame it on illegal immigration.
if they will buy it for me... then I will use it...I am not sure for what... but I'll find something.One of the biggest problems with electric vehicles is the range and versatility.I need a vehicle that can not only get me around town but can also give me from Eugene to Portland... Oregon to Nevada reliably.I'm also type that will keep a vehicle for 10+ years and therefore the vehicle needs to be durable enough to last that time, and reliable enough not to nickel and dime to death.for example, I own a 1970 Datsun pickup... it has over 425,000 miles on it. Averages 35 miles to the gallon on the freeway and still runs great.so when they can make an electric vehicle that will last like that and is simple to work on, then I will think about it.
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