Friday, June 29, 2007

The day after

I know that there may be some confusion amongst the illegal alien population, especially the fresh arrivals who were lured by Bush's promise of amnesty, about what really happened yesterday in the senate.

Let me give you the easy answer in a visual depiction:

And for those of us who put so much pressure on the senators to reject amnesty: it's now time to put pressure on ICE to continue their raids and deportations. Take back the workplace for Americans!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

No mas amnesty

A very heartfelt thank you to Bush, Kennedy, McCain, Rove, et al that helped push this issue of illegal aliens to the forefront. Your amnesty was doomed the minute the public became aware of your traitorous actions. We spoke loudly and even though you are removed from us, from normal life even, surrounded by staffers that we pay for, taking trips that we pay for, lounging in offices that we pay for, you had to listen to the people.

And to my illegal aliens friends. Leave now. You will not get amnesty. Yourcrimes will not be rewarded, excused or forgotten. Life is only going to get more uncomfortable for you. Go back home. The rule of law does still mean something in this country. You can't buy your way out of punishment here... this isn't Mexico.

Oh, and to the boys at PCUN, CAUSA, MeChA, etc: picture my smiling face.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It will be nice to see it die

I made my phone calls/sent my faxes/emails for today. (praising Smith and scolding Wyden) Now all I can do is watch the cloture vote tommorrow and laugh as this horrible amnesty bill dies a slow painful death while the whole country watches.

Please register your opinion with your senators before tommorrow. When this bill goes away I'm going to give a heartfelt thank you to the sell-out America crowd for bringing this amnesty forward and drawing attention to this huge problem. Now that you loser took your shot at spitting in the face of Americans it will be our turn to make something happen.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

For those who haven't heard it yet...

Ted "Murderer" Kennedy sings in spanish.

Wait, we're not concerned with regulating ATV's?

Poll shows immigration becoming top concern for Oregonians
Illegal immigration, which has dominated local and national headlines lately, has become a top concern of Oregonians, according to a new statewide poll.

NOTE: The writer of that headline should be fired. Illegal immigration is top concern.

The findings come as Oregon lawmakers are wrapping up the legislative session without an immigration reform plan and as Congress wrestles with a bill that could lead to eventual U.S. citizenship for millions of undocumented workers.

I'd call our legislature a bunch of do-nothing morons but they did accomplish some great things like regulating ATV use... so I guess I'll just call them morons.

Please continue to call/email/fax/visit your sentators this week. Stop the amnesty!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hard hitting questions from "watchdog" media has done what amounts to a 5 part infomerical for medical marijuana. With such hard hitting journalistic questions like "what do we do about the stigma?" and “Can you fix that with medical marijuana?” it was very clear that Bonnie King was objective.

But thankfuly they had a real live doctor on hand to give out "the facts" such as his medical opinion that all those bad things you hear about marijuana are, in his own medical terms, "hogwash."

And hey, since the doctor can make such determinations about what is "hogwash" or not our crack "reporter" jumps into the act to determine who is a qualified doctor or not:

Bonnie King: “Well it sounds to me like you are qualified to review chart notes and make a determination as to eligibility.”

Thank you Bonnie for this great piece of journalism. Children everywhere will read it and realize that when their parents told them not to smoke marijuana it was just because they believed the "hogwash."

Friday, June 22, 2007

Smith update

Here is the audio so you can hear for yourself.

Also, we have gone to businesses to hand out this flyer with the pilot program information where you can check that your employees names match their SSN. If employers don't want to use the phone number you can also check online.

My opinion: I was let down, Smith didn't show the enthusiasm that I was looking for. That being said, I am holding out hope and believe that if we continue to exert pressure we can help get this thing passed.

In related news...
175 Immigration Violators, Fugitives Arrested In OC
Immigration authorities arrested 175 "immigration violaters" in Orange County this week as part of a weeklong crackdown targeting undocumented immigrants and immigration fugitives.

According to ICE databases, there are currently 632,189 fugitive aliens [or as Bush/Snow call them: the backbone of our economy] in the United States, the release said.

Glad to see more illegal aliens going to jail/going home.

An exciting day

Make sure you tune into the Lars Larson show today to hear Senator Gordon Smith formally announce his LAWFUL WORKER TAX DEDUCTION ACT.

In a nutshell: Employers will no longer be able to claim a worker as a bussiness expense for tax deduction purposes if the employee doesn't have a matching name and social security number. (Hey, just like you can't claim a dependent on your tax return if they don't have a matching name and social security number, no brainer huh)

This will raise the cost of employing illegal aliens astronomically and will force employers to fire them. Without jobs the illegal aliens will, for the most part, be forced to go home.

This will not cost billions in tax dollars. It will not create new federal beauracracies. It will simply provide a self-enforcing way to follow the laws already on the books.

I'm excited to have a Senator from Oregon take this up. (note: it was originally Rep Steve King's idea and has been pushed hard by Lars Larson)

Special note: I know that many of you are signatories to the website. Those of you who have signed may receive an email from myself or Greg, once we have seen hard evidence that the senator is going to push this thing as hard as he can and not let it languish in some comittee or let it get amended six ways from Sunday, that will encourage you to once again support Gordon Smith.

Much in the way we need to punish our elected officials for bad votes, we do need to reward them for their good actions as well.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Real supporters don't hide

Hmmmm, which side to you think the majority of Americans identify with:

1. The people holding American flags and supporting the law or

2. The folks wearing bandanas over their faces to hide their identity

I would also contend that is says something about your position if you aren't willing to be identified publicly supporting it. I'm sure that some of you cowards consider yourselves true believers but the masks show how much pride you have in your cause... about the same amount of "Mexican pride" that citizens of that country show by abandoning their country in droves!

If you guys want to come protest us then by all means do so. But if you are worried that mom and dad are going to kick you out of the basement when then find pictures of you protesting in favor of illegal aliens when you told them you were out looking for a job then maybe you should stay away.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Today's protest: a moonbat's perspective

Portland City Hall Photo's / pro immigration Rally 6/20/07
Most crime in America is created by Corporations. Coorprate greed/fraud and the rich not paying a living wage to most of America's workers. Which in return, causes outsourcing of Huge production Company's.

Canning Veggies is not a crime !! and the persons canning them should never be treated as crimnals.

Besides being legally innacurate on the definintion of "crime" this shows you the mindset of the "legalize them" crowd. (wait a minute, if they aren't commiting crimes then why do they need amnesty?)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tony "Greenspan" Snowjob

Here is the Lars interview with Tony Snow. You can pick your own favorite part but I think the most telling is Tony's admission that the Bush administration's position (along with the position of the WSJ, Chamber of Commerce, etc) is that our economy needs illegal aliens. It will "tank" without them. (note: He may be onto something, did Mexico's economy start to get bad when they started deporting their Mexicans to us?)

We can call them illegal aliens, guest workers, tomatoes, whatever, they believe that bringing [mostly] Mexicans into this country in as large as numbers as possible is essential to the economy.

This of course is ridiculous. Has Del Monte closed down due to lack of workers? Have they been forced to raise wages? We will always have our own segment of the population to do these jobs. They are starter jobs, they are jobs for the unskilled, they are jobs that may need to move towards automation/mechanization (which would lead to some very good jobs and innovations) and to continue to say that we need an illegal workforce is insulting.

The affirmative action brain surgeon question

Good news Oregonians, the DMWESBs are building our bridges! While we just want our bridges to be built (and hopefully sturdy enough to last) it seems that ODOT cares more about the skin color or gender of the person building the bridge.

It's both funny and insulting the way they refer to the DMWESBs on this webpage.

I don't know about you, but I want my bridges built with the most competent and experienced person (CEPs) available.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Be heard

OFIR Members and supporters:


When: 9:30 am-Wednesday June 20th

Where: Portland City Hall-1221 SW 4th Ave. (Jefferson & 4th Ave).

Why: Mayor supports Illegal Del Monte workers & Day Labor Center via Taxpayers

What: City Council will have their meeting starting @ 9:30am

But how, you ask, do we know that day laborers are illegaly in this country? Because I ask!

UPDATE: The charming boys over at Indymedia have posted about our protest along with a great picture indicating that we are the illegal aliens.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Building green... and white and red

Made in Oregon . . . with plenty of help from Mexico
Daniel's headline: Made in Oregon... with plenty of help from criminals
At a Hillsboro strip mall Friday morning, Antonio, a 36-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, took a break from shopping with his wife and young daughter to reflect on last week's big Portland immigration bust.

Antonio, who did not want his last name used, has worked construction jobs for a decade in Oregon. His daughter was born here, and he now runs his own siding company and says he does pretty well.

"The truth is, we're here and working and not stealing anything from the government," Antonio said in Spanish.

I guess the Fishwrapper tolerates lies as long as they are told in Spanish. I would thoroughly enjoy seeing Antonio get deported but I can't really do anything about that. I can do something about this:

Randy Sebastian has thrived in Oregon's booming residential construction market, building upscale, quality homes. His Renaissance Homes is consistently one of the largest builders in the region.

"There are a lot of people, not everybody, but a lot of people who aren't willing to put in the effort," Sebastian said. "It's hard work. The labor has gone to the Hispanic worker who is hungry. A lot of the Caucasian workers are just not willing to do the work."

You can contact Renaissance Homes at this email:

Renaissance needs to know that you won't be doing business with them. They use the same scam of exclusively hiring through subcontracters to make the claim that they don't hire illegal aliens just like Del Monte did.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday night funny

I'm just not sure how the pant-suit crowd is going to deal with this. (get very emotional maybe?)

Hillary: The candidate in the kitchen!

I notice that her feet aren't shown and her belly is covered up in this photo... is there a chance she is barefoot and pregnant as well?

These jokers don't know when to quit

Senators to revive immigration bill
Senate leaders agreed Thursday night to revive stalled immigration legislation, capping a furious weeklong rescue attempt that drew President Bush's personal involvement. "The leaders have agreed on a way forward," said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D-Nev.

The measure, sidetracked a week ago, is expected to return to the Senate floor for additional debate as early as next week.

Stop Amnesty! Call Your Senator Toll free numbers at that link.

Thank you so much sellout Bush. And thank you jock-sniffers in the Republican party who still support him. (I would mention Greg Clapper but since I'm past the eighth grade I don't think I'm allowed to use the term "clapmeister" which is how he refers to himself)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read the crime blotter to see how many "families were torn apart."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

An immigration compilation

First, we have the new Ann Coulter column:

'No Drug Smuggler Left Behind!'
I didn't realize "living in the shadows" meant in the shadows of palm trees around the pools at taxpayer-funded houses.

Then I discovered that CAUSA (read criminal enablers) has a new YouTube channel. I see some familiar faces in their videos.

I have also heard, though can't find internet proof, that Avel Gordley is outraged that people would dare to enforce the law in Portland. Here is a photo I took of Gordley in Portland:

Yes, that's your "representative" standing in front of a foreign flag and a picture of Che Guevera. This is the kind of person who supports lawlessness.

Sob story video by Fishwrapper

How come we don't see crying relatives when there are large drug busts? What a one-sided take.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Hardworking immigrants" get arrested

Immigration Officials Arrest 100 Illegal Workers in Raid on Oregon Food Plant
PORTLAND, Ore — Federal agents on Tuesday raided the offices of a food processing plant suspected of employing hundreds of illegal workers who used Social Security numbers that belonged to other people or were made up, authorities said.

According to an affidavit filed by Maximillian Trimm, a special agent with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, only 48 of nearly 600 employees at the Fresh Del Monte Produce fruit and vegetable processing plant had valid Social Security numbers.

Sounds like there may be 552 job openings for American workers tommorrow. Not to mention a lot less fraud, labor violations, tax evasion, perjury and probably some good old fashioned drunk driving and rapes. (crimes for which illegal aliens are disproportionately arrested)

But of course some people won't want to talk about the criminal aspect of this. (as if there is some other aspect) CAUSA already has their "stop enforcing the law" press release out.

Claims that punishing criminals somehow "hurts children" and that "family values" are disrupted by enforcing our laws is absurd. If you, as a parent, put yourself in a position where you could be arrested and leave your children then you are a piece of human filth. You are not a parent.

YOU chose to break the law and you knew the potential consequences. If you fathered/gave birth to children here knowing that you may be arrested and deported then you are garbage.

If you fathered/gave birth to children here knowing that you couldn't legally provide for them and support them then you are scum.

And if you are here legally and you gave birth (more often) or fathered children with an illegal alien knowing that the person couldn't legally provide for their family and could be arrested for their crimes at any moment then you should be ashamed.

Society should look upon these degenerate "parents" with contempt and disgust. Puting children in harms way is not "family values."

I'm glad that these criminals got arrested and that Del Monte will have to hire legal workers who need jobs.

UPDATE: Fishwrapper takes sympathetic view on their blog
Immigrant supporters decry raid
Immigrant-rights, church and labor leaders gathered outside downtown Portland's Edith Green / Wendall Wyatt Federal Building this afternoon to denounce the raids on Fresh Del Monte Produce in North Portland earlier in the day.

Mayor Tom Potter and Oregon State Rep. Tina Kotek, whose district the Del Monte plant is in, both issued statements in opposition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement action. Potter's statement noted that no Portland Police officers participated.

What about regulating those shoes with the wheel on the heel?

State of Oregon Job Announcement
ATV Coordinator
$3,337 - $4,880 MONTHLY

Agency Representation: As assigned, act as an agency representative to ATV safety training instructors. Participates in forums with Law Enforcement personnel, Safety Instructors, and users on the ATV safety program.

This must be what they need the higher beer tax for. Is there anything that Oregon won't hire PERS recipients to regulate?

Monday, June 11, 2007

So sick of this

I started a long post but deleted it. I don't know what to say anymore. This country has gone crazy. I can't say anything good about Bush at this point. And don't give me the whole "war on terror" thing because you can't protect this country while having wide open borders where terrorists can just walk in.

Our danger isn't so much from a nation-state that we could turn into a parking lot tommorrow, it's from people who would surreptitiously operating to kill Americans in this country.

And Chertoff, the man in charge of security, is spending his time trying to convince us, the dummy citizens who seem to have gotten in the way of our grand master's plan, that illegal aliens are great, amnesty is great and we will solve the problem of illegal immigration by making it legal and calling it a "guest worker" program.

Our president doesn't care about the law, our congress doesn't seem to care about the law, our governor doesn't care about the law, our legislature doesn't care about the law and our state police don't care about the law.

(Hey state trooper Jose Cortez, I look forward to you being asked in court whether you have ever committed perjury. (try this) I hope that no judge in the state will allow you to testify in their courts over this.)

Friday, June 08, 2007

This is what the American sheeple want

In an attempt to increase readership and ad revenue I have decided to start ignoring the invasion of our country by illegal aliens and instead talk about what is most important to Americans.

Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris

Are you happy now?

We did it

Amnesty bill has been tabled for the time being. Thanks to everyone who made phone calls, visits, emails, faxes, etc.

Here is how they voted:
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes

Thursday, June 07, 2007

OFIR rally and beating back amnesty

Oregonians for Immigration Reform rally

4 p.m. on Friday, June 8, in Salem at the intersection of Hawthorne and Mission Streets (by Costco)

Bring your own signs or use one of the OFIR signs that will be available.

Previous rally photo

Senate Blocks Final Vote on Immigration Reform Bill
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hoped to scramble enough support to pass an immigration reform bill during a second test vote expected Thursday evening, vowing to try to get it through the Senate despite a morning vote that failed to reach the 60-vote threshold needed to end debate and get to final passage.

Republicans stuck together to block an end to debate, 33-63. They opposed the measure because it would have prevented Republican amendments from being offered.

This is good news but let's not let our guard down.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Real Americans don't hide in "the shadows"

The illegal alien, I mean "undocumented immigrant", I mean "hardworking immigrant, is now an "undocumented American" according to Harry Reid. By the end of the week the criminal aliens will be called "super Americans."

Here are your "undocumented Americans" Traitor Reid.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tancredo gets it

Join the Save America Campaign and Sign this Petition to tell Republican Senators you demand they oppose the Kennedy-McCain-Bush amnesty bill, or you will support their defeat!

No amnesty petition

Monday, June 04, 2007

Keep up the pressure

Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202)224-3121 and ask for your senators' and/or representative's office

US Capitol toll free 877-851-6437 or 866-220-0044

Amnesty is in the news. It's interesting to watch the media twist themselves into knots over this one. Call the folks in DC and say NO to S. 1348.

Also, there will be an OFIR rally on Friday in Salem at 4:00pm. Details to follow.

Random picture of the day: (taken at day labor site in Cornelius)

How about that whole "let's bring them out of the shadows" nonsense. These guys, in response to our protest, stand on a busy street corner with "legalize me" signs.