In an attempt to increase readership and ad revenue I have decided to start ignoring the invasion of our country by illegal aliens and instead talk about what is most important to Americans.
Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris
Are you happy now?
Ah yes, every time I think of Paris I think of Dog Crap all over the city sidewalks.
Sorry folks, just like NYC those are bubble gum stains in good ol Gay Paris.
Wait till you see Fifi have her butt wiped and the tissue dumped on the spot.
Ever notice how if a Republican does something like, say writes a dirty email to someone who was a few months shy of 18, that is the media event. Ever notice how if say a democrat is caught taking bribes there is always another media event like Paris that seems to overshadow it? Ever notice how if a highly prominent Republican senator praises a former segregationist, the story leads for days, but if a highly prominent Democratic senator praises a former KKK leader a few months later it seems something else was going on that day? Oh sure the media do report on it, but wow, talk about a question of hang time.
Paris kills both the Jefferson and Illegals bill fiascos, both huge embarrassments for the leadership in congress. When those events fade, so too will Paris.
A pretty fucked up world: Paris Hilton is in jail for driving with a suspended license, while George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld -- guilty of mass murder -- remain free.
I think the men in black suits and sunglasses are coming to get you, R Huse.
Amusing, Irony cop. On the Democrat side, the war on terror has been described as nothing more than a bumper-sticker. Apparently, Al-Qaida never got the message, as word comes today that they've declared a "holy war" on India.
The statement — five pages long and given in Urdu — mentions insurgencies in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, the Palestinian territories and Algeria and describes them as a global Islamic movement "aimed at wiping out borders and leading to the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate."
Now, at first blush, that whole "wiping out borders" thing seems like something that George Bush and Teddy Kennedy could jump right behind - although it must be admitted that most of the rest of us don't exactly see the concept as a benefit; Florida Republican U.S. Senator Mel Martinez, for example, has seen his approval ratings plummet to an all-time low in response to his support for the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill.
The issue has cost Martinez, who lives in Orlando, the support of voters like John Gilbert, a retired aerospace engineer from Orange County.
"What we've had is a nonviolent invasion of our country," said Gilbert, a Republican who voted for Martinez when he was elected in 2004. Gilbert said giving legal standing to illegal workers is not good for the country and will strain schools and hospitals. He said Martinez, who came to the U.S. from Cuba as a legal immigrant as a teenager, would not support it if he weren't an immigrant."I can assure you: Those of us who didn't walk ashore or swim ashore oppose it," Gilbert said. "We see people coming in and taking over our nation."
Still, whether you agree or disagree with provisions contained in the Amnesty Bill, and whether you agree or disagree with the whole view of wiping out borders, there's that one little addendum to the Al-Qaida declaration that should give even the most fervent supporters of open borders; even the most fervent debunkers of the war on terror - a bit of pause: that part about the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate.
That part kind of relegates the war on terror to some rather higher status than that of a mere "bumper-sticker".
Oh, hey, Irony cop: what was that about "mass-murder" again?
Capitalism is a bitch, isn't it Daniel?
Speaking of irony, I think there's a great deal of it to be found in the fact that while Daniel and his ditto-heads like to hurl "communist" and "socialist" at anyone who disagrees with them, it was in fact "communism" under Stalin that embraced the following policies: Walls separating borders, rounding up the unworthy and shipping them off out of sight and out of mind, presumptions of guilt before innocence, etc.
Who's the communist, Mr. Miglavs?
If that is truly your goal, you need to add "tags" at the bottom of your post:
"Slut Girl"
irony police said:"...pretty fucked up world: Paris Hilton is in jail for driving with a suspended license, while George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld -- guilty of mass murder -- remain free."
Hey! Daily Kos was wondering where their idiot went! And here it is!
BTW, That "guilty of mass murder" shtick is so over!
Paris Hilton in jail garb -- that's hot. She should see this as an opportunity, not an injustice.
"On the Democrat side, the war on terror has been described as nothing more than a bumper-sticker. Apparently, Al-Qaida never got the message, as word comes today that they've declared a "holy war" on India...
As a matter of fact, I would call that the religious-fanatic equivalent of a bumper sticker. Failure to differentiate a word's genuine meaning and its mere rhetorical weight is a kind of Orwellian diffusion that we should really try to avoid. And lest you take that as another tired whip at conservatives' ankles, I'd say that both sides are guilty of it, if you look at them as their Presidential front-runners represent them. In fact, the only candidate I've seen to publicly acknowledge the tangible reality of Islamic fanaticism's evolution is Ron Paul - a Republican.
The War on Terror is no closer to a genuine war than are the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty - you've heard them enough times, I'm sure - the tags painted by every President who couldn't admit that all he wanted was his own World War II, and adopted by a population that wanted to be the Greatest Generation and nurse a $15 cappuccino from Starbucks at the same time.
The invasion of Afghanistan was a war. The Iraq War is a war, even if Congress has yet to call it one. But our government's attempt to eliminate worldwide terrorism is no war, even if both they and our enemies pretend otherwise, because our "enemies" do not consist of some collective demonic horde scorching the earth in their path and raising up their unholy Caliphate from the ruins. This primitive perspective has been popular over the last six years because it makes things like 9/11 so much easier to wrap your head around, and it's the only perspective from which corollaries like "fighting them over there instead of at home" and "hunting down the terrorists" make the slightest bit of sense. The closer you get to a level of complexity and nuance resembling actual reality, those sound bytes start to look a lot weaker.
Our "enemies" consist of hundreds, maybe thousands, of groups whose sole unifying feather is a common dislike of the United States. It's easy for that to sound a bit scary, but, fortunately, Peter Jackson isn't directing it, so if Osama bin Laden wants to be der Führer, he has some inconvenient truths to dispose of. First, most of those groups are tiny, made up of fewer than a dozen uneducated and impoverished people who don't have a prayer of conducting a terrorist attack or paramilitary operation, much less coordinating with each other for anything larger. The "plots" against the U.S. that managed the most media coverage in the last year consisted of a plan to assault Fort Dix in the guise of pizza deliverymen, and a plan to blow up JFK airport by tossing a match into a gas pipe. By and large, we're not talking about the best and the brightest here. And even the major exception to that, al Qaeda, has clearly never recovered from the overthrow of the Taliban, the closest thing it ever had to the unconditional support of a nation-state.
Which brings us to the second problem: even if these groups were able to organize, they would still be fundamentally crippled by the fact that every single one of their members is a citizen of a nation-state, and everything they do taks place within some nation's borders. Even if their operations collectively represent a threat to the United States, any one of their individual actions - buying weapons, forging passports, and so on - are no more impressive than organized crime. In other words, what threatens al Qaeda at every turn is not the grandiose, overwhelming military invasions, but the efforts of commonplace law enforcement.
Third, these people's fanaticism doesn't translate very well into action. There are subtle (and not-so-subtle) differences between every group's motives, means and ends, which even makes some of them each other's enemies. This literally smashes the "unified horde" worldview to pieces. Those who are so lazy as to conclude that all of the Islamic world has declared war upon the West are incredibly annoyed, to the point of denial, by the implications of the fact that Saddam Hussein hated al Qaeda just about as much as we do. The collective conflicts in "Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, the Palestinian territories and Algeria" are faces of the same movement, but that's a far cry from being cogs in the same wheel, and the idea that they can all help al Qaeda create the Islamic Caliphate they dream about is propaganda at best, delusional naivete at worst.
I hate to recycle the patronizing truism that "the Middle East issue is complicated," but, well, it is. And right now, the only ones actively pointing it out are Arthur Silber, Jimmy Carter, and a Republican Congressman who once said that "only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions."
I'd be the last to say that global terrorism isn't a major problem and a defining issue for our generation. But it must be dealt with as what it has increasingly become: a movement, a philosophy, a psychology, born of equally abstract and aethereal currents in human relations. Not as some apocalyptic crusade that simply doesn't exist outside the imagery of Presidential speeches, an imagery that is meant to be the medium, not the message.
So to be honest, al Qaeda's desire to go back to the days of the Ottoman Empire and forge a worldwide Caliphate does not give me much pause. They are logistically incapable of making that dream a reality.
Ah, a critique of contemporary society. You are almost giving a perfect example of your dissent with false consciousness. I applaud it, for it shows that you have hope!
In all seriousness, though, do you see this as a result of capitalistic forces giving in to what the media wants or is it the masses being persuaded that this is what they want by capitalistic forces?
Insulting Dr ron paul or his followers works much better.
President Defends Immigration Bill
Anchor babies born after the last amnesty should have their citizenship cancelled.
I Invented: If 600,000 + dead is not mass murder, then please tell me: What is?
Even the UN, that US-loving body of worthy politicos puts their estimate at 48,000 in Iraq.
The 600,000 number was an extrapolation based on intentional misrepresentation of facts by one single discredited source. But, hey, the truth of the matter obviously doesn't matter to you, just that the number is BIG.
p.s. the 48,000 includes EVERYONE, uniformed soldiers, civilian casualties, "insurgent" fighters, and coalition troops.
By the way, that heavy angry breathing you're doing? it's causing global warming. I suggest wearing a plastic bag over your head, it'll keep your greenhouse gases from escaping and personally killing off 500 species today.
Eddie -- So then, you've read that study? Excellent. I have too. Let's discuss it. How is it flawed, in your view? Please identify the "single discredited source," and also direct me to the individual or group that was responsible for revealing what you call the study's "misrepresentation of facts."
Read this:
Right.. must be the Liberals. That's why Lars' poll question deals with Paris Hilton, and Fox News covers it more than any other network.
The Associated Press
Monday, June 11, 2007; 5:58 AM
"Bush Says Immigration Bill Will Survive"
"I believe we can get it done," Bush said of the immigration bill that has run into deep trouble on Capitol Hill. "I'll see you at the bill signing."
Ten arrested for selling counterfeit contents. In Hillsboro, Oregon.
The Oregonian named the "Accused of selling counterfeit CDs and DVDs are: America Benito, 32; Laura Morales Carrasco, 27; Silvia Hernandez, 44; Daniel Flores Armenta, 22; Jose Ibarra Romero, 19; Ma Maldonado, 46; Jose Romero Esquivel, 36; Miguel Orduna Alonso, 28; Victor Garcia, 37; and Martha Tellez, 36."
Welcome to Oregon's Mexico.
Yeah, because American citizens would never, ever do that. Wouldn't even occur to us, because we're so squeaky-clean! I mean, before they started coming here, we didn't even have crime in the United States. Thanks to them, our utopia has been ruined!
I will point out, once again, that Ted Bundy was a Young Republican ;)
It's just a part of the Republican "character" that they are naturally inclined to follow through on homicidal impulses. I mean, look at George Bush. Not to stigmatize the whole lot of them based on the actions of a few, but isn't that what they are like? Even guys who don't necessarily break the law even ... Shwarzeneggar, Bruce Willis, big Republicans. Look at what movies they make ... carrying big guns, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Hmmm ...
Maybe we need a limit on the number of Oregonians who are allowed to register Republican, so we can put some constraints on the potential for carnage. Oregon currently has more Republicans than we realistically have room for ... they're putting a strain on the system and on local services ... they're overcrowding our schools, and demanding that they get special rights: they want have the classroom converted into an auxiliary of their own church, have science taught out of the Bible, they get offended by certain books and demand that they be removed, etc.
I know. Let's find all the Republicans who have moved here in the last five years, and make them go back where they were before. Those of us who were here first are the ones who count.
LOL.. I think you're onto something Anon. We should find out how many of these whiney Conservatives are actual Oregonians. Oh, and for the record, I'm a 3rd generation Oregonian. So I get to stay.
The rest of you illegal aliens.. especially CALIFORNIANS need to go back to their own state. ;)
We could build a fence. Set quotas. Stigmatize all of them simply for being from somewhere else. I'm tired of the californication of Oregon! They don't understand us, and they are ruining my state!!!
'Course, lets hope the Warm Spring tribe and others don't get wind of this. Since much of the land we're currently living on was.. gulp.. stolen. I guess once we get ours it's OK. Now we just need to keep everyone else out.
I'm also getting tired of these Republicans trying to force their own language on us: I mean, we've already got a language that makes sense, but now, when you hear a Republican talk about "education," what they're really talking about is ignorance-only sex education. Outsourcing torture somehow got turned into "extraordinary rendition." "Pro-life" means valuing human life up until birth.
I can't keep up with it all. Preserve the English language! Stop the hijacking of English by Republican doublespeak!
Let the record show: When Eddie was called on his bullshit, he stood down.
"I will point out, once again, that Ted Bundy was a Young Republican ;) "
So? Ted Kennedy is a Democrat...
So both parties have guys named Ted who have killed innocent women...whats your point?
The point is that picking on one element of a person, be it their politics, their ethnicity, or a hispanic surname, to somehow impune everyone like that is simply asinine. I'm sorry if you're sarcasm challenged.
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