Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sob story video by Fishwrapper

How come we don't see crying relatives when there are large drug busts? What a one-sided take.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Fishwrap is kissing Tommy Potter's ass.

If one doesn't want to bear going through these raids, then one must migrate to the United States legally.

And what I mean by legally, legally according to the laws of the United States, not the "undocumented laws" of public opinion.

Anonymous said...

When I got fired (and nearly arrested) for doing something I shouldn't have at one of the jobs I used to have, I cried too.

It doesn't mean I was justified in doing it.

Migrate legally and this won't happen. I learned my lesson and have become a valuable worker at my job.

Anonymous said...

Any mention of this story in the Statesman Journal? I didn't see anything online but don't get the paper version. Any comment from our worthless Guv?

Anonymous said...

¡Adios Amigos!

Anonymous said...

Mayor's statement:

Anonymous said...

Quote from Mayor Potter’s statement:

“Our nation would be better served if this kind of energy was focused on creating a comprehensive approach to immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship; addresses the immigration backlog that keeps families apart; and provides a safe and legal way for workers to enter our country and be productive workers and taxpayers. Immigrants provide more than mere labor in our community. They have long enriched our history, our culture and our city. My heart goes out to families dealing with the aftermath of this morning."

Quote from La Raza website:

"Only a comprehensive approach that provides a path to citizenship for current undocumented immigrants, creates new legal channels for future flows of needed immigrants, reduces family immigration backlogs, and protects worker rights will reduce undocumented immigration and bring order to our immigration system."

Anonymous said...

Poor babies. Break the law and there's a good chance you'll get busted sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Lawbreakers DO NOT "enrich the history or the culture of a city"..and ones who overlook lawbreaking are aiding & abetting the lawbreaker & are just as guilty.

I understand that the Catholic Archbishop has sympathized with the lawbreakers. Has sanity & common sense left our country?

Anonymous said...

The unbridled glee Daniel Miglavs and his dittoheads express when celebrating the destruction of families exposes the stinking hypocrisy behind the "family values" rhetoric that comes from the right-wing camp. Family values, my ass! Seems like you could at least feign sympathy, perhaps mumble a word or two of along the lines of, "Of course, it's unfortunate how families are being split apart, etc. etc."

But NOPE! Can't give an inch to the brown hordes, can you? Fuck, you can't even pretend that you give a shit.

And to answer your question, 3:49, "Has sanity & common sense left our country?" I'd say that it definitely is starting to ... and you guys are the tip of that ugly spear.

Chris said...

celebrating the destruction of families

Who destroyed those families, might I ask? Certainly not the person who put that family at risk by breaking the law... can't blame them...

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:51,

I could really care less that families are being torn apart by these raids. I find it hard to show sympathy towards a group of people who have literally forced themselves upon the citizens of the US, while at the same time draining the social service safety net and not assimulating to any real degree.

I really think that if the circumstances were a little different that most americans might look at things differently. But I feel nothing but disgust towards illegal immigrants.

Anonymous said...

As a Catholic, myself, I can tell you why the Church is siding with the illegal aliens. First, the Church itself doesn't really observe borders in its own personel decisions, your local priest may be from Bolivia, or may be facing a transfer to Mexico City. With the numbers of American's heading into the seminaries, a lot of local parish priests started out in South and Central America. Secondly, the numbers of American regularly attending masses and giving money regularly is dwindling. The non-native hispanics tend to be more "religious" about their religion. I think the archbishop is envisioning services being full again.

Be that as it may, I, and a lot of other Catholics, wish the bishops would stop speaking out on this subject. First off, their vision isn't "true", the children of illegals aren't sticking with the Church as often as they seem to think. Also, the "entry requirement," namely the willingness to break big laws on an ongoing basis, does tend to selct towards the wrong end of the law-abiding, contributing citizen scale.

The current media blitz is as if they decided to lay off car thieves for a decade or so, then started arresting and taking the cars away... then all news stories consisted of people telling how that was their favorite car, they really depended on that car for their livelihood, it's really not fair that they worked so hard to get that car and we're taking it away, etc. Then there's the congressional bill... which would allow them to keep the car, and eventually pay $50 and take a simplified driver's test...

Oh, and the really really innocent ones? Yeah, they're the ones who did it because they saw others getting away with it. Sure gives them the moral high ground, doesn't it?