Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday night funny

I'm just not sure how the pant-suit crowd is going to deal with this. (get very emotional maybe?)

Hillary: The candidate in the kitchen!

I notice that her feet aren't shown and her belly is covered up in this photo... is there a chance she is barefoot and pregnant as well?


Anonymous said...

Another Kermit lover huh?

BEAR said...

I heard about a Studebaker with that color....goat vomit green.

Anonymous said...

With an outfit color like that... and the "Shrek 3" promotional at the bottom, it does make you wonder who Hillary is really hanging out with. What an ogre.

Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to assume her ovaries are all dried up and resemble shriveled up old prunes.

Anonymous said...

Always interesting the conservative mind, they attack a woman on her womanhood. Daniel has to revert to the white trash "get back in the kitchen" lingo. I guess he thinks because his whore is nothing, every other woman must be too.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 12:20 , I hope dan'l finds out who you are and kicks your ass . Your comment is just like all the rest of the sick libs and their bellowing ,you rant and rave with dirty mouths and lies when you are caught up short with nothing intelligent to say

Anonymous said...

In other news, Marco Vildozola Aguirre, 34, of Beaverton might have as well probably pleaded his innocents for the cultural indifferences. He gets 28 years in prison for molesting a child, a sentence prescribed under Oregon's new Jessica's law that passed in April, 2006.

Oh, and a good indication that he is not from here, his comment that was spoken only in Spanish at the end of the story.

Anonymous said...

It is not at all interesting how the con mind works. When a little inbred boy like daniel is squeezed out in a back alley toilet by his "momma", it is not at all hard to understand why he hates women so much.

Scottiebill said...

Anon 12:20 and robert have nothing of substance to post so they attack Daniel. Typical of the Libs. They are following the lead of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi - with no agenda, no solutions, no direction, and no values, they can only try to undermine whatever positive directions and ideals others are taking.

Pretty sad.

Or maybe they are just Sad Sacks.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:17, Daniel is going to kick who's ass? Bwhaaahahah You have never seen Daniel in person then. The bald little pip squeak looks like he can barely pick up a dead duck let alone kick someone's ass.

Anonymous said...


Scottieshill says, "Whaaaa! stop undermining us...whaaaaa"

Oh brother, quit complaining, man.

Kaelri said...

I'm sure you'll all be proud of these comments fifty years from now. It's really the stuff of a human legacy, I think. Pipsqueaks and sad sacks. Mesmerized, I am.

Anonymous said...

it is all so funny how dan'l gets his lickin' everytime he opens his trap. i agree, this is stuff of human legacy. Now lets get back to the heart of this post: chauvinism

Anonymous said...

A sampling of the sophistication level of political discussion between Daniel Miglavs and fellow members of the extreme right-wing:

I notice that her feet aren't shown and her belly is covered up in this photo... is there a chance she is barefoot and pregnant as well?

I heard about a Studebaker with that color....goat vomit green.

What an ogre …

I think it's safe to assume her ovaries are all dried up and resemble shriveled up old prunes.

I hope dan'l finds out who you are and kicks your ass.

Let no one say these guys don’t represent the cream of the intellectual crop!

Anonymous said...

If Daniel were to take the high ground and listen to the angels of our better nature, he'd delete this insanely childish post and the bile that followed it, and move on.

Of course, if he wants this type of discourse to be associated with his name, and with conservatism in general, then by all means, he should leave it up, for all to see.

BEAR said...

Happy Father's Day, Mr. Daniel! How apropos that following a post celebrating the only female, besides kaelri, that bill clinton won't have sex with, we see the kidiot weigh-in. What's the matter, kaelri, hamas won't send you a bhurka and suicide belt?

Anonymous said...

In America everyone has the right to speak as they wish, but - Wow! There sure a lot of posters stuck on stupid! Anon 12:20, roger, etal. When/if you grow up maybe you'll be allowed to sit at the big boys table.
In the meantime, go do something constructive instead of coming here spouting childish invective against Daniel. How many have their own blogs? Raise your right hand. (No, your other right hand!) OK, maybe Daniel doesn't post the way you'd like, maybe he can get a little inflamatory..."Free Speech", right? Instead of coming here, maybe y'all should start a blog of your own where you can act like a pissant all you like.

I could say more, but it's like talking to a brick wall with some.
And I'll give kaelri due props, he at least has the intelligence to form a reasonable argument.


Anonymous said...

This blog needs to change it's mission statement to "Envoking the bigotry, racism, sexism, chauvinism and exceptionalism Americans won't do". If Daniel is what you call a father, I figure congress need put forth a resolution immediately banning their existance.

Kaelri said...

Much obliged for your remarks, Mullet.

Bear, I think I've corrected you three or four times on this point, but in case I did so in too cryptic a fashion for you, I'll say it very clearly this time: I am, in fact, male. I hope you can move past the sexism tangent now.

Daniel said...

Note to Hillary: Feel free to come to my kitchen but there better not be any lumps in my mashed potatos!

And to the liberal folks: what's it like going through life with absolutely no sense of humor at all? Do you ever even smile?

Daniel said...

Oh, and I don't allow pant-suits. Put on a dress.

Anonymous said...

Daniel, There is a vast difference between having a sense of humor (of any kind) and an adult acting like an asshole. You obviously don't understand the difference.

BEAR said...

you must be referring to hillary's pretend husband, eh? BTW, kidiot, I love it when you flirt.