Here is the Lars interview with Tony Snow. You can pick your own favorite part but I think the most telling is Tony's admission that the Bush administration's position (along with the position of the WSJ, Chamber of Commerce, etc) is that our economy needs illegal aliens. It will "tank" without them. (note: He may be onto something, did Mexico's economy start to get bad when they started deporting their Mexicans to us?)
We can call them illegal aliens, guest workers, tomatoes, whatever, they believe that bringing [mostly] Mexicans into this country in as large as numbers as possible is essential to the economy.
This of course is ridiculous. Has Del Monte closed down due to lack of workers? Have they been forced to raise wages? We will always have our own segment of the population to do these jobs. They are starter jobs, they are jobs for the unskilled, they are jobs that may need to move towards automation/mechanization (which would lead to some very good jobs and innovations) and to continue to say that we need an illegal workforce is insulting.
Gotta admit rents on dump properties will drop like rocks.
All those government workers who own them will cry big as they lose their McMansions, Lexus SUV's and Jet Boats.
Tony Snow was a disgrace today on Lars. Does he think we are idiots?
every time I hear that companies cannot survive without illegal aliens, it just makes me cringe.
In my opinion, if we have to create a subculture or a "slave" economy for a company to exist,then maybe that company should just go ahead and suffer the fate of the marketplace, and just shrivel up and die.
while I will agree that working in a cannery is not the most attractive job, if you need a job, you will do it.
I think a lot of it comes from the results of having child labor laws which were preventing our children from working in the fields and gaining the experience of hard manual labor such as picking strawberries are beans during the summer.
you have to wonder about companies companies like fresh Del Monte, who have no problem with breaking the law, of what other laws they are breaking.
for example, are they not maintaining sanitary conditions of the food we eat?
Think about it
Geez, every time we hear Tony Snow-Job putting lipstick on this pig and trying to sell amnesty as not amnesty it makes me cringe as well. How stupid do you have to be to put forth that 40% of Illegal Aliens have PhD's...yeah right that's why they're working at Del Monte.
Passage of the "Immigration" bill that Bush is trying deparatly to revive after it flat lined, thanks to We the people will mean one thing. Expanding the "Dependant" (Democrat voting) class by millions, which is a Democrat Socialist's "Wet Dream" and as far as Repulicrats supporting this piece of shit, you got to wonder is it cheap labor or are they just hoping to get some of the "overflow" votes from the newly legalized criminals?
As a rule we can count on the following, if it's bad for America the Democrats will support it.
...if we have to create a subculture or a "slave" economy for a company to exist...
Welcome to capitalism
Anon 9:58-Capitolism built the Worlds largest middle class in history here because of RULEs and a level playing field.
Some companies avoiding those rules i.e. Enron, are cheaters and crooks and like Del Monte they should lose their workers and wind up in Prison.
Back when there were no child labor laws there were similar chicken little economists who had visions of factories collapsing if kids were removed from the assembly lines. The laws passed and guess what, the factories kept producing.
without Capitalism, communists starve. Russia couldn't feed itself, China imports huge amounts of food, East Germany was in the dumper (and is still holding back the German economy), Zimbabwe is now unable to feed itself (it used to export food), and the South Africans are having to turn back between 10 and 20 thousand Zimbabweans/month. If the mehicans don't like this country's prosperity, they should logically go home to the "heaven on earth" they just fled.
Thanks for article!
Thanks for interesting article.
Glad to read articles like this. Thanks to author!
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
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