It would seem that the lying testimony of the illegal aliens supporters was all for not:
New Rules Adopted On Driver Licenses
The Oregon Transportation Commission adopted new rules Thursday regulating the issuance of driver licenses.
Under rules that take effect Feb. 4, applicants must show proof of residence to get an Oregon license. When a customer comes to an Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles office to apply for a first-time, renewal or replacement card, the DMV will electronically verify the Social Security number provided.
Thank you for everyone who wrote/complained/called/etc. Thank you to OFIR. We are starting to remove the rewards for breaking our laws. Let the exodus begin...
Rewards? Licenses are more like a tool for safety. Yeah, the State of Oregon has never been one dor safety of Oregonians.
Anyways, it matters really little to the undocumented peps as they will drive anyways. When has a license ever stopped anyone from not driving. What will be intersting is not being able to identify them now. Well the OFIR clowns got their wish--you just made us all a little more unsafe.
What exodus? They're not going anywhere until employers stop giving them jobs. Not many of them give a crap if they have a license or not. They'll either make do without one like millions of American citizens do(and drive anyway) or snag a fake one on any street corner in Hillsboro or Woodburn. Big whoop.
All the transportation commission did was do what Teddy wanted them to do. He wrote the executive order and told them to implement it. Daniel it is so easy to look at this as some sort of victory, but Teddy wrote the order in response to DHS's concerns for identity theft not OFIR/Minutemen. He could really give two shits for OFIR or the two people that belong to the Oregon Minutemen. Teddy is still proposing a separate license for illegals anyways. That should show you that OFIR isn't it for him.
2 people in OFIR? Huh...seemed like alot more then that last I checked. Regardless of what you all say, its a victory for all Oregonians. Its a step in the right direction to removing the unwanted status as a sanctuary state. Its a step towards reclaiming our neighborhoods and schools.
Daniel, what's your view on the liars in the White House, and the lies they tell?
Ah, fuck it. I know you don't give a shit about that. Whatever. So why don't you do this: Continue to pretend that your indignation about "liars" is genuine. It's good for a laugh, anyway.
Hooray for Oregon...some sanity exists after all.....Now, if only Gov. Chrissy in WA would get in the game.
What "reich direction" are you speaking of? The fact that more people are gonna be driving without licenses. All Oregon did was make our roads a whole lot more unsafe. Morons.
We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday....Oh deep in my heart, I do believe that you racists will overcome your irrational fear of immigrants someday!
What about those liars Danny. Didn't the old kook from OFIR Jimmy Ludwig testify. I saw him on the TV calling Mexican immigrants drug dealers, identity theives among other racist crap. Talk about a scapegoating lie. But really what would a scum bag pig like him, who is good buddies with Bruce Benkle the OFIR-Republican Pedophile know about truth?
That's because they are, y'all.
In my personal opinion, a world without illegal aliens would be a great world. Legal immigrants would come in and do the jobs necessary, including do landscaping or soil science. Fat women who normally survived on welfare would have to scrub toilets and do maid work, and stop being lazy.
If being against illegal aliens is racist, then I'm racist. It will not stop me from finding them, getting ICE over to arrest, and eventually deporting them.
But, then again, most of the illegal lovers also are interested in making sure the Mexican rapists stay here...all so they can vote Democrat.
Rapist scum.
It's fascinating that every time good news appears, so do the lefty trolls. They mock our laws, and extoll the cowardly dregs of society who prefer to snuggle in our welfare goodies rather than fix their own third world cesspools.
Criminals calling me racist? Yeah, that'll get me on your side. Go march against your own corrupt governments.
driving is a privilege.
However, the truth is that if somebody does not have a drivers license, except for jail, what is actually going to stop them from getting behind the wheel anyway?
"They'll drive anyhow!"
Yes lawbreakers WILL break additional laws, thank you for reminding us.
Police pull someone over, NO LICENSE? Justifiable cause to ask immigration status (After #112 passes, Police CAN do this, U.S. Supremes OK'd this in Meuhler Vs. Mena))Police find out person is Illegal = Jail = I.C.E. = Deported!
Three days after OR. Supreme Court OK'd #112, Gov. comes out with Executive order, just a coinsidence right?
You open border enablers sound worried, YOU should be.
Solution, Go HOME & fix your own Country.
Thank you to Daniel and OFIR & Lars & Taft & Kropf & Richard Sturm for having me on his show in Eugene today & his Producer Andy Manuel for sharing his story of his Dad coming LEGALLY from Mexico.
Truth, Justice and the American way, always wins.
The fact of the matter is that they will continue to do what they've been doing all along: like stealing trucks
The difference is that we're finally adding much-needed and long-overdue enforcement tools.
Cops still need "just cause" to pull over anyone. Not until they're pulled over does someone have to show their license. Speaking in terms of percentages, how many people get pulled over? Not many. It's been YEARS since I've been pulled over for anything. What are they going to do, start pulling people over for "driving while Mexican?" This is a feeble drop in the bucket. People drive, licensed or not. People will continue to be able to bank with their matricularia cards. This is not that big of a deal for them and will not have the tremendous effect you think it will. Life will contine on for them relatively unchanged until the CROOKS who hire them are pursued with just as much glee as OFIR takes in pursuing Mexicans.
Here in Eugene I have been pulled over 5 times in the last 3 months with mostly bogus cause. Once I had a headlight out for less than one day. Once I was pulled over for a tail light out and checked and it was working fine. Once because I turned into the far lane instead of the closest one (technically a violation). Twice for not coming to a complete stop (I did stop by the way). I was not issued a citation on any of this stops. Could be that I get off work at 1:00 am and drive a 15 year old GEO. My point is that they really don't need much of an excuse to pull you over, at least in Eugene.
We "trolls" really ought to not worry too much about you Miglavians. The noise you make is disproportionate to your actual influence or numbers. Sure, you win some battles along the way, so enjoy them. The war, you've already lost. You don't understand that, do you? It was never "winnable" to begin with, at least not in the way you want it to be. Immigration is ultimately shaped by forces way, way, WAY beyond your control, not by bills, fences, rules or presidents. You're like Hitler in his bunker, convinced that he's going to push those pesky Russians out of Berlin any minute now! Good luck with that! ;-)
You can get a fake DL for less than $100 bucks on any street corner in the barrio.
Bluto: the phenomenon called "human migration" is, indeed, a force greater than any gov't has ever been able to control. Ask Europe how it's working for them.
I think this whole thing, debate, is funny. The fact is it is all status quo. The undocs are going home, the OFIR fools are continuing on spin cycle, while the fed, state and local gov scratch their heads. Actually more people are crossing the border more than ever before. Jobs continue to be good for them. They can support their families, help out the American economy all the while staying in the shadows. Ahh, the American dream, every one wants a piece of it. Welcome ALL my brothers and sisters from south of the border. YOU TOO CAN HAVE A PROSPEROUS LIFE.
Should have read: the undocs aren't going home, the OFIR fools are continuing on spin cycle, while the fed, state and local gov scratch their heads. Actually more people are crossing the border more than ever before. Jobs continue to be good for them. They can support their families, help out the American economy all the while staying in the shadows. Ahh, the American dream, every one wants a piece of it. Welcome ALL my brothers and sisters from south of the border. YOU TOO CAN HAVE A PROSPEROUS LIFE.
Read 'em and weep you f%&#ing pricks. McCAIN WINS BIG!!!!!!. What happened to your anti-immigrant candidate? McCain said bo about immigration and he swept SC with a 60% victory. Looks like McCain might be the Republican nominee. And with McCain being the man behind immigration reform for the good, you pukes are gonna be stuck with a protest vote for some Nazi party candidate from the Dixiecup south. That is a big one big HA on the Minuteklan, Alleypac and all the little anti-immigrant hate groups around the United States of America.
I see the fear --- if Illegal’s are required to have Oregon Drivers Licenses – and don’t – they’re breaking an Oregon Law. Before… “Immigration Law’s a Federal issue, we can’t touch them.”
Perhaps even the Cornelius chief of police can begin enforcing some semblance of “Oregon Law” - Whether he likes it or not!
Good work Gov., better work OFIR!
gurrito, don’t equate all “illegal lovers” with “Democrats.” I’m a Democrat and I’ve stood next to these Illegal Enablers in protest. They’re not Democrats -- They’re more likely Anarchists!
Here’s the breakdown: Working class Democrats AND Republicans are the victims of this invasion. Republicans speak up, Democrats less so. Wealthy Republicans (like the Bush Dynasty), the Far-left, AND over-educated Democrats (looking for ‘cheap’ nanny’s, yard care and ‘racial harmony’) promote it.
You need Populists Democrat’s (like me) to help clean up this mess, badmouthing them doesn’t help - try wooing them! ‘We’ get called “Racist” too – and though we’re not as quick to pull out the double-barrel… we don’t forget!
Now I can forgive you (we’ve all been screwed) but lets join forces to clean up our nation… Just don’t ask about Hillary – Edwards ‘was’ my Populist pick…
I’d better clarify the following: “I’m a Democrat and I’ve stood next to these Illegal Enablers in protest.” …Perhaps I should have described standing AGAINST those Enabler’s in protest! Make no mistake – this Democrat’s on the side of right.
Nick, Do you remember last summer when Teddy the Useless said that he didn't know there was problem with the illegals having drivers licenses? How is that for being completely clueless? And remember, too, that Oregon has the "Motor-Voter" act, which requires that DMV ask each one getting a drivers license if they want to register to vote. It isn't clear how many of the illegals registered to vote when they got their licenses, but I would bet that most of them do.
And remember, too, that Oregon has the "Motor-Voter" act, which requires that DMV ask each one getting a drivers license if they want to register to vote.
Speaking of clueless, Motor-Voter is not an Oregon law, it is a federal law. Every state has it. It's not some nefarious attempt by the Oregon legislature to register people who aren't citizens.
LMAO. We can barely get a third of our lazy white asses up off the couch to go vote, but illegal aliens are more civic minded than us and vote in droves? Go figure.
to Read-em-and-weep:
Only 30% of McCain's SC primary votes came from Republicans. The Democrats who voted for McCain in the so-called Republican primary did so as a strategy to help McCain, who DOES NOT have the support of the Republican base, become their weak opponent come November against Billary or B Hussein Obama. Republicans DO NOT WANT McCain. These early contests are Republican in name only. They DO NOT truly show the desire of Republican voters. Republican contests that allow votes from non-residents, from other parties, from the under-aged mean absolutely squat. Big deal. It's puzzling that you're so excited about McCain's SC win.
nice spin. 30% Republicans? Polls show considerably more plus Independents. If you want to call Independents democrats, you are spinning in the wash tub there, Bozo. McCain has huge support of Independents, which actually decide who wins in the end anyways.
Question: Why do you highlight "Hussein" for Obama? Are you trying allude to something that we should know about? Is this the FUX Factor treatment again? Gotcha!
Anon 1:31
At this juncture, I don't think it really much matters what the Republicons WANT. You got what you wanted -- 8 years of government by the chumps and their chimp. Those days are about to be OVER! Then, the rest of us are going to get what we WANT -- Republicons stripped of their "power" and government returned to THE PEOPLE.
I hope "B. Hussein Obama," as you choose to spin his name, wins just to gripe your ass. Better yet, I hope Senator Clinton wins and picks Senator Obama as her running mate. That will mean 8 years Clinton presidency followed by 8 years Obama presidency. That's 16 years for you miserable fu&ks. Gotta love it. Pay backs are a bitch, aren't they?
At this juncture, I don't think it really much matters what the Republicons WANT. You got what you wanted -- 8 years of government by the chumps and their chimp. Those days are about to be OVER! Then, the rest of us are going to get what we WANT -- Republicons stripped of their "power" and government returned to THE PEOPLE.
Better yet, I hope Senator Clinton wins and picks Senator Obama as her running mate. That will mean 8 years Clinton presidency followed by 8 years Obama presidency. That's 16 years for you miserable fu&ks. Gotta love it. Pay backs are a bitch, aren't they?
3:17 PM
When Republicans took control of Congress a few years back, it was the first time in 40 years that such an event had occurred. Now, Dems are in control again. And their ratings today are at historical lows. Even the guy you love to refer to as "the chimp" rates nearly twice as high as the present Democrat-controlled Congress. And all you can do is foam at the mouth.
8 years of government by the chumps and their chimp
Brilliantly said Anon, those are the kind of statements that make me proud. So true and yet the harshness required to make an excellent point. I would continue to say that Max Headrum is one of the Chimp's Chumps.
Headrum, you speak of congressional approval being lower than the Chimp's. I ask you this, with "The Chimp's" 30% approval rating, what college would allow you to continue to attend with 30% approval. 1 man vs. 535 men and woman mixed with Republicans and Democrats--virtually 50/50. How in fact can you gauge support of Repubs and Democrats in that. magic, idocy or your mamas Ouiji Board. BTW: Joe Likud Leiberman counts as a Repube.
I leave you with this, it took the Republicans 40 years to get a majority and less than 4 years to screw up our nation. Besides their pedophilia, sex crimes, supporting terrorist groups, corruption and destroying the economy, what more can I say? FOR THAT AMERICANS WILL REMEMBER.
I don't get it.
I see several comments here from people happy (ecstatic?) about the fact the illegal aliens will no longer be able to obtain a driver's license. But in all seriousness, what do you think that will actually do?
I saw only one comment where someone explicitly spelled out what he thinks will happen. And that person thought that not having a valid driver's license will lead to deportation. Of course, it won't.
If you don't have a valid license in Oregon and you are stopped by the police, you generally get a ticket and, if the cop can identify you and establish that you have a criminal warrant, you will be arrested. But if you don't have a criminal record and/or the cop can't establish any kind of positive ID on you, more often then not it's "adios." After all, local police can't and won't generally arrest you for "looking swarthy", and they also don't have the financial resources nor the desire to play the role of ICE agent.
Nah, nothing will change with this new law. Those illegals who need to drive in order to get to work (the reason most are here in the first place), will still do so. They will play the odds, which aren't so bad whether they're stopped by police or not. As another poster (bluto) stated, those who oppose illegal aliens being here are fighting forces much greater than they understand. They are fighting the forces of (relatively) free-market economics.
And even assuming the OFIR's got their way eventually, what would that really mean?
1. Illegals go away.
2. U.S. citizens are hired, at significantly higher wages (lower labor pool availability will drive up labor prices).
3. No one will buy U.S. produce, as it will be too expensive. U.S. farms will go out of business in droves.
4. Countries that can still rely on cheap labor (China, Mexico - for a bit of irony - and others) will swoop in and be able to dominate the agricultural market.
5. Much of our food supply will then be controlled by our good friends, like the Chinese and Mexicans.
Whether you realize it or not OFIR's, THAT's what you're working towards. It's just too bad most of you are completely ignorant in the study of economics. If you actually had a clue as to why you won't suceed with your end goal, and what would happen if you did, you'd understand why those of us who actually have an education can do nothing but laugh at your folly.
Hey, what’s the matter with you people that expect everyone to obey immigration laws? After all, illegal aliens are only here to be drunk drivers, murders, rapist, drug dealers and the criminals that U.S. citizens won’t be.
anon 11:35
so what I understand that you're trying to say is that we should just turn back to the illegal aliens and allow just anybody to enter the country? don't you think that would be chaotic?
While you're economic argument is unfortunately true, it does not make it any more right to use illegal immigrants for cheap labor as it did to have slaves.
If businesses cannot survive without undermining the system then so be it. Unfortunately that is part of the free market system, i.e. the strong survive.
One issue that you did not mention is that when businesses hire illegal aliens at a lower or under the table wages, it places less money into the tax system which in turn causes the government to panic and raise taxes in search of raising more revenue.
You're correct that nothing is going to be any different really by passing stricter laws for driver's licenses. People who already feel that illegally entering into a foreign country is okay, have already proven that they have no respects for the laws and a way of life of that country.
Anon left out one other thing they're here for...
They're here to vote! (In droves.)
I am sorry but with all due respect, you are completely full of shit. Since when do conservatives care about people making low wages? I have heard this argument before from the OFIR halfwits and it doesn't savvy with other statements they and you have made.
I have seen you chastise unions on another site. Unions with the purpose of primarily promoting better wages for people, you seem to not like. You say that employers should set the wages and if the people do like it they can skate. Now you say immigrant labor shouldn't be used because they are being paid "slave" wages. What gives?
I will tell you what gives. If it was white citizens, you would say they should work for what they are paid or bounce. The "brown people", for which you have clearly in the past shown disdain for--shouldn't be able to work at all. Isn't that what you really mean?
My response to that-- why not let the immigrants make that decision themselves. Shouldn't they have the "RIGHT TO WORK" like your buddies K.Mannix, Ted "Wannabe Chief Joseph's Great Grand Son" Picolo and all the other nitwits over at Oregon Catalyst want?
All you are is a fake-ass, conservative, racist bigot who hates the Latinos. You should just be real with that and spare us your phony pro-labor orientation. And please don't come back and say you are "black" and that makes you "not a racist". Some of the most hateful anti-immigrant activists are black. Just look up your lovely hateful icon Ted Hayes.
At least Ted Hayes has the balls to admit that he "detests Latinos". Robin is just masquerading.
Hayes actually joined forces with the Minutemen Project which had been exposed in the media as haveing leadership that were members of the Aryan Nations and other white supremecist organizations. Talk about my enemy's enemy is my friend. Dr. King rolled over in his grave about ten or so times. Sad, really sad.
I dont understand the big deal behind this...I used to live in Oregon and when I moved in Virginia, I had to prove my "legal status" in order to get a license and register my car. It wasn't that hard...maybe I'm missing something...
Robin is like alot of RINOs that think that people are too stupid to advocate for themselves on the worksite. That somehow people are so stupid that they shouldn't work for a certain wage. Robin is probably the type that would refuse to work because a job doesn't pay enough, then draw unemployment so I can support her. That's what is sad pal.
anonymous 11:35 said ...
"1. Illegals go away.
2. U.S. citizens are hired, at significantly higher wages ...
3. No one will buy U.S. produce ... U.S. farms will go out of business in droves."
We ALREADY HAVE an agricultural guest worker program. All they have to do is sign up for it.
Obviously those of you making comments about Robin do not know her. She is a hard working, honest, educated person that does not take hand outs, or drain our social services. It is also obvious that you do not have all the facts when commenting about the issues. Do not swallow everything the media feeds you. Try doing your own research. Then you wouldn't look so stupid in print.
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