Monday, March 27, 2006

We've been screwed

Senate Panel Passes Immigration Reform Bill
After eight hours of seemingly endless debate, the Senate Judiciary Committee wrapped up an immigration reform bill on Monday evening that addresses the concerns of many illegal immigrants in the United States as well as border patrol hawks.

"All Americans wanted fairness and they got it this evening," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who was a key coordinator for much of the legislation.

Also weighing into the biggest debate in Washington, D.C., President Bush said Monday the United States "should not have to choose between being a welcoming society and being a lawful society" when dealing with illegal immigration.

And crack addicts wouldn't have to worry about being "lawful" if we only legalized crack.

I'm ashamed of Bush. I'm ashamed of many Republicans. Our government is broken.


Robin said...

well I wondered if they consider this...

under the "guest worker" program, and Dianne Feinstein's proposal to allow 1.5 million agriculture workers to become citizens, that means that they will NO LONGER work for subminimum wage.

It removes the reason for cheap labor if they become citizens.

Anonymous said...

Teddy boy is wrong if he thinks that americans "got what they wanted". Only in his drunk, twisted, mind I guess.

I suppose he has no worries as he and his family are set for life and dont have to come in day to day contact with any illegals back east on Martha's Vineyard.

Kaelri said...

It seems to have taken you quite some time to notice. After we annihilated the United Nations Charter, the Constitution of the United States and a hundred thousand lives, without so much as a censure, a certain executive and legislative lacking would seem to be self-evident.

But we'll ignore that you've come a little late to the table and celebrate the idea that you've showed up at all.

I gather that it's probably a bit odd for you to agree with a liberal, but I hope you'll come to see again, as perhaps you once did, that the word "liberal" is not the sum of my intelligence and my conscience, nor "conservative" the sum of yours.

BEAR said...

hey, celery, go burn another doobie and get back to us, ok? "men" with no cashews is a liberal trait. disappointment with rinos who resemble liberals is natural. it should be just as sad to you.....if you had that many brain cells left.

Daniel said...

Robin, the current illegals will move up a rung on the employment ladder and a new wave of criminal aliens who want to take advantage of the next amnesty will come to take their place.

BEAR said...

The libs and rinos are counting on decent people remaining that way, while they run over us. The illegals have said, "the cities will burn," if they don't get their way. Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

Yes! They have hearts unlike you!

Anonymous said...

Harden your homesites to protect your family and yourself for the illegal invasion has only just begun. No political leader cares if the USA becomes a third world nation, regardless of party, and that legal citizens must defend with force what that own legally.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give up yet. It is not entirely clear the Senate will pass the bill, much less the House.

Anonymous said...

As they have promised, No Amnesty, No Peace!

Southern CA is already lost to Mexico, we just haven't accepted it yet.

Scott said...

We've been screwed

Yup that about says it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so hyped!

Anonymous said...

I am ready to burn a few Mexican flags. It is legal. As a protest on a busy road in front of hundreds. I saw them burn my flag, on my land. UNGRATEFUL bastards, all of them, need to go home.
Our Senate has caved and is trying to vote for Foreigners and NOT Americans!
This is History, bad History.
Think the illegals are cocky now. Just wait.
We need more Americans to come to those enforce the damn immigration law rally's.
It is working for them.
Remember, YOU or your Parents or Grandparents, built this #1 Nation.
Look at the border towns with Mexico. Do you realise that California, AZ. TEX. N.M. would all be like that now.
If everybody doesn't get off their hiny and call, write, e-mail, protest NOW! Then say goodbye to AMERICA! as we made it.
GOODBYE #1 School system
GOODBYE #1 Health Care system
GOODBYE #1 Housing in World
HELLO Corrupt Police
HELLO Age of consent for Sex 12
HELLO Weed Meth Cocaine more for less
HELLO Third World

Anonymous said...


You're an idiot, although I'm sure your momma loves you.

Anonymous said...

My idiot comment was reserved for "hyped" Anonymous, although I'm not real sure about his momma loving him.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the other anonymous. I'm 100% american. What is it to be an american? To give aid to those who need it. We are a country were many are welcomed. It makes me proud that many people from many different countries want to become citizens. You should be proud as well, because when they go to the olympics and win us some medals youl thank them. When they invent higher and greater techonology devices. You'll be proud, because they are americans. When they help us win the war in iraq, you will thank them. Now have a heart and thank them now. For the work they've done. And lets not use them as slaves and just have them work then boot them out. If there helping this country out, let them stay.

Anonymous said...

Bush has been behind the power curve on immigration, but his talk at least has been trending in the right direction. Still far from where we need him, but moving the right way. If enough concerned Republicans can make their thoughts known, he can be persuaded to take it a step further.

The real problem is the Senate. I have said it before and I will say it again: 55 seats don't mean DICK when 10 or so of them are more likely than not to vote the wrong way on practically everything. Because of useless obstructionist RINOs in the Senate hijacking the party and demanding that we bow to them or else they will break ranks, we have ZERO ability to pass a decent bill out of the Senate. Add in the fact that incumbents are virtually untouchable, and there is little incentive for them to play ball.

We need to send the Senate a message this fall: DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY RINO, even if it means losing our numerical (i.e. false) advantage.

And don't try to tell me we need the numbers to maintain control of the committees. When committees are in the hands of people like Arlen Specter, we've already lost.

The way I figure it, if we got rid of the 10 problems in the Senate, and replaced them with 5 real conservatives and 5 democRats, then we'd at least have a conservative majority that would come through for us, and we'd still have Dick Cheney to break ties.

That would be more productive than the crap we have now.

Get rid of Chafee, Snowe, Collins, Voinovich, DeWine, McCain, Graham, Warner, Specter, and Trent Lott.

Yes, Trent Lott. He cares more about his own power plays than advancing a conservative agenda. He has been bitter about 2002 and has done all he can to undermine Bush and Frist ever since. Oust his traitorous ass.

Speaking of Frist, he is getting a bum rap. People say he can't lead. But the fact is, with the 10 people named above, there are only 44 GOP Senators left who Frist can count on. That ain't enough. I'd say Frist is actually doing a pretty damn good job, considering he has a solid minority to work with.

Lose those 10. Replace them with 5 clones of Tancredo, and the rest won't matter.

Then Bush could stop playing "try to appease everyone in order to get a Senate bill" and would instead get to see real conservative bills on his desk.

Anonymous said...


Seventeen year old Anabel Chavarria reflects the exuberance felt by the marchers
What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the White and Jewish power structures. It means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to achieve total political and economic liberation like that being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez, President of Movimiento Latino USA. Juan José Gutiérrez is proposing that the coalition that organized "La Gran Marcha" meet in Arizona or Texas on April 8 to "organize a mass boycott (huelga) against the economy of the USA" to take place on May 5 or 19.

ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM: Give them Caliif, with one little exception, IT'S NOT A STATE, NO FEDERAL $$$ They are on their own, that includes defense.



Anonymous said...

One word to describe you guys

Anonymous said...

anonymous-one word to discribe you, vacuous.

Anonymous said...


Seventeen year old Anabel Chavarria reflects the exuberance felt by the marchers
What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the White and Jewish power structures. It means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to achieve total political and economic liberation like that being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez, President of Movimiento Latino USA. Juan José Gutiérrez is proposing that the coalition that organized "La Gran Marcha" meet in Arizona or Texas on April 8 to "organize a mass boycott (huelga) against the economy of the USA" to take place on May 5 or 19.

Localfella said...

We are not Racist, we are Culturist.

Kaelri said...

As gleeful as I am to disagree with 90% of everything Daniel believes in on a political level, it's not at all possible to make the argument that illegal immigrants have not (by definition) broken laws simply by being here. If you go to another country, you ask its permission first. If you live in another country, it gets to set the conditions. If you violate them, you go home.

Simple, yes?

I understand many of you believe in the right to free travel. I sympathize. But I estimate that we're still a few generations from the age of the first world government, so if you'd kindly bequeath your concerns to your great-grandchildren, both we and they shall have a much easier time with things.

I also understand the argument that the entire western third of the continental United States used to be the entire northern half of Mexico. Unfortunately, everyone, American or Mexican, who was alive under the Polk Administration is now quite dead. So we can either 1) fight about it, which, given the United States' possession of hydrogen atomics, would be short, messy and unproductive, or 2) just hold our tongues until the coming of said world government makes the problem obsolete.

It is, on the other hand, uncontestable that a lot of the people who want you to leave are, in fact, racists. Good for them. They will, depending on the accuracy of various theologies, burn in the depths of a brimstone lake, be condemned by present and future generations, or be reincarnated as midgets. But whatever the motive, their position is valid. So I'll just offer you one last bit of advice: "never argue with a drunk or a fool."

I make these comments in reference to the posts like the above -

these are human beings not savage animals, I am sorry that you have to so much disliking towards "ILLEGAL" immigrants.

- because they are stupid.

Stop, please, relying on this "racist" argument. Some of your enemies are racists - in their case, it's very obvious, so you don't have to point it out 'cause it'll never change. Some of your enemies are not racist - in their case, you are just alienating those who might otherwise help you.

You have to make your case in terms of the law, of national security, of our economies. It's less glamorous than the Holy Crusades version, but it's your only option. If these facts are on your side, then you will win, because you are right. If they are not, then you will lose, and if you still think you are right when that happens, then you have problems beyond my power to help you solve.

Anonymous said...

I agree. They ARE humans just like YOU. You cant treat them like a bunch of rats trying to live in your home, and you trying to kill them. You can NOT think of like this! These people should be just as legible for applying a job just like you are.

Scottiebill said...

Luke, You are wrong on one count. Teddy Kennedrunk and his family have one major worry. There are plans afoot to build a number of windchargers off the coast of Massachusetts, thereby "ruining" their view of the Atlantic. Otherwise, you are right on.

Scottiebill said...

One other thing: At the rate things are going, we will all be speaking Spanish before too much longer. English as a second language will not apply to the kids of the illegal aliens, but will be the requirement of those of us born and raised in this country. For that we can all thank our "good" senators, Feinstein, Kennedrunk, Specter, Reid, Boxer, Pelosi, Biden, Leaky Leahy, and the others.

Anonymous said...

The House passed a bill that the Senate won't pass. (The Sensenbrenner bill.)

The Senate is now going to pass a bill that the House won't pass.

Why are they doing this? To create a deliberate stalemate. Both houses will now tell the American people, "Well, we tried." BS!

They don't want to take a stand on this issue before the '06 elections. And they won't revisit the issue until Jan. '07.

Anonymous said...

I'm not racist, I prefer consumer advocate!

Anonymous said...

If you don't like what your government is doing, then why don't you move to another country Daniel? Maybe then you would stop whining.

Anonymous said...

You are nativists--get it right.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Daniel Support Your Government dude. They're Doing Good! Support!!

BEAR said...

Wow, celery, you, like, wow, you like ........have another toke, kid.

Anonymous said...

Bear -- lame ass comeback. Not a whole lot of grey matter up there, huh?

Daniel can't move to another country, he's an ex-con.

Kaelri said...

But these "celery" and "toke" motifs are terribly entertaining.