Saturday, March 11, 2006

Murder in your own home

In light of the South Dakota move to outlaw the killing of innocent babies for the sake of conveniance (and an adult's refusal to take responsibility for her actions) the nutjobs at Indymedia (yes, the people who protest naked outside of the fur store in Portland) have published a Do-It-Yourself guide to performing an abortion in your own home.

How sick are these people.


Jim in KFalls said...

Please note the e-mail address of the person urging the murder of babys and the practice of medicine without a licence:

Anonymous said...

That was absolutely disgusting. I don't understand how people can do that to an unborn baby and I never will.

Anonymous said...

This crap is from the same people [disclaimer: calling them 'people' implies they're human, and so far they haven't proven their right to make that claim. _Ed.] who scrawled "Support life, not troops" on a wall in NW Portland during one of their demonstrations a couple years back.


Anonymous said...

Nice. The comment I posted there was deleted. I guess they can't handle people with opposing viewpoints.

It takes a real coward to kill an innocent child, or instruct people how to. Deleting a simple comment that you don't agree with (no cursing or name calling was in my post) just seems to solidify your cowardess.

Jim in KFalls said...

Vonski - I know that is bad - you should check out what OMSI has.

Scottiebill said...

I do not necessarily agree with abortion, either. But with a law such as South Dakota just put in place, the abortions will continue there, only not at a clinic but in some sleazy back alley hole using a coat hanger or some other device, where the safety and welfare of the girl is not of any concern by the abortionist. Money is the only thing that matters in such circumstances. Being pro-choice is not necessarily being anti-abortion. It can also mean choosing to be pro-life. If an abortion is to be chosen for whatever reason, wouldn't it be better to have it done in a clean and sterile atmosphere rather than in some dingy back alley where cleanliness is not an option or even a requirement?

Anonymous said...

Wow,but under Procedure,9 paragraphs down she made a mistake and said "-and because it is the blood source for the baby-" the WHAT? I thought it was just unviable tissue!!!

Scottiebill said...

Tony: If your daughter were to be one of these unfortunates who decide to choose abortion for whatever reason, would you still feel that her life isn't worth anything if she goes ahead with it in a back alley with some creep using a coathanger or some other unsterile object? I doubt it. Or maybe you would. I don't know. But that's my opinion.