Video courtesty of ABP
LA mayor suggests that criminal supporters go back to school... and they scream NO!!!
I love the split screen showing the mayor and then all the demonstrators with all the Mexican flags... not an American flag among them.
El razonador,
You mean civic mindedness like this?
I have come to the point of calling these people what they are now. Terrorists.
You don't threaten to hold a nation, that you say you love, hostage.
You don't make demands like, "or else" if you are to be taken as a loving and respectfull group.
I was probably a little more lenient on the issue than say Daniel. (not much more... but a teensy bit).
But not for these marching thugs. If you are illegal and you are out there making demands like that then you are a terrorist.
What should your response be if you are illegal? You should be freaking THANKING this country for being patient thus far and ASKING us to accept you in a lenient fashion.
But no. Nope you terrorists had to disrespect the hospitality of the American people. What would you do if I came into your house at dinner time and sat down to eat. You were hospitable enough to not kick me out and served me dinner anyway.
But at the end of dinner I demanded that your wife make me an apple pie as well. Or else.
That is what these terrorist thugs are doing right now.
yip yip
el razonador,
I'm more inclined to believe my eyes than the words of an apologist for invaders.
Make no mistake -- my issue is not with legal immigrants, but rather with illegals, regardless of their country of origin. I was just as pissed when Hillary Clinton stood in front of a group of Illegals from Ireland and defended them.
If you want to argue that the current limits on LEGAL immigrants are too restrictiver, and need to be loosened, you've got my ear, and I'm willing to consider that possibility -- hell, I'm likely to agree with you. But if we cannot even enforce our immigration laws, their level of restrictiveness or permissiveness are irrelevant. Yes, we all came here from somewhere else. We did NOT all break the law and flagrantly flout the sovereignty of the US to do so.
Hey guys, don't take his bait as its only a diversion.
Save your energy for other tasks that have better result.
Like calling you Senator, now!
I would rather associate myself with a Mexican flag (assuming that Bruce is right and no American flags were present) than with the nazi flags that are present at Minutemen rallies. But I think the LA Times disproves his thesis.
So ... if both sides hold rallies (including Daniel himself) and ask for change. Are both sides terrorists? I thought think Daniel would be the closest to a terrorists as his events are done in connection with other pro-immigrant events and have the probability to incite violence.
No, as I have said over on NWRepublican. It is the Mexicans that are the terrorists.
Note the murdurers running the border towns. Killing women and children and law enforcement agents. Running the Mexican government.
Now you have thugs storming American streets carrying the very flag of the government run by terrorists. Yet none of the pro-immigration apologists are making any dilineation between the two.
I am telling you. This is how the terrorism in our country will start. If our legislators give in to this behavior they will be emboldened to demand more.
Look at the French (
Perhaps our readers would like to read a little bit about how the French revolution began. How the criminal element stormed the prisons to release more criminal element then gave rise to Robespeirre.
This is how it begins.
Be sure to see all the images posted at Michelle's site.
I'd link the images but there are a lot.
Slogans -
"I am in my homeland"
"This is Stolen Land"
Razonador is quoting the LA Times as if it were printing the gospel truth. Razonador does not seem to understand that the LA Times is the most ultra-liberal, Bush-hating fish wrapper on the west coast (followed very closely by the local fish wrapper, the Oregonian) and second only on the ultra-liberal list to the NY Times, the ACLU (alQaeda Civil Liberties Union), and AlQaeda Gore. As I said a couple of weeks ago about the NY Times, the only thing credible in the Times is the crossword puzzle. That Razonador takes the LA Times as truthful, fair and balanced, is testimony to his ultra-liberal, illegal alien loving, America-hating positions.
I agree with Bruce and the others, Razonador should have stayed in LA with his adopted homies.
I think it is telling that, for the most part, the people telling us we should welcome all these foreign invaders with open arms are the same people telling us that Columbus was the worst thing to happen to Aztlan...
That video Daniel linked is funny! And I think they started chanting "hell no we won't go"?
-A few minutes later on CNN, during Wolf Blitzer, their reporter did a live report near city hall. Some of the kids rushed up to surround him, laughing and happy, wanting to be on TV.
One of them shouted "Mexicooo!" (not "USA!") and then believe it or not, they all started throwing gang hand signs to the camera! Now that was an interesting demonstration right there.
-The organizers of these demonstrations told people to bring American flags -- showing they had to be told. That's interesting too.
-Many of these large marches have been on weekdays, like the one in Chicago. So the immigration criminals weren't at work. We've been told our country cannot function without them. I dunno, any of our cities cease to function? Did our country grind to a halt while they marched? Nope.
So that demonstrates that we actually can get along without them just fine.
I wish I was at the march to represent! lets not give up! We can put up a good arguement for this debate. Let them have a path for citizenship!!
They HAVE a path to citizenship, but they have chosen to circumvent that path. If they want back on the path, let them go home, then start on the path legitimately, like the countless immigrants who have played by the rules.
Or should just open up the borders and let anyone who damn well pleases into the country?
Bruce the Barber writes: ...these little criminal taco bastards...
And you guys claim you aren't racists. Huh?
Yeah Your Not Racist Eh?
El Razondor, I will concede that you are an articulate person who believes in a cause.
We just happen to be on different sides of the issue on this one.
America has a unique culture, we definitely have assimilated immigrants in the past while at the same time using some of the strong points of the other cultures.
There are some things about Mexican culture to admire. (family loyalty) But the lawlessness aspect is not one of them. (and it is prevalent) I can't welcome criminals into my country or the culture of lawlessness that they bring.
As for what everyone else said: ditto. I too see the pictures, hear the chants, read the websites. This is an invasion by people who are loyal to another country and have little or no respect for ours.
When American born children who have never been to Mexico refer to themselves as Mexican we have a huge cultural problem.
But pretend we get past the cultural and economic issues here, do we get to choose which laws we follow in this country or not?
They Are Criminals Because People Like You CALL Them Criminals.
Hey Bruce,
What barber shop do you own in Salem? I need a hair cut and am looking for a good barber.
Bruce -- Political correctness wouldn't keep you from getting a job. It's just that any employer who hears your racial slurs would rightly conclude that you're probably too stupid to do the work.
BM, Your question about my supporting President Bush - I do support the President in nearly everything. I cannot support him on his "guest worker" program because that equates into amnesty for the illegals. Because I am a Conservative, that does not mean I have to follow in lockstep with every single idea that comes down the Conservative trail.
And, BM, I have no problem at all with LEGAL workers. I have many problems with ILLEGAL workers. There is a definite difference between the two.
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