Mexican cartel blamed for Oregon reservation pot
Officials say a Mexican drug cartel turned remote patches of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation into vast marijuana plantations the past two growing seasons.
Two Mexicans suspected of tending nearly 7,000 plants were arraigned Thursday in U.S. District Court in Portland.
I'm hoping that Oregon's nursery industry helps pay for these illegal aliens defense because they obviously have good experience tending to plants.
So interesting that Daniel, whose great passion is for big nasty government to stay out of people's lives, is so hell-bent on having the government decide what we can smoke -- and enforce the dictate by spending our tax dollars. Tell me, Daniel: Will the hypocrisies ever end with you? Ever?
I hear you're voting for McCain/Palin Daniel. Of course, you do know they're running campaign ads in Spanish on Spanish language TV, right? Spanish. You know, that language that is the sure-fire sign that someone is here illegaly? You don't think McCain/Palin are going after illegal votes do you?
What's a poor boy to do?
Anonymous, welcome to Planet Portland, where you are safe from the hurricances of conservative rage that sweep at will across the vast heartland that is our nation.
Just doing another Tax free "Job" Americans will not do I guess.
Mexico is Good for our economy right?
About all Daniel has left to do on Election Day is to draw the blinds, stick his thumb in his mouth, and cry.
You fucking liberal fags always want to change the topic of discussion and can't focus on dick. And your boy, NObama, is going to get his ass kicked in the election, but no one here is celebrating. Those McCain ads in Spanish are pro-immigrant. Both candidates are full of shit. The fact that any of you fags would want to suck either one of their dicks says a lot about you. Fucking morons.
Anon 102 -- You just keep on representin' for the so-called conservative crowd. You're doing a great job! Keep on doin' exactly what you're doin', okay? Don't change a thing!
Do you suppose all the Horticultural Trained Illegals bring all the fertilizer, chemicals and irrigation equipment from Mexico or do they clip it from nursery farmers?
Anon 1:02, you seem as representative of conservatives on this board as any, so let me as you this: Why are you guys so totally obsessed with the sexual orientation of those you're insulting? Why is this of interest? Why is it, apparently, literally the first thing that comes to mind? Have you considered the fact that if gays populate our society at a rate of 1 in 10, then your "fucking fag" comments are inaccurate 90 percent of the time?
Do you realize that your comments reflect on all conservatives? I'm guessing that maybe only 1 in 10 of you are so emotionally retarted and immature that the best you can cough up debating a liberal is "fucking fag." I suspect the majority of Republicans are much better than this, far more intelligent, infinitely more mature. So what accounts for you? Were you dropped on your head as an infant? Were drugs part of the picture?
anon 8:08-I'm pretty sure that anon1:02's comments have nothing to do with sex or sexual preference. It seems to be his juvenile way of trying to push your buttons. He is correct though that most negative comments to Daniel's post tend to ignore the main point and immediately go on Daniel attack mode, i.e. post one . Does the author really expect us to think that if you are for smaller federal government that it's O.K. to have Mexican drug cartels planting huge marijuana plantations on Indian land? I believe that legalizing and regulating most drugs would help with the illegal invasion, drastically reduce our jail population, and free up a lot of wasted money for drug treatment and education.
anon 1:02's comments advance the conversations about as much as the continued focus on Daniel's personal positions-none.
For some very good arguments for legalizing drugs put forward by retired and current law enforcement experts go to the LEAP website.
Pretty ballsy, to plant drugs on American soil dont you think? This is an all out display of gross disrespect they have for our country, a great big middle finger to the American people. All the while, no doubt, they have SEVERAL kids in our public school system sucking it dry. I'm sure they are the best dressed, fed, and healthiest kids in the classroom that cannot speak english. Of course, thanks to public assistance AND good ol' drug money!
The marijuana growers probably have more class in their little toe than the whole of these conservative scumbags that post on this blog. As Robert Duvall said, "Texans are the lowest form of whiteman there is". I am beginning to suspect he meant "Texans" as synomous with conservative Repubican.
Yeah. Marijuana growers. Class. Pure class.
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