Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Friendly warning to ODOT workers

Your union may protect your incompetence, your surly attitude with the public, the fact that your job is completely uneccessary and it may even protect you despite your worst offense of being an English speaking heterosexual Christian white male but I want to warn you that I don't think that you will still have a job if you tell Kulongoski that we spent all the money that should have gone to repairing and building bridges on bike paths and choo-choo's that don't run when it's too hot/too cold/too icy/too sunny/etc.


Anonymous said...

very nice positive approach to our condition. If you have driven around you would see every bridge in the state being replaced. This has been going on for years. Dan you are just a dumb duck with a bad attitude

Anonymous said...

Immigrants Lives Touched By Minneapolis Tragedy

Hardbeatnews, MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, Mon. Aug. 6, 2007: From Minneapolis to Mexico and Somalia. The tragedy of last Wednesday’s Interstate 35W bridge collapse has expanded beyond geographic boundaries, affecting the lives of immigrants who left their homelands in pursuit of the American dream.

Produce salesman, Artemio Trinidad-Mena, 29, left his home state of Guerrero, Mexico to seek a better life for his family. On Wednesday, his life was cut short as he became one of the five victims of the tragedy, leaving behind his wife and a two-month-old baby here and two other children in Mexico.

Yesterday, Trinidad-Mena, an undocumented migrant, was among the victims remembered at a diverse church service attended by some 1,400, that included families and officials at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral.

Anonymous said...

Hey Daniel:

I see that Rep. Jerry Krummel is retiring. Want to run for his seat?

The resulting internet flame wars would be very, very entertaining!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:12,

Every bridge in the State being replaced?!? Really!?! Wow, wonder why I didn't hear about this HUGE and obviously extremely co-ordinated and complex feat of ODOT replacing every single bridge.

Can you tell me when the Burnside bridge will be replaced? How about the antiquated Steele Bridge? Oh, and the Stark Street bridge over the Sandy too. Can't wait till that one gets replaced.

You'd have thought that I would have heard of this project on the news or something. Hmmmm....interesting.

Anonymous said...

GET A HOBBY!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:02

So! What's your point?

Anonymous said...

run on sentence nightmare...uh

Daniel said...

That was a long sentence. And while it would be interesting to be bashed more often and more publicly Gully I have no interest in running for office.

I am planning on being at the townhall tonight to talk to Krummel and George about illegal aliens.

Anonymous said...

Steel firm owner jailed ...
Illegal aliens had bogus SS numbers

"The owner of Tarrasco Steel, a company that supplied workers on the Biloxi Bay Bridge, was arrested and charged with hiring illegal immigrants on projects in three states. Some had improper welding certification.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested Jose S. Gonzalez, 32, at his office in Greenville Thursday, according to a news release. Tarrasco Steel was hired as a subcontractor for rebar installation services to major bridge projects in Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee."

Ah, so many positive things about illegal aliens coming to our country!

Anonymous said...

Well, as if this was no surprise. KATU: "Attempted rape led to teen's death, prosecutors say."

The two being charged are-you guessed it-on immigration hold. More illegal immigrants committing crimes and making lives miserable, as usual.

Oh yeah, when our bridges are designed by English-speaking people but constructed by Spanish-speaking people, there could be a problem. Say, a very important part is missing or placed in the incorrect location.

Anonymous said...

RE: KATU: "Attempted rape led to teen's death, prosecutors say."

Stop the liberals and neo-cons before they kill again!

Oh so unholy republican
Is this your sadistic little plan?
Unleash the vicious foreign tan-klan
One by one kill an American

Here is a story not so pleasin
Another death before due season
Why you ask could be the reason
Chalk it up to liberal treason

Daniel said...

RE: Jerry Krummel

When you use the phrase "the state pays for that" you have been in government too long and it's time to retire. What you mean to say is that WE pay for that, the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:12 -

Bridges are being repaired (only some will be replaced) as are highways as part of a $2 Billion bill passed a few years back by the legislature after over $3 Billion in State and Federal transportation dollars were pissed away on - drum roll please...light rail!

Anonymous said...

To Anthony DeLucca,

The Steel Bridge is owned by Union Pacific Railroad. They are the ones that do maintenance on it not ODOT.

Jack Van Nostrand