Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Price is wrong

Judge clears man in immigrant driver's license case
A Hillsboro man accused of masterminding a scheme to help thousands of illegal immigrants fraudulently obtain Oregon driver's licenses has been acquitted.

Washington County Judge Steven Price, who presided over the trial without a jury, said Tuesday there was not enough evidence to convict Miguel Robleto.

By "not enough evidence" he means "eight other people have pleaded guilty, federal officials call this the 'largest immigration fraud in Oregon' and the evidence is overwhelming." He just didn't feel like convicting anyone today.

Term Ends: January 05, 2009

Elections manager helps Mexicans vote

Frank Garcia, appointed HAVA (Help Americans Vote Act) manager, visited the Mexican consulate to help Mexicans vote in their elections while living in America.

From the Mexican Consulate in Portland:
(Google translated)

Portland, OR., 9 of November of 2005. The Special Adviser of the Coordination for Voto of the Mexican Residents abroad of the IFE, Primitive Rodriguez, visited Oregon to promote the registry in the Nominal List of Voters to choose president in Mexico the year that enters. The General Consul Fernando Sanchez met with him and, of joint form, they presided over a press conference before average more influential audio-visual writings and in Spanish of Oregon. The Adviser of the IFE met with you lead communitarian like Ramon Ramirez of PCUN, Sabino Braid of the County of Washington; Perfect Javier of Woodburn, Martín González de Portland and the Advisors of the Saline CCIME Miguel and Arming Moral, as well as with Frank Garci'a of the Section of Elections of the Secretariat of State of Oregon.

This isn't the first time that Mr. Garcia has decided to do something other than simply help Americans vote. Apparently he is very interested in only helping Americans (and non-citizens?) vote in our elections if they have the right skin color.

Press release:
The Oregon Latino Voter Registration Education Project has set a goal of registering 5,000 Latino voters by the November 7, 2000 election. In 1996, one year after Frank Garcia and Anthony Veliz co-founded the organization, OLVREP registered 1,000 Latino voters, sponsored several voter education forums, and coordinated a get-out-the-vote campaign.

NOTE: If you are wondering what the DMV item is on the Mexican Consulate website it just our taxpayer funded DMV coordinating with a foreign government on how to subvert laws passed by the United States congress. Oh, and they need more spanish stuff. Those hardworking Mexicans are too lazy to learn English. (yes, I said that)

Salem, OR., 4 of November of 2005. The Latin Work group of the Department of Vehicles and Motores (DMV) celebrated his sixth meeting, in which Fernando participated to the General Consul Sanchez Ugarte accompanied by the one in charge of Promotion of the Consulate. In the meeting pursuit to the proposal of Law SB640 occurred approved by the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, and of Real the Federal Law YOU GO Act, which will take effect during the first semester of 2008. Also, one commented on the necessity to count on greater material in Spanish for the registry of vehicles and the diffusion of the same one between the community; whereas the DMV presented the material translated in Spanish whom it has.

Not a "holiday" cross

For those of you who didn't listen today, talk show host Lars Larson is going to put up a HUGE cross with "Jesus is the reason for the season" on it. The best part: It is going to be erected at Pioneer Courthouse Square! (No word on whether or not the hacky-sack game or agressive panhandling will be interupted during the construction)

Thank you Lars!

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Sports rant

I don't usually comment on sports here but I have to get a couple things off my chest. First, Arlen "I don't have time to comfim Alito" Specter seems to have plenty of time to worry about professional idiot Terrel Owens.

Second, I saw on that nanny raper and Portland Blazer Ruben Patterson is making demands after cussing out his coach. Hey Ruben, the last time you made outrageous demands you had to register as a sex-offender, I hope the Blazer kick you off the team.

And last, GO COLTS!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Speak English man

Official English, Bilingual Ballot Ban Introduced
Congressman Peter King (R-NY), now Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has reintroduced his National Language Act (H.R. 4408) in the 109th Congress.

Click the link to send a letter to your congressman in support of this bill.

Tuesday night rant

I'll start with the pantywaists in holding federal office... I am questioning your patriotism.

You know why I think that this whole "insurgent" (read: terrorist) nonsense didn't happen after we toppled the Taliban? Because the whole world knew that we were damn serious about putting a boot in the ass of anyone who stood in our way of victory.

The "build-up" to the Iraq war was filled with girls who pretend to be men moaning about our losses that could come at the hands of Sadaam's WMDs. American boot, meet Sadaam's ass.

But the quivering lip crowd just can't stop talking about our imminent failure. They can't possibly anticipate victory, they can't possibly root for our side to win.

What they should be doing is round the clock war propaganda. Talk about how we are winning. Talk about the futility of the terrorist's resistance. Talk about how their cowardice is laughable in the face of the greatest superpower known to this world.

If you can't do that then you are a bad American. That means you, you filthy America hating liberal who is reading this right now. Go to the Netherlands you freak.

Next, I'm glad to see that there is some backlash to the "happy holiday" nonsense. Thank goodness Speaker Hastert made a statement today and many conservative groups have lawyers working overtime to protect Christmas.

But I'm going a step further than "Merry Christmas." I'm going to tell people "Happy Birthday Jesus." That's what we are celebrating. The birth of our Lord and Savior. You don't like it? Move to the Netherlands.

And finally, the calendar:
What: The Washington County Republican Party November Meetup
When: Wednesday, November 30 at 6:30PM
Where: Baja Fresh12286 SW Scholls Ferry Rd Tigard OR 97223

OFIR protest
Dec. 3, 8:30 a.m.
French Prairie Middle School
1025 N. Boones Ferry Rd, Woodburn OR

What's wrong with the Red Guard?

From Oregon News:
Oregon Newspaper Publishes Hate-Bush Torture Editorial Twenty Days Running
Eugene's stridently Bush-hating Register-Guard newspaper continues its vicious editorial attacks on the President of the United States and on American covert and military personnel who are engaged in the war on terror. That newspaper is losing readership, which may be the result of its editorial policies.

The Register-Guard seemingly forgot, some time ago, that the United States of America, under President Bush, is the "good guy" in a terror filled world of "bad guys".

A good critique of the Red-Guard Fishwrapper and you can comment at the bottom.

Tell them: No rewards for criminals

Tell Pres. Bush you oppose his guestworker proposal, even with border security improvements
If you really want to get tough on illegal immigration, you must drop your support of a guestworker program.

NumbersUSA has a new fax to send to President Bush about his guest criminal program. (I don't have people with warrants out for their arrest as guests over at my house, do you?)

Send the fax, it's free and takes a few seconds.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Where's Waldo?

President Calls for Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage
On a matter of such importance, the voice of the people must be heard. Activist courts have left the people with one recourse. If we are to prevent the meaning of marriage from being changed forever, our nation must enact a constitutional amendment to protect marriage in America. Decisive and democratic action is needed, because attempts to redefine marriage in a single state or city could have serious consequences throughout the country.

Alright! Oh wait, that was on February 24, 2004.

Where is our federal marriage amdendment now? Why was this issue so important to our president in February but we haven't heard a peep since he got reelected? Was this just election year posturing?

The numbers don't lie

Google search hits for...

oregon mexican meth = 443,000

oregon "from mexico" rape = 95,700

oregon mexico drugs = 3,480,000

oregon extradition mexico = 156,000

But they just come here to work hard... right.

For comparison purposes...

oregon homemade meth= 299,000

oregon "from missouri" rape = 844

You get the point.

Caution against what?

Does "prohibido" mean: criminals who need educating, health care, food, jobs, housing, and they will expect you to speak their language?

New Mac Johnson column

To Rehabilitate a Man, Sentence Him to Death
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced that he would consider granting clemency to Stanley “Tookie” Williams, a murdering gang member sentenced to death for his part in four killings committed during two separate armed robberies.

Of course, Tookie probably killed a lot more people than that. I say this not just because it is a strong statistical probability, given Tookie’s youthful pattern of behavior (i.e. shooting folks), but because Tookie is one of the two founding fathers of the “Crips” drug gang, which along with the “Bloods” turned Los Angeles into a war zone during the Crack epidemic of the 1980s.

You must read on...

If by "anti" you mean "reward"

Bush plans anti-illegals campaign
President Bush today will call for a crackdown on illegal immigration, a move aimed at further rallying conservatives who recently cheered Mr. Bush's tough talk on Iraq and the Supreme Court.

But the president will also renew his call for a program to allow Mexicans who have already entered the U.S. illegally to remain here for up to six years. That initiative has long angered conservatives who equate it with amnesty.

And then what after six years genius? Then are you going to "crackdown" on the criminals already here? If you can do it in six years then you can do it NOW!

All but 11 states do this already...

Oregon Now Hiring:
Real ID Delivery Manager
$4,840 - $7,136 MONTHLY

You must be a current State of Oregon employee and eligible for promotion.
(You must currently be part of the problem...)

This position will direct the project planning, definition, design, procurement, development and implementation of Title ll Real Identification (ID) Card for the Driver and Motor Vehicles Services Division (DMV). This is a multi-year effort that will span over multiple biennia for a 2008 implementation. This federal mandate imposes prescriptive federal standards be applied nationwide on issuance of Driver Licenses. Failure to meet these mandated standards could result in state’s Driver Licenses and ID Cards not being accepted as identification by federal agencies and other jurisdictions.

While I am very happy to see that something is getting done to protect our Oregon ID, do we really need a manager to oversee it? What are our current ODOT and DMV managers doing? Are they too stupid to implement new rules that keep illegal aliens from getting drivers licenses?

If so, they should be fired and replaced.

Second question, is Oregon going to put off implementing these new rules until the very last minute? Is there going to be an "outreach" push towards the end to make sure that every last illegal alien currently in the state gets a license before the deadline?

I'm looking forward to the week before this rule goes into effect. I think I'll take my camera down to the local DMV...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

But if the question was switched then it would be ok

Bryan Harding over at Gay Rights Watch is very upset about a New Mexico public school essay contest that asks students to "explain why preserving marriage between men and women is vital [to] society and why unborn children merit respect and protection."

Apparently the gay groups and NARAL "have proposed offering students a choice of also writing about alternative viewpoints."

Funny, when it comes to schools that want to push homosexuality on the kids these are the same groups who want to call "alternative viewpoints" hate speech.

And my favorite quote by an LGBT hack: "Students in taxpayer-funded public schools simply shouldn't be forced to accept one viewpoint over another, regardless of the issue."

I'm sure that if a pro-gay essay was assigned and a group came out against it then this same lady would be calling them hateful bigots.

Because they're probably "pro-choice"

Rapper 50 Cent lyrics for the song "Surrounded By Hoes".

Rapper Snoop Dogg lyrics for the song "Break A Bitch Til I Die".

Christian James Dobson's website: Focus on the family.

Number of hits a Google search of the National Organization for Women website return on:

50 Cent: 0

Snoop Dogg: 0

James Dobson: 17 (all hit pieces)

Now why is the guy who promotes chivalry (for those of you currently in high school that's courtesty towards women, opening doors and such) get beat up by a group like NOW when the guy who raps about "Break a bitch till the day I die" doesn't get a mention?

If that wasn't enough good old Snoopy gets invited to champion for liberal causes like stopping the execution of a gang member convicted of murder. (Judging by Snoopy's lyrics, it seems that maybe he would rather "cap his ass" himself)

Don't forget next Saturday

Rick from OFIR emailed this great link to some pictures of a recent Minuteman protest outside the NBC studios.

And don't forget, Oregonians are protesting state government and the Mexican consulate helping illegal aliens this Saturday, Dec 3 at French Prairie Middle School.

Address: 1025 N. Boones Ferry Rd, Woodburn OR

I hope to see you there!

Spanish only

Interested in taking advantage of some (needless) programs put on by the Gresham school district using your tax dollars? Better habla the espanol then!

Parent Workshop on Self-Esteem (Spanish only)
Tuesday, February 1st 6:00-8:00 PM

“Mornings with Muffins” Parent Circles (Spanish only)
January 18th, February 1st & 15th, March 1st 8:30-10:00 AM. Enjoy a FREE breakfast and the company of fellow Hall parents.

Finance Classes (Spanish only)
Tuesday, February 8th and Tuesday, February 15th 6:00-7:30 PM

The next generation of government interpreters:
And what does Mr. Shivers do in his Gresham kindergarten class?

We have been doing more addition problems in Spanish and the children are figuring out the answers quicker and with more confidence.

I let everyone give their answer (in Spanish only) and then we worked it out together.

We have started a new song in Spanish about a farm. (lyrics of song are listed in spanish)

No habla this warning label on the food package, oh well:
Do you want a food worker card in Benton County?

Spanish only) Friday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.

HEY, this is AMERICA! We speak English here. Anyone remember a time when liberals, in all their America bashing goodness, used to complain that American's were so lazy and selfish when they would go to other countries as tourists and expect people to speak our language?

We don't hear much about that anymore. Maybe it's because Mexicans come here and not only expect us to speak their language but also to educate, feed, house and provide them medical care.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Your tax dollars pay for this

From the server: (paid for by you)
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan
Chicano is our identidy. It is a symbol of resistance as well as a symbol of unity amongst all "Latinos," and has come to represent the struggles and the fight of all the Latinos.

AZTLAN: Today's southwestern United States. Expressed our deepest feelings that we are a people that belong to this land.

Mecha is an organization of Chicano and Latino students that has many seccesses...

Apparently spelling is not one of their many successes and as good as illegal aliens are at identity theft they can't seem to spell it correctly here either.

OK, I can't stop finding spelling errors on this site but I'll let this be the last one: "Students having fun after learning lidership" Must... not... mention... the... irony...


Now I'm not going to get into whether or not schools need counselors (they don't) but I am going to say that the couselors should not be the head of seperationist groups like Mr. Armando Gonzales.

A morning workshop from the governor's conference on minorities in the juvenille justice system titled: We’re Here Y No Nos Vamos: M.E.Ch.A describes him this way:

Armando Gonzales is a Counselor at Gresham High School and a board member of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) Statewide.

Mr. Gonzales can be contacted at this email and I would encourage that you suggest he resign either his post on the MECHA board or his taxpayer funded position of student counselor.

And for those of you who haven't seen the Woodburn school's MECHA site (which can only be described as something Hitler could have designed) see my previous post.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Damn those white males

Question from Oregon Coast Community College Equal Opportunity study guide:

____ 20. A backlash against diversity efforts comes from ____ who believe they are set up as scapegoats for societal problems.

a. white males
b. middle managers
c. undocumented workers
d. professional women

20. ANS:A

You have to be real careful around those white males... they get unruly sometimes and need to be kept in their place.

Attoney General's aren't supposed to enforce the law

From a memo put out by Oregon attorney general Hardly Matters.

We have been given no reason to believe any person to be interviewed has violated any law, including any federal immigration statute. If, in the course of the interview, the state investigator develops a suspicion the interviewee may be in violation of federal immigration laws, the investigator should ask no further questions relating to such possible violation.

It's like the corrupt cop who walks in on the mafia beating someone to death but says "I didn't see nothing" and walks back out.

New Ann Coulter column

New Idea for Abortion Party: Aid the Enemy
Saddam is on trial. His psychopath sons are dead. We've captured or killed scores of foreign terrorists in Baghdad. Rape rooms and torture chambers are back in R. Kelly's Miami Beach mansion where they belong.

The Democrats are giving aid and comfort to the enemy for no purpose other than giving aid and comfort to the enemy. There is no plausible explanation for the Democrats' behavior other than that they long to see U.S. troops shot, humiliated, and driven from the field of battle.

Saying it like it is.

1000 Enemies of Property Owners: Where they live

1000 Enemies of Property Owners (commonly referred to as 1000 Friends of Oregon) works to "Promote compact, livable cities with affordable housing, greenspaces and transportation choices" which in English means they want all of us to live in sardine cans, have no car, no yard, and ride the MAX in the rain to get our groceries.

But how do the 1000 Enemies live? Are they leading by example? Uh... no. Simply go to, copy and paste the address (provided by and click "satellite."

Board of Directors
Vice President
Rajiv Batra
Town Planner, Portland
2419 SW Montgomery Dr, Portland, OR 97201-1729

Rajiv lives in an area that in no way could be called "compact."

Nancie Peacock Fadeley
Community Leader, Eugene
260 Sunset Dr Eugene, OR 97403-2121

Ms. Peacock doesn't live in a condo either.

Mike Houck
Urban Naturalist, Portland
2433 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97210-2644

The "Urban Naturalist" doesn't seem to have to park his car on the street...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

But what kind of trees?

If you listened to John Gibson (fill in for Tony Snow) yesterday then you heard that there are several groups (such as Liberty Counsel) who have lawyers standing by to defend Christmas.

The American Family Association also has a petition to sign to the list of retailers who have chosen not to use the word "Christmas."

Yes, it seems that the Grinch's problem is not that his heart is three sizes too small but that he is a card carrying member of the ACLU.

I intend to chronicle as many anti-Christmas (read: anti-Christian) examples as I possibly can.

One that was sent to me by a friend is from Providence Health Systems. They are having a "festival of trees" rather than a Christmas party. It's not explained if these are palm trees, maple trees, some sort of fir trees, or what the significance of the tree is. Maybe it's, GASP, Christmas but heaven forbid that Providence say that out loud.

Robert Liberty: Future kids shouldn't have what I had

Metro Councilor Robert Liberty:

“Ozzie is dead, and Harriet is a working mom,” Liberty said. “What we need are homes for single-parent families who want to live near where they work, shop and go to school.”

The former head of 1000 Enemies of Property Owners (commonly called 1000 Friends of Oregon) wants to build our communities to cater to single mothers.

Never mind that there isn't a reputable study out there that doesn't say that the biggest indicator of a child's success is whether or not they grow up in a two-parent, married, household. (If you don't believe me head on down to your local jail or prison and survey the inmates to see how many had a traditional family)

So is Liberty a success story for the single-parent, urban living, panacea? Hardly.

Robert Liberty's boyhood home on NE Bryce Street, Portland, Oregon

Robert, age 2, with his family, circa 1955

But where is he now?

He lives in southeast Portland, in the Richmond neighborhood, with his partner, Khanh Tran.

I did a screen capture of the satellite imagery of his current house but it doesn't publish well in a small size. Head on over to and enter the address 3431 SE Tibbetts St, Portland, OR 97202-1846 and click "satellite."

It doesn't appear that Mr. Liberty lives near where he "works, shops, and goes to school" but this hypocrit is very eager to put a stop to the "family neighborhood" and replace it with a sardine can where kids have no yard to play in and the parents are too scared to send them outside anyways.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Liberals: Scared to reveal their feelings to the public

As you saw on my previous post there is a huge list of Oregon organizations that oppose local law enforcement being able to enforce our immigration laws. That is, if an illegal alien comes up to a police officer and says "I broke your immigration laws and I'm here illegaly" the officer can't do a thing.

But as usual, some of the people who support criminals don't want their views to be brought to public attention. Case in point:

Human Rights Commission

McNutt Room – Eugene City Hall, 777 Pearl Street

Ms. Martinez-Wenzl reminded the commission that she had provided information about the CLEAR Act at the last commission meeting. She said that she was requesting that the HRC go on record opposing the CLEAR Act. She explained that the acronym stood for Clear Law Enforcement for Alien Removal. She said that the act would undo all of the work done last year to preserve Oregon’s 181 Laws, specifically Oregon Revised Statute 181.50, which prohibited police from enforcing federal immigration law when there was not evidence of some kind of other criminal activity.

Mr. Kelly asked Ms. Martinez-Wenzl where the information about who opposed the legislation would be publicized. Ms. Martinez-Wenzl said that there was a statewide effort to campaign against the legislation and that the American Civil Liberties Union was organizing that effort. She said that the information about who opposed the legislation would go on record with the National Immigration Forums list of organizations, cities, etc. opposing the act.

Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Souers, moved that the HRC recommend to the IGR Committee that the City of Eugene oppose the CLEAR Act. The motion passed unanimously, 11:0.

So, Eugene City Councilor David Kelly was worried about where his treasonous acts might be published. After getting reasurred that he would have sufficient cover he went ahead with his vote to help criminals operate in our state more freely.

Well Mr. Kelly, you sorry excuse for a public servant, your traitorous deeds are now published here, along with your email adress:

I hope that you all take a moment to give Mr. Kelly a piece of your mind. And you Eugene residents, perhaps you could organize some sort of publicity stunt to shame Mr. Kelly.

Your brain

This is your brain on liberalism

Actually it's just some fruit that my kid brought home but I imagine a creature that believes affirmative action isn't racist, guns kill people and that ANWR is a pristine wildlife destination probably has a brain that's similair is size, shape, and color to this.

Homeland In-security

Tex. Senator Shown Evidence of Arab Personal Effects at Mexican Border
Sen. John Cornyn (R.-Tex.), chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship, told HUMAN EVENTS he has seen anecdotal evidence of Arabic belongings--including juice boxes with Arabic writing and an image of a plane hitting a building--that were discovered in Larado, Tex., near the Mexican border.

Human Events has an interview with Cornyn about the practicers of The Religion of Peace coming across the Mexican border.

It's not enough that we have to worry about the guys who want to take our jobs, rape our daughters, and sell drugs in our neighborhoods. Now we have to worry about hearing "praise allah" right before we get blown up.

We support criminals

Organizations Opposed to Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws

The following organizations have expressed opposition to the idea of having state and local police enforce federal immigration laws, outside of limited avenues already available under current law. Their positions may have been manifested in organizational policy directives, statements made to the press, local resolutions, executive orders, or other public forums.

Eugene Police Department
Hillsboro Police Department
Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office
Portland Police Bureau

Oregon Revised Statute 181.850
Attorney General Hardy Myers
Ashland City Council
Gaston City Council
Marion County City Council
Salem City Council

ACLU of Oregon
AFSCME Council 75
AILA Oregon Chapter
Adelante Mujeres
American Immigration Lawyers Association, Oregon Chapter
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Basic Rights Oregon
Benton County Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Better People
Bridge City Preparative Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Center for Environmental Equity
Centro Cultural
Centro LatinoAmericano
Commission on Hispanic Affairs
Common Cause Oregon
Community Alliance of Lane County
Coos County Women’s Crisis Service
Domestic Violence Resource Center
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Eugene Human Rights Commission
Haven from Domestic Violence
Human Dignity Coalition
Illinois Valley Safe House Alliance
Japanese American Citizen League, Portland Chapter
Lane County Central Labor Council
Lane County Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Lane County Human Rights Advisory Committee
Lane County Law & Advocacy Center
Latino Network
Latinos Unidos Siempre
Mid-Valley Women’s Crisis Service
Network for Immigrant Justice
Northwest Workers’ Justice Project
Oregon AFL-CIO
Oregon CURE
Oregon NOW
Oregon Action
Oregon Chapter National Association of Social Workers
Oregon Child Development Coalition
Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Oregon Law Center
Oregon Pacific Green Party
Peace & Justice Works/Portland Copwatch
Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN)
Portland Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Portland Books to Prisoners
Portland State University Faculty Association
Q: A Queer Resource for Social Change
Rural Organizing Project
SEIU Local 49
SEIU Local 503, OPEU
SEIU Local 503, Latino Caucus
Safe Harbors
Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality
Sexual Assault Resource Center
Sexual Assault Support Services
Siuslaw Area Women’s Center Board of Directors
Southern Oregon Chapter of the ACLU of Oregon
Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect
Survivors Advocating for An Effective System
Tillamook County Citizens for Human Dignity
VOZ Workers’ Rights Education Project
Wasco County Citizens for Human Dignity
Western Prison Project
Western States Center

Good old Oregon. We love illegal alien dreamers.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Kudos to Kulongoski

Relating to criminal procedure; amending ORS 181.850

181.850. (1) No law enforcement agency of the State of Oregon or of any political subdivision of the state shall use agency moneys, equipment or personnel for the purpose of detecting or apprehending persons whose only violation of law is that they are persons of foreign citizenship [residing] present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws.

Approved by the Governor [Kulongoski] July 17, 2003

And I'm sure that hundreds of rape victims, drunk driving victims, hit and run victims, property crime victims, ID theft victims, burglary victims and 16 year old girls who are subject to lecherous stares all thank you Governor! Let's elect someone who will repeal this law!

Hey law enforcement, how about enforcing the law!

The following letter was sent to the Portland office of ICE today. This is the third request from OFIR that ICE attend the Carousels of Information. Both Pres. Ludwick and V.P. Hickey made earlier requests. As an eye witness to the presence of State employees at these carousels, V.P. Hickey wrote the following:

Mr. Anthony Ho
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
511 NW Broadway
Portland OR 97209

RE: Interior Enforcement in Oregon of Federal Immigration Laws

Dear Mr. Ho:

This letter is addressed to you and all members of the federal immigration enforcement team in Oregon.

This letter will serve as our third notice requesting enforcement of the laws against illegal immigration. The purpose of your taxpayer-funded positions is to enforce the immigration laws. Our next course of action will be to involve the U.S. Attorney's office. We will no longer accept your non-enforcement of applicable immigration law and will utilize all legal actions available to us. In this era of terrorism and drug trafficking from foreign nations, we have been extremely patient, to no avail.

A foreign government is succeeding in undermining your efforts to enforce immigration law.

On December 3, 2005, in Woodburn, Oregon, the Mexican Consulate will again sell their version of photo ID, called a Matricula Consular card, regardless of the legal status of the Mexican nationals to whom the cards are issued. We understand that LEGAL immigrants have proper identification as presented to them by U.S. authorities and understand that these U.S. issued immigration ID/papers are sufficient to work/drive/bank in the United States of America.

We therefore conclude that a majority, if not all, of the applicants for this Matricula Consular card are NOT authorized to be in the United States. In fact an Attorney for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington DC group, said that "possession of this Matricula Card is prima facie evidence that the person is unlawfully present in the United States." Also the Mexican Consulate in San Jose, CA, said "We estimate 70% of applicants are undocumented" & "immigration status is a concern of U.S. authorities, not us."

Also on this same day, Dec. 3, several Oregon state agencies will be present to assist likely illegal aliens in "How to find an available job in Oregon," "register to vote in Oregon," "How to get a drivers license," "information about unemployment benefits," "What to do if injured on the job." We understand that ANY State or local official/employee who provides any benefit or service, such as those explained on the "Carousel of Information" poster, would be subject to criminal liability under 8 USC sec. 1324. They posses the criminal intent (mens rea) necessary for a felony indictment under 8 USC 1324.

Mr. Ho, state/local employees/officials are in the building, and they are assisting. I am a witness and have several more witnesses. In addition, we have newspaper and TV reports verifying the same.

We conclude that the Mexican Consulate and Oregon State officials and employees are undermining your efforts to enforce immigration laws. We conclude that they assume you will NOT do your duty as an ICE agent assigned to carry out ICE's mission.

We formally request your presence on 12/03/05 in Woodburn to enforce immigration law. This could be facilitated by pre-screening applicants for the Consular card and by arresting the State or local employees/officials for violation of federal laws.

We understand that your presence at this "Carousel of Information" just one time, could set a precedent that ICE is doing its job. We suspect that the Mexican Consulate may stop traveling throughout our state to sell their ID, and that Oregon agencies will then cease participating for concern that they may be prosecuted, as they should be.

This "Carousel" is happening soon, within about two weeks. We anticipate your quick response to this notice.

Rick Hickey, Vice President

OFIR, and Rick in particular, are doing a commendable job in pursuing this fight through the various legal mechanisms. We aren't going to lose. I would suggest we step up the pressure by using this contact info and requesting ICE to have a presence at the next carousel.

To contact the Community Liaison Officer please send an email or by phone at (503) 326-2807.


College proffessor arrested

Nonviolent Iraq War protesters arrested on University campus
Seven people, including a former University professor, were arrested on campus Friday at the Military Science building after blocking the building’s entrances and holding a sit-in to protest the Iraq War as part of a national day of non-violent civil disobedience.

"Civil disobediance" is just a fancy way that hippies say "breaking the law."

The honorable protestors:
Stevens said he did not volunteer to be arrested because he’s a single parent but said he would be willing to in the future if the proper “support systems” were in place.

I feel sorry for your child. Not just because you are a single parent, which will screw the kid up, but because you are obviously an idiot.

Cohen stood in handcuffs for almost two hours while waiting for the EPD to pick her up and gave interviews to the many members of the press who were present.

I feel sorry for this guy because he probably felt a huge sense of self-importance because of the media's over-eager attitude to quote any idiot who opposes the war. Sadly, that self-importance won't follow you into the real world.

In a statement released by Mary Stanik, a University spokeswoman, she wrote that the University “wholeheartedly welcomes the exercise by its students, staff and faculty of the right of free speech and the right to demonstrate” so long as it “does not interfere with the rights of others.”

By "does not interfere with the rights of others" she means that if liberals are offended then it's not free speech.

Bless the Founding Fathers

I sure am glad that when our Founding Fathers set up the greatest country on earth that they recognized that providing recreation was governments job. If they didn't do that then maybe the city of Portland wouldn't be hiring a Recreation Coordinator.

Thankfully this recreation coordinator is required to "meet specific needs and desires of diverse communities; be culturally competent - having exposure to, recognizing the value of, and having the skills and ability to work effectively with a culturally diverse workforce and community..."

Otherwise I would wonder if government really was serious about living up to it's mandate to provide recreation for the masses.

PC run amok

The folks over at Tongue Tied alwasy do a great job of documented ridiculous politically correct garbage. This week's article is no different:
When Diversity Is Racist, Minority Monologues

Study: We hate the free market

Study says Wal-Mart Supercenter jobs would lower Central Oregon wages
“Working people are told that if they get a job and go to work every day, they will move up the economic ladder,” says Michael Funke, chairperson of Central Oregon Jobs with Justice, a labor-community group that works for economic justice. “But far too many people are forced to take low-wage jobs that keep them mired in poverty. A job should lift you out of poverty, not keep you in it.”

“We don’t need more Wal-Mart jobs that continue the downward spiral of wages in our community,” says Funke of Jobs with Justice. “We don’t really have a ‘labor shortage’ in our community. We have a wage shortage created by employers who don’t pay a decent wage. Central Oregon workers deserve living wage jobs that can support their families.”

Central Oregon workers should be paid the wage that their labor is worth. If you are a drunken high-school dropout who doesn't have an ounce of ambition and isn't interesting in improving your skills then a job should not lift you out of poverty.

Again, I say that Republicans should propose making the minimum wage $90K/year. They could give testimony prattling on about "a Cadillac in every garage" and get all teary when they talk about how some families don't have vacation homes.

I would love to hear Democrats argue against this. How could they? By their logic (by logic I mean stupidity) this is the best idea since sliced bread.

Bottom line: There is no difference in raising the minimum wage $0.50 or $50K, a person is either paid what their work is worth or they aren't.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Shoot them dead

Just got back from a scout camping trip. We went up to Camas WA to a little lake. While I don't come right out and say that I'm a radical right-winger (though I would if someone asked or it was an appropriate time) I make thoughtful and persuasive arguments on all political issues when they come up in these group settings.

Whether it's a sales tax (Others: I'll support it if they will reduce another tax) or open primaries (Others: It seems fair, I vote my concience) I find that I am able to simply shut the conversation down with Lars Larson style logic.

Just a reminder that no everyone listens to Lars everyday and re-reads Ann Coulter books like they are a bible. You have to tailor your conservative message to people who aren't as involved as you may be.

Anyways, I come home to two very interesting stories. First, my wife says that she turned on Sesame Street this morning (Sunday) and found that it was all Spanish. That's our tax dollars at work. Nice.

Second I got an email from Rick (VP of OFIR) with the subject of "WAR w/Mexico started today"

Now I believe that war with Mexico started quite a while ago (if I was in charge then we would at least treat Mexico the way we treat Cuba and possibly assasinate Vicente Fox) but this story from WND is nuts.

Armed standoffon Rio Grande
U.S. Border Patrol agents were backed down this week by armed men, dressed in what appeared to be Mexican military uniforms and carrying military weapons, who seized a captured dump truck filled with marijuana from the U.S. agents and dragged it across the border into Mexico with a bulldozer.

"It's a very serious incident," Doyal said. "We are very fortunate ... no one got hurt. Everyone had the presence of mind not to cause an international incident, or start shooting."

We are like a rape victim who doesn't want to cause an incident by reporting the crime. This just means that the criminal is able to commit another crime another day.

It's no suprise that a google news search of "Mexico" "armed" "drugs" returns so many hits.

The corrupt Mexican government enjoys the money that the drugs provide and they turn a blind eye. The corrupt American government enjoys pandering to racists and turns a blind eye. The American people get screwed.

I wish that they had just shot the smugglers dead.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

HillaryCare in small doses

Kulongoski: Health care plan on tap; sales tax not
Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski said Friday he is planning to unveil a health care plan that could provide coverage to every child in the state, as well as poor and middle-class families.

Kulongoski, addressing a sold-out Portland Business Journal Power Breakfast crowd, also said that he supports "a consumption tax," but stopped short of saying that he'd back a statewide sales tax.

A "consumtion tax" is a sales tax, so he didn't "stop short" of saying anything. And he certainly won't stop short of taking your money.

Talking about Vermont and ex-governor Dean:

"He made it his objective that every child from prenatal to (the age of) 18 have access to health care," Kulongoski said. "And they now cover almost 100 percent." Dean subsequently rolled out the plan to middle-class families, Kulongoski added.

"So now every family in Vermont has some identification with someone in this plan," he said. "And none of the legislators want to cut the program because it isn't perceived as a public welfare program, it was a program all citizens had access to.

Democrats never do try to hide the fact they are are manipulative in their ways to fool the American people. Kulongoski is saying that we would never accept socialized medicine under one name but that they can slowly incorporate it into people's daily lives until we become numb to it. Kind of like boiling a frog.

"I do believe you need a consumption tax, but how do you get citizens to make that change?" he said.

Translation: I want a sales tax, how can I fool Oregon citizens into supporting it?

On the tax front, Kulongoski noted that because 70 percent of the state's revenues come from personal income taxes, recessions hit Oregon particularly hard.

Translation: Just because you have less money doesn't mean that government should have less money.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Lazy Mexicans?

Viva Mexico, Mi raza!!!

(Alive Mexico, My race!)

Mi raza, join us to celebrate El Dia de los Muertos in the University of Oregon.

(My race, join us to celebrate the Day of Deads in the University of Oregon.)

MEChA Nationals for 2002

This page is still under construction.

Um, it's a little late for 2002. Maybe if you could read English then the construction would have been finished on time. No wonder people hate contractors.

Nothing like an unfinished website advocating for "My Race" on a taxpayer funded website.

"The Plan" calls for some behavior changes on our part

Our masters in state government know what's best. Our masters in state government know what's best. Our masters in state government know what's best. Our masters in state government know what's best.

Whoa, had to snap out of that one. But yes, the elites think that they know what's best. (and they don't need your input)

Containing the Commercial Strip

Highways and highway interchanges are prime locations for commercial development. Highways
provide easy access to stores and offices and good visibility. Thus, over the last 50 years, urban
development has followed and been shaped by highway investments.
That makes complete sense to you and me. But...

The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) administers the statewide land
use planning program. Highway-oriented, auto dependent development is not consistent with two tenets of Oregon’s land use planning program.

A demand for major highway improvements is created -- at a cost the state simply cannot afford.
It's not often that you hear people talk about $3.2 billion not being enough...

Don’t we already have policies and regulations that deal with this?

No. Although the state has adopted several measures that seek to better integrate land use and
transportation planning, none of these will stop the expansion of commercial strips.
GASP! You mean, we can't stop the development and job creation?

The problem with these idiots is that they have one idea of "livability" while many of us have a different idea. It's clearly subjective but they have decided that their way is supeior and will be forced upon us. If they can't convince you to get out of your car with a carrot then they will use a stick.

Fighting nature

Democrats claim to fight for all things nature, they want things to be natural. Really they are just anti-capitolist but let's pretend for a minute that they really do believe in supporting a natural order.

Then why do they so adamantly oppose gender roles?

I was at Les Schwab last night and while I was watching the guys work I realized that they were... all guys. This is not because they discriminate but because women generally do not gravitate towards work of that nature.

So why does our society, and especially government, insist on creating the illusion that men and women can do and should do the same tasks?

The Portland Firefighters have this as a condition of employment:

Our Physical Agility Test reflects the minimum physical abilities you need to do this job. In the Physical Agility Test, you will be asked to perform several tasks similar to those performed by firefighters on the job. These tasks are designed to test your strength, stamina, endurance, agility and ability to work at heights.

They say to "check back" for the current testing benchmarks but I have to wonder, are they different for men and women applicants? Clearly men are physically stronger than women and can lift more weight.

Is giving a woman a lighter load a smart idea? I don't know about you but I don't want the woman firefighter, who didn't make the minimum requirements a man would have to, trying to lift me up and carry me out of a burning building. This kind of ridiculous social promotion could get people killed. (Remember the woman deputy who had her gun taken from her and the killing spree that ensued?)

If a fire department refuses to hire a woman applicant because she can't perform the same as a man it's not discrimination, it's following the natural order of things.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Ann Coulter column defending McCarthy

Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Second-Rate Filmmaker?
As noted here previously, George Clooney's movie, Good Night, and Good Luck, about pious parson Edward R. Murrow and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, failed to produce one person unjustly accused by McCarthy. Since I described McCarthy as a great American patriot defamed by liberals in my 2003 book, Treason, liberals have had two more years to produce a person—just one person—falsely accused by McCarthy. They still can't do it.

Boy do we need McCarthy today...

Target: The grinch who denies Christmas

Target stores have banned the Salvation Army kettles from operating outside their stores and have now banned the use of the word "Christmas" from their in store promos and advertising.

Sign the petition to Target and refuse to shop their for your CHRISTMAS (you know, when Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, was born) season.

These boots were made for walking... all over the American flag

These shoes were made for migrants to U.S.
The high-top sneakers cost $215 at a San Diego boutique, but the designer is giving them away to migrants before they cross to this side of the U.S.-Mexico border.

These are no ordinary shoes.

A compass and flashlight dangle from one shoelace. The pocket in the tongue is for money or pain relievers. A rough map of the border region is printed on a removable insole.

Immigrants to be are happy to have the sturdy, lightweight shoes for the hike — or dash — into the United States.

HAT TIP: Rick Hickey, VP of OFIR

The shoe designer should be declared an enemy of America, the company who manufactures the shoes should not be allowed to import/export anything from this country, and the company who distributes or retails these should be boycotted. This is absolutely disgusting.

Worth a thousand words...

[America's] Oregon's Next [Top Model] Governor
Sure, it's more than six months till the May primary. But already the race to be Oregon's next governor is filled with more primping, posturing and come-hither winks than Tyra Banks and friends will produce in a whole season of America's Next Top Model.

The election analysis by Willamette Week is interesting but the real attraction is the picture of a model with Teddy Kulongoski's head super-imposed on it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Please make it stop

UN: We Are the World (Wide Web)
Get ready, world: The folks who brought you the oil-for-food program are about to vote themselves control of the Internet.

This drama unfolds starting November 16, as 10,000 people from 70 countries are expected to pour into Tunis, Tunisia, for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which is organized by the ITU, a UN agency. There, countries like Russia, China and Iran will insist that the United States surrender control of the Domain Name System. An international network, they will argue, deserves international control.

I'm having one of those "Michael Savage days" where I'm just not sure if I can take it anymore. I know what I would do if the government came to take my house to give it to someone else, (defend it with my life) or if a teacher gave a sex survey to my kids (pull them out of school and make it my life's mission to get the teacher fired, school board fired, superintendent fired...) but what can I do if the UN gets the internet?

The whole reason the internet works so well is that no government body is involved. Why doesn't Bush throw the UN out of this country?

The only bioethical issue that I am willing to support is something, anything, to bring Senator McCarthy back to life so that he can rally true Americans to fight against the subversive forces within our own borders.

Write your rep

Send a quick note to your congressman telling them to support the True Enforcement and Border Security Act, H.R. 4313.

Master list of Oregon congressmen

Do we really need to say it again?

The Myth Of No-Cost Immigrants
The University of Florida finds that immigrant families have been costing that state a net $1,800 per household per year, a financial burden much larger than previously thought.

The findings surprised the study's author, who is a pro-immigration Democrat. After crunching the numbers, economist David Denslow discovered immigrants — legal and illegal — were consuming much more in public services and paying much less in taxes than the average resident.

I'm almost getting tired of repeating all the reasons for why illegal immigration is so destructive for our country. If you don't know it by now then you are willfully ignorant and should be locked up in a padded room with a small window where doctors could administer sedative medication to you by air-gun darts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Good Schlafly column

Judicial Supremacists Lash Out At Parents
The Ninth Circuit decision stated that "there is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children" and that "parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed."

Read the column and then do a search for private schools in your area.

Defeatist Chertoff

Chertoff: Not 'practical'to deport illegal aliens
In defending President Bush's so-called "guest worker" program for illegal aliens – which critics have dubbed an amnesty program – Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says it's just not practical to deport the millions of foreigners in the country illegally.

"The cost of identifying all of those people and sending them back would be stupendous. It would be billions and billions of dollars," Chertoff told Sean Hannity on the Fox News Channel program "Hannity & Colmes" last night.

In the classic liberal "we can't win the 'war on drugs'" mentality our Homeland In-security chief has said "it's too hard." This is the same government that can regulate how much water your toilet flushes and how wide your deck is, but heaven forbid they enforce immigration laws.

As for the "billions and billions of dollars" nonsense, I think that he must be talking about how much we spend helping illegal aliens. Drivers licenses, ITINS, every government document printed in Spanish, education, migrant housing, court interpreters, bi-lingual government employees, etc.

Maybe we don't need an all out manhunt (although that would be nice) but instead we allow local law enforcement to actually enforce the law, including immigration law. How about we make it very difficult for illegal aliens to work? Then make it very difficult for them to get government benefits. No work, no benefits means that they go home.

NOTE: I say "very difficult" because "impossible" is not realistic. But by "very difficult" I mean damn near impossible.

This is a perfect example of a problem that could be properly maintained but our "leaders" let it get out of control and now they say the mess is just too big to clean up. I don't accept that excuse from my kids and I won't accept it from my government either!

But can we sit at the same lunch counter?

Latino Business Network

Eugene -
Some Latino business owners are teaming up with the Chamber of Commerce to make their mark in the community.

The Chamber is holding a meeting Tuesday night for Latino business owners and managers.

Alex Reyna is an Account Executive with KXOR 660 Digital Radio he says, "eventually the goal is to bring the Anglo business owners to participate so they learn how to market their products to the Hispanic community."

A Chamber of Commerce meeting for bussiness owners and managers of one particluar race. But don't worry, "eventually" they plan to inlcude the "anglo" community in all the fun.

I don't have a problem with this on it's face. Marketing to certain demographics, including race, is a part of bussiness. I don't have a problem with that and I'm not going to ignore reality. My problem is with the double standard. How can the media write something like this while their newsroom probably has a "Commitment to Diversity" poster on the wall?

What would the media say if a group of bussinesses catered to patriotic Americans and got together to commit to have no Spanish writing or speaking in their stores? I would patronize a bussiness that marketed that way but they would be condemned as racist by every newspaper and TV station in Oregon.

The double standard and racial immunity of some groups is just subtle racism. As opposed to the overt racism by the folks over at who try to keep black people from voting. (If I keep saying it then people will accept it as true)

Monday, November 14, 2005

It's just random

I sent public records requests to all the large counties in Oregon. I have several projects that I'm working on and am interested in voter lists. While I am working with someone to aquire a list from at least one county, I thought that it would be interesting to show you the inconsistency between elections agencies in different counties.

My request:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to Oregon's Public Records laws (ORS 192.420) I am requesting, in electronic form, a list of all registered voters in [fill in the blank] County. Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.

Daniel [my last name]

I've attached a link to the price list for extracting our data files. Our countywide file is a flat $200.

We can provide this. However, we do charge to produce this list at acost of $17.50 (in electronic form). Please submit this to our officewith your request.

The file costs $50. Payment must accompany a written request. Youmust also state that the information will be used for political purposes only.

Voter lists are readily available upon receipt of a written request containing the statement “any information in the list will not be used for commercial purposes” (ORS 247.955) along with a check in the amount of $35.00 (ORS 247.940) made payable to “Crook County Clerk”.


I will be happy to provide the information you requested. The fee is $25.00 and your request will be provided within 7 days of receipt.

The set-up fee is $25 and the charge for your list would be $254.37 (84,790 active voters in Deschutes County), for a total of $279.37.

If you wish to purchase the registered voters' list the fee's areas follows....
Registered Voters' List $165.00

Attached is a job request order form. Sign and date it and return it to us with a check or money order payable to Lane County Elections in the amount of $198.62, to cover the cost of the list plus a CD media charge. You can reduce your cost by $5, down to $193.62, by supplying us with a new PC format CD-R type CD.

Thank you for your request for a copy of Coos County's registered voters. There is a fee of $125.00 for a full copy of our registered voters and, under ORS 247.955, this list cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Email has confidentiality clause. Hint: doesn't cost very much.

Please, complete the attached data order form and return it to this office along with the required payment.

Why can I get a voter list from one county for $17.50 but in another it costs $279.37 in another? Is there any consitency?

ORS 192.440 states: The public body may establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual cost in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such record, either in organization or media, to meet the person’s request.

Do elections workers in some counties make minimum wage and others get paid 90K a year? Are they handwriting these lists? I can copy you and list of files on my computer in about 5 minutes and put it on CD or DVD. How could I justify charging $280?

The government has one definition for "reasonable" when it comes to a 13-year old's ability to pay for an abortion (any cost is too high) and another for members of the public to have access to records that should be produced on demand by law.

No permission slips needed!

Jefferson School-Based Health Center
Whether you are [male/female] [gay/straight/lesbian/bisexual/unsure]

We can:

Do exams (including sports physicals & reproductive health exams)

Provide Counseling

Give shots (immunizations)

Prescribe medicines, including birth control

So why do children need a permission slip to go on a field trip but not to receive psycho-therapy, potentially lethal birth control, or "reproductive health exams?"

And don't you need a degree to be a counselor or doctor? Aren't counselors and doctors pretty expensive? Either we have a huge amount of school money going towards quality health proffesionals or they are hiring sub-par people to give your daughter a pap and The Pill. Either way I'm not comfortable with this.

Anti-trust case

Those of you who were smart enough to listen to Lars today got to hear the most asinine of arguments from the proponents of land-use "planning" and it's supposed benefits.

High density housing and government transit are the staples of this urban utopia. But in the classic "which came first: the chicken or the egg" story I wonder which drives which? Is mass transit the natural response to high density living or are high density neighborhoods developed around mass transit?

Well according to LCDC high density is required to make state agencies like Tri-Met work.

High-density development, especially when coupled with mixed land uses, is regarded as critical to the success of public transportation and walkable neighborhoods. Such development not only provides the ridership needed to make public transportation financially viable, but it also offers a market for small local businesses located within walking distance of residential neighborhoods.

So government creates a program that is not "financially viable" without artificialy limiting the housing market. Essentially they created a bus and MAX system and said to people: consume our product. People didn't want to so government is breaking the knees of it's competitors.

If a private bussiness were to openly admit to this kind of treachery they would be sued out of existance.

Mexico: We'll send you some tuberculosis, but no moths please

Mexico steps up control over imports of foreign Christmas trees
Mexico is stepping up control over imports of American and Canadian Christmas trees to avoid foreign plant bugs, the Environmental Department said Friday.

Nearly 100 special inspectors will be positioned along Mexico's 2,000-mile (3,200-kilometer) border with the United States, scrutinizing the leaves and branches of the 800,000 Christmas trees it expects to flow south this season, said Hector Gonzalez, Assistant Attorney General of Natural Resources.

Meanwhile we welcome any invader with communicable diseases to walk across our borders, then we spend tax money to assist them with their medical problems. Stories like this are just a sad irony.

Idiot may run for gov

Senator close to making independent bid for governor
State Sen. Ben Westlund is getting himself and his luncheon audience wound up with a withering attack on a partisan political system that he says has failed Oregon’s children, leaving thousands of them hungry and lacking basic health care.

And in fact, the 56-year-old Bend Republican appears to be on the brink of shedding his party label and launching an independent bid for governor — a move that could make the potentially crowded 2006 governor’s race even more unpredictable.

Since first being elected to the Legislature in 1996, Westlund has gained a reputation as a moderate Republican. In recent years he’s become a champion for children’s health programs, schools and civil unions for same-sex couples.

Normally I try to say something constructive and not just call names but in this case I only have two things to say: Thank goodness Westlund may "shed his party label" because it certainly doesn't fit him and second, he is an idiot.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bush's IRS helps criminal aliens

State, federal representatives join consulate in Hermiston
State and federal agencies also showed up at the Mexican consulate’s visit Saturday.

They included representatives of the Oregon Employment Department, Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and Internal Revenue Service’s Taxpayer Advocate Service.

“It’s basically for outreach. If someone has an unresolved problem with the IRS we can help them with that, or for them to get an I.D. number if they don’t have a Social Security number because we still want them to file,” said Jan Alexander, a senior analyst with the office.

Next up: IRS plans "outreach" to help drug dealers pay taxes on their "income" because "they still want them to file."

This is just a disgrace and Oregon has really pioneered it. In the simplest terms possible these mobile consulates are gatherings of criminals from a foreign county who our state and federal government actively assist in the further commission of their crimes.

If you are an illegal alien and you pay taxes that is presumtive evidence of a crime. You are not allowed to work in this country if you are here illegaly. I would like to ask Miss Alexander (of the IRS) how they feel about all these illegal aliens committing perjury when they fill out their I-9 forms to gain employment.

Why should I as an employee, or any employer, take formalities like government forms seriously when the IRS doesn't take it seriously themselves? (actually it's selective, they would enforce the law if a citizen perjured themselves on an I-9)

To have BOLI making sure that an illegal alien is making the proper wage is absurd. The proper wage is $0. For them to get a wage is a crime!! If you are an illegal alien then you should have a lunch break... all day! You aren't allowed to work.

So tell me, why should any employer or employee take BOLI or labor laws seriously when the so-called enforcers of the law are actively participating in violations of the law?

I hope that you will all join me and OFIR in Woodburn on December 3rd to protest one of these events. Let's make some noise.

NOTE: I am still working on a back-up computer and am only doing a cursory check of my email. Hopefully I will be back up and running tommorow but if you have something to send me that you want me to read before Tuesday please put "URGENT" in the subject line. (and if it's not urgent please hold off on sending me any mail, it's starting to stack up)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

City attorney's office: matricula provides ID for undocumented aliens

...City Attorney Meg Kieran introduced Trisha Hill, an associate from the City Attorney’s office...

...Ms. Hill said the purpose of this document is to provide identification for undocumented aliens...

...For those who are here legally, they are more likely to have other documentation such as a driver’s license to serve as their primary form of identification...

City of Springfield
Council Work Session Minutes
March 22, 2004

This is one of the more interesting debates within government that I have read. While the overwhelming attitude is for the city to accept the matricual as ID

Councilor Ballew said this is not anything giving rights. It is a way for Mexican citizens to identify
themselves in our community and enables them to use banking services and do business in the
community. It is the federal government’s job to enforce immigration issues.

there is actually some dissent

Councilor Ralston said there is no guarantee this card would be given to the right person. It is
easily forged and he doesn’t know if it is very useful. If someone is here legally, they would have
a passport and a green card and would not have a need for this document. He feels this is a way
to facilitate legalizing illegal aliens. He is not supportive of doing that.

If you read through then you see that the issue was tabled until April 5th. Here are the minutes of that meeting.

Council Regular Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2004

Bottom line:


This was last year. Reading through the minutes you see that the criminal alien lobby lined up many people to speak in favor of the matricula while a lone citizen showed up to protest. If you know of a city council, school board, county commision, or any other government group that is going to get together to discuss something like this then please alert me. (through the comments if you don't know me, email if you do) I will post it and then it is up to all of us to show up with force. We have no right to complain if we are not willing to take action.

Then we must get involved at this very local level. The city councilors who were on the wrong side of this issue should be demonized and thrown out of office. The two who supported us should be supported. Rest assured that a future post will have the current status of the commissioners, neccessary contact info for these people and a possible plan of action.

(Day 3 of using this slow computer...)

A disturbing new phrase

We all know that the homosexuals love to invent new terms and acronyms for themselves. I think that some people choose to be gay just so that they can participate in creating new catchphrases.

But in addition to terms like LGBTIQA, genderqueers, and intersex I found the most disturbing phrase yet:

Queerspawn. The children of same-sex parents. That just bothers me. Do these people have any shame? (note: obviously not) That sounds like something that kids would make up on the playground to tease the poor child unfortunate enough to have same-sex parents, not something that should be a badge of honor.

I ran into the term at the 10th Annual Oregon Diversity Institute Conference that was hosted on the Lane Community College website. (Had to use Google cache because they took it down)

Parasites adapt to waste more tax dollars

(day 3 of not having my main computer)

Indigenous languages replace Spanish in Oregon fields
by Gabriel "Daniel waves papers like a madman" Rico

Just as the Oregon employment department was feeling confident that it offered enough Spanish-speaking farmworker liaisons, everything changed.

In the Willamette Valley fields, a growing number of migrant workers arrive speaking Mixteco, Triqui and Zapoteco, indigenous languages from Oaxaca.

"Pretty soon, you won't need me in this job," said Daniel Quiñones, a Spanish-speaking farmworkers representative with the Oregon Employment Department.

I hope that they fire Daniel Quiñones tommorow. I really do. But why is this article written as a human interest story rather than a crime story? Does Miss Rico and the Statesmen Urinal think that these people are coming here legally? They're not.

These are parasites as evidenced by this corresponding story:
Money sent from U.S. can be a boon or a bane
Dollars earned in Salem could be a key to Oaxaca's future stability or its undoing.

Last year, immigrants in Oregon sent home $218 million, mostly to Mexico, according to a remittance study by the Inter-American Development Bank.

Remittances are Mexico's second-largest source of income -- after petroleum -- and have drawn great attention from the government.

How really nice for Mexico. Meanwhile they refuse to help us in the war on terror, refuse to extradite murderers to face justice, put tariffs on our products we export to them, refuse to really clamp down on the drugs smuggling, and refuse to stop encouraging illlegal immigration.

That was $218 million that could have stayed in our local economy.

Friday, November 11, 2005

It wasn't me, it was the one-armed man

At Risk Youth

Definition—At-risk youth are unable to achieve the educational, economic, or social expectations of their community due to poverty, minority status, a deficiency in family support, or inadequate employment.

Being unable to achieve things can always be blamed on something, someone, some place, or some concept. One of the huge differences between liberals and conservatives in the attitude towards personal responsibility. Liberals simply don't believe in it. Conservatives recognize that personal responsibility is part of what makes America great.

Liberals don't think that people should have consequences for their actions. (unless the offender is a high profile conservative) Conservatives recognize that bad behavior without negative effects will only increase the bad behavior.

Liberals don't think that people succeed on merit, ability or ambition. They believe that failure is simply the result of some outside force (probably racism, sexism, classism, or some other ism) and that no amount of effort can overcome these isms. Conservatives realize that America is the land of opportunity. If you try your best, develope skills, and put forth your best effort while avoiding bad behavior then you will succeed.


I know, I just can't get off this subject but I found a great column by Michelle Malkin from a while back. It's a good read.

Sé, yo apenas no puedo conseguir de este tema pero encontré una gran columna de Michelle Malkin de una parte posteriora del rato. Es un bueno leído.

More MEChA (the MKKK)

(Day two of using this slow computer...)

Judging by the response to the last post I am going to put up links to all (most) of the school MEChA sites in Oregon, plus I can't imagine a more interesting interview than Lars having at least one of these school's administrators on to justify this garbage.

U of O I swear that their symbol in the upper left looks like a German Nazi symbol...

Oregon State If a Christian put up a cross like the one in this picture they would be vilified and probably sued. But since it's Hispanics (or Chicanos? Latinos?) celebrating the "Day of the Dead" I guess that it's ok.

Don't think that you Washingtonians are left out. U of W They have a funny looking section of map labeled "somos atzlan" that looks suspiciously like the South West of America... no hostile take over's here!

West Salem High School Under construction

Parkrose High School Under construction

Coaching Job Postings (updated 11/10/2005)
MEChA Advisor, Sam Barlow High School Requirements: Experience in noted activity and/or coaching Projected Start Date: 2005-2006 School Year. Exact date to be determined by district. Application Deadline: In district: September 26, 2005. If position is not filled in district, outside applicants will be considered thereafter until filled.

So they are hiring a MEChA advisor at Sam Barlow. But class sizes are "too large" and we don't have enough teachers. They are "eliminating" sports. Blah blah blah.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Why today?

Today I was supposed to go to a meeting with Senator and gubernatorial candidate Jason Atkinson. Unfortunately my main computer's power supply went out and it just happened to have the email with the meeting location on it.

If you want to hear about the Eugene meeting head on over to Gullyborg

Of all the days... plus I looked at my email on the web and I got responses to the 16 public records requests that I sent out last night but it's impossible to go through it without Outlook and I'm not going to download the emails to this computer. (For those of you who know me, please refrain from sending non-essential emails until Tuesday)

Dell is sending out a technician to replace the power supply on Mon or Tues. I'm half considering going to CompUSA and getting one myself...

Regular posting will continue. My jihad against illegal immigration, the homosexual agenda, and bizarre spending by state and local government will not be stopped by one computer blowing up.