Our Party is a consistent fighter for the unity of our multiracial, multinational, male-female, young and old working class. Our unity must cross all lines of religion, region, and origin. It must encompass immigrants, both legal and undocumented, the unemployed and homeless. We fight to unite people on welfare, workers in all industries and of all income levels, workers in every region of the country. The fight to build the broadest possible unity is our main contribution to today’s struggles.
Our history is steeled in struggles for peace, civil rights, union organizing, social justice, and democracy.
We say: People and Nature Before Profits!
Be honest, you thought that you were reading from the Democrat Party platform. But no, it is from the Communist Party USA. I don't blame you for being confused though, they both sound the same. What does that tell you?
Democrats and Communists: there is no difference!
Democrats = Communist
Except that communists appear to be more tolerant of Christians than Democrats are...
Actually there is one key difference. You don't see many billionaire communists talking about how they care so much about the working class. Nope, only democrats.
It still blows my mind how Kerry would sit on a stage bitching about corporate control of our government and he was two steps away from wearing a Nascar jumpsuit with Heinz Ketchup logos all over it.
I still find it amazing, Ok maybe not so amazing with government schools dumbing down the future generations. Most folks probably don't even see don't make the connection; Communist, Democrat, Democrat, Communist are pretty much interchangable these days.
I mean just who do people think are driving the "Peace" "Anti-War" movement...why it's the Communits, Socialists and other assorted Hate America nut balls.
If you go to the CPUSA.org website you will see a lot of stuff that could easily come from Pelosi, Kennedy, Boxer, and the like.
She could even create "art" of the American flag in the shape of a straight jacket...
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