Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's funny but it's not

A conversation between a Customer and Bank of America

Bank: This is the Bank of America, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with you any longer.
Bank: Why?
Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's right. I'm taking my business elsewhere.
Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number?
Customer: (gives account number)
Bank: For security purposes and for your protection,can you please give me the last four digits of your social security number?
Customer: No.
Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help you, I'll need verification of who you are.
Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don't have social security numbers. You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you?
Bank: No sir, I wouldn't.
Customer: Why not?
Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line.


Anonymous said...

For real???

I know, its silly to axe that quexsion.

Mike Lewis said...

They are hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

So Daniel, you closed your account withdrawing your whole 25 bucks. I am sure B of A can give a sh*t less about your small change. Move on.

And "Big Mike Lewis", you need a serious diet, buddy. You look like a reject from LA Weightloss. Been listening to too much of the Botox Bimbo on KSPAM...

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about Plame? Rule of law, baby, rule of law.

Mike Lewis said...
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Mike Lewis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Lewis said...

Wow, thanks for the insults. What are you 3? I am too intelligent to trade insults with a child.

Who cares? fears Big Mike Lewis...

...bring it wuss.

Anonymous said...

Hey, who cares, maybe they give a sh*t about mine. I have 50 grand in that f'ing bank that I brought up here from CA. What do you think of that you freaking moron?

Anonymous said...

How much is this costing us?

Tucson Citizen
Jet flights taking invaders back to Mexico resume
The program aimed at reducing the number of its citizens who die in the Arizona desert each summer sent 240 people to Mexico City from Tucson Wednesday. -- Two flights a day of 120 passengers each are departing from Tucson International Airport aboard AeroMexico headed to Mexico City, said Alejandro Ramos...

Anonymous said...

50 grand, big deal!
I know of 3 companies that were putting over 10 Million EACH thru that scam of a Bank and dropped them like a bad habit because aiding and abetting CRIMINALS is a bad habit.

HELL has a special place saved for those that help Criminals and anon 1:20 and this Bank will find out soon enough.
Or if you don't beleive in Hell, it is called KARMA and Bad goes around Bad comes around, you will see.

Anonymous said...

Bank of America needs to change it's name to Bank of South America, CEO Joe Quisling.

Anonymous said...

The Multi-Million dollar company I work for uses Bank of America and they could care less about undocumented Americans.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who keeps 50 grand in a bank is moron.

R Huse said...

For once I actually agree with an anonymous - anyone who keeps 50 grand in a bank IS a moron.

But who cares - Valerie Plame was DIS-missed.

Sure aren't seeing as much of all those anon's who were so smug and sure of themselves are we?

So everyone, say it all together now, and try and do it like Col. Klink did in Hogan's Heroes.

Valerie Plame? DIS-missed!

I tell ya, it feels so good cant stand it.


Anonymous said...

They say Valerie Plame's case was filed in the wrong Court.

Fantasy Land at Disney World would have been correct.

Anonymous said...

At least I have 50 grand to keep somewhere, fuckstick. Nothing like selling a house, reaping a $300k profit and setting aside some money for upgrades on a new house, dipshit. Shut your fucking pie hole mother fucker, you don't know shit about shit.

I hate BofA. I go into a branch in hillsburrito and it is fucking illegal city.

Anonymous said...

Valerie Plame was going after members of the Bush Administration, yes?

Judge John D. Bates "dismissed" the case, yes?

Judge John D. Bates was appointed by Chief Justice Rehnquist to serve on the U.S. Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management. In February 2006, he was appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to serve as a judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

I rest MY case...

R Huse said...

Your case being what?

Are Bush, Dark Lord Cheney et. al. still guilty because of this litany about Bates?

Yeesh. Does anyone on the left ever think through their arguments before making them?

Ok - so then by your logic you believe Clinton was guilty of sexual harassment because the judge that dismissed that case, on the grounds that Paula Jones did not suffer economic damages, was appointed by Clinton.

Look, I know you said you rest your case, but for Gods sake man, don't ever become a lawyer.

50K Guy -

Yahhh ha ha, congratulations on your profit. You still are an idiot if you keep $50k in a bank. Why having to make repairs on some future house purchase would make keeping it in a bank any more reasonable is a little beyond me. Simply put, how stupid do you have to be to decide "hmmm, 1% interest on a Bank account sure sounds a hell of a lot better to me than 5% interest in a fund". Sorry Charlie, you don't have any $300K profit, no one in that league would be so inane as to put that kind of money in a bank.

Its quite clear the closest you have come to selling a house is your last game of Monopoly as you give every impression of being a fifteen year old.

Anonymous said...

I have a simple, straight-forward, yes-no question for Anthony DeLucca, Daniel Miglavs, Big Mike, and RHuse. It should help clarify the issues that keep coming up in these discussions about the rule of law:

At the time it was an issue, did you support the impeachment of President Clinton?

Yes or no?

Anonymous said...

I opposed the impeachment of Clinton. And ...?

Anonymous said...

Yet another scandal from Bushland for the 'rule of law' advocates to bitch about ... or not:

Federal investigators have uncovered what they describe as a sweeping network of kickbacks, bribes and fraud involving at least eight employees and subcontractors of KBR, the former Halliburton subsidiary, in a scheme to inflate charges for flying freight into Iraq in support of the war, according to court papers unsealed yesterday. - New York Times

So long as "illegal aliens" weren't involved, they'll get a pass from Daniel Miglavs.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that's one answer from someone I didn't ask, none from the four I did ask.

R Huse said...

Well, I guess you are getting into it with me because I have pointed out the obvious, either you are a liar or a fool as far as the $50k goes. Simple.

As for beating down my ass in the street well, who knows, maybe you could do it, maybe not. Obviously simple words threaten you so that doesn't say a hell of a lot for your intimidation factor as a fighter.

Look, face it, you're a punk who just learned how to spell fuck and dick and now want to use those words. I can understand that and in fact its sort of cute.

That doesn't make you a cage fighter and it sure as hell doesn't put any $50k in the bank.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:14 am

You sir, are a giant tool. A majority of the homeowners that know, aren't your type. They are hardworking, responsible individuals. You are a low life.

I happen to work in Real estate Finance, both the commercial sectors as well as residential, and I can tell you without a doubt that you are full of shit. I'm certain of two things:

1. You aren't a homeowner who profited 300k on a home sale in Calif. (if you did, you most likely inherited the home which was owned outright, sold it, and spent the money foolishly)

2. You are a gigantic moron with an anger management (and possibly Turets Syndrom) problem.

Quite frankly, I don't htink that you could kick anyone's ass.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rip Rap,

What does that question have to do with anything regarding B of A??

Again, someone getting off topic.

Anonymous said...

My question is not at all off the topic. The central issue to the current topic of Bank of America is the bedrock of virtually every topic Mr. Miglavs raises on his blog: Rule of law.

The objection is that you have a major financial institution in the United States which is enabling criminal behavior, correct? Rule of law is the all-important, over-riding, day-in and day-out theme of this blog.

This country spent a year consumed by an historic debate that Republicans seeking former President Clinton's impeachment framed as one that concerned one central issue: the rule of law. How many times did we hear the refrain, "It's not about sex, it's about the rule of law"? This was not some obscure, isolated event that was of interest only to legal scholars and political pundists. No one could have possibly been oblivious to it. Virtually everyone had an opinion about it.

So I'm asking you: What was yours?

Anonymous said...

A question regarding the conversation with Bank America:

Was this Daniel's conversation?

If so, is the transcript reconstructed from memory, or is it verbatim from a recording?

If it's from a recording, did Daniel ask the other person on the line for permission to tape it?

Anonymous said...


Normally, I get quite a few boneheads on this and other blogs "Demanding" answers to questions that they pose. Generally, my standard answer is to tell them that it's none of thier fucking business. I answer to no one.

It seems to me that you are attempting to bait me and a few others. No matter which answer I give, you will most assuredly have some pre-determined rebuttal that paints me as some sort of hypocrit. Then I counter and prove you wrong on your facts, tell you to do some more research, blah, blah, blah. But I'll humor you on this one.

The short answer is "no".

I came to this conclusion from a matter of principle. Clinton denied having sex with Monica Lewinsky. Well no duh...any married man who cheats on his wife will deny it as long as possible. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Hillary is not only a woman, but one with balls the size of grapefruit. Can you imagine how un-bearable life with Hillary must have been during that time? She's a raving lunatic when she's not pissed. Imagine her with a vendeta. Ultimately though, he did own up to his transgressions.(albeit after the rest of the world knew what happened in vivid detail anyway. remember the "Stained" blue dress and the Cigar?)

I do however believe that he should have been criminally charged with lying under oath to federal investigators. He would have been convicted, and would have been forced to do a Nixon, and resign the office of the Presidency in order to protect the Democratic Party. He did end up getting dis-barred in his home state of Arkansas, which from a Law School graduate point of view is probably the worst thing you can have on your record. Additionally, I've always found it fascinating the sheer numbers of people he knew, associates, people connected with the Whitewater scandal, etc. who ended up dead as dirt under questionable circumstances. The guy is a crook through and through. He'll get what's coming to hime someday through either Karma or Judgement.

Now, having said that, I (being a registered Independant) believe that he did some good, as well as some bad. His "bads" outweigh his goods ten-fold, but he did have some solid domestic policies regarding education, etc..

O.K., against my better judgement, I've answered the question of a complete stranger attempting to bait me into an argument. Go ahead and reply so that I can rip it apart piece by piece.

R Huse said...

As I recall Clintons final conviction ( he plead, same thing as a conviction ) was for lying to a federal judge and lying to a grand jury. The plea was reached because, like Nixon, Clinton was facing an obstruction of justice charge if he didn't accept it. Obstruction of justice for sexual harassment vs. obstruction for a campaign burglary. Pretty much a lateral move in my opinion, and Clinton used much the same play book as Nixon, insisting White House council was his private lawyer, insisting the Secret Service was in effect his private praetorian guard to name a couple. As with Nixon's same attempts, the Supreme court shot down every one of these claims, thus the impeachment and eventual plea.

Anonymous said...

10:25, I guess you were talking to me, not 7:14. First off, dickhead, I never said I sold a house in CA. The house was purchased here in 1992 for $198k and sold for $505k in May.

So eat that, mother fucker.

It seems to me that the assholes who come here to ridicule Daniel about his "lack" of money or my comments about BA with some money in there are the dickless wonders of society who don't have shit and resent anyone else who can try to make his or her own way in the world without help from anyone.

Go get a fucking life and shut the fuck up already. Fucking losers.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I don't have an anger problem or turrets. This is how people talk where I am from when you fuck with us. And don't even think about calling me a nigger, you racist fucking bastards. I am white bread through and through, just not as white as your lilly white and pastey white asses who couldn't get a tan to save their lives. Fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Miss a dose or two of meds, pal?

Anonymous said...

Apples and Oranges riprap. I don't know why I am being brought into a Clinton impeachment discussion when it has nothing to do with giving illegals credit cards and bank accounts without ID and I get harassed about my account.

BTW, I thought Clinton should have been impeached...was he, not really. He finished his term. Did I vote for Clinton, yes. The fact is he was not taking his job seriously.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for straight answers from Mr. DeLucca and Big Mike. Now, waiting for Mr. Miglavs.

R Huse said...

The fact is there was a substantive case against Clinton. Impeachment is about whether or not their is sufficient evidence to put a president on trial. It is not a trial itself. Clinton was possibly facing a trial on some very serious charges, obstruction of justice chief among them.

The fact that the press successfully turned it into a silly sex scandal says volumes.

Watergate was about the president trying to cover up a burglary of campaign headquarters. Nixon was facing the same basic charge as Clinton, obstruction of justice. To me, it would be difficult to argue that covering up a burglary of campaign headquarters is more egregious than committing and covering up sexual harassment.

In the end, the case against Clinton was stronger than the press had let on. Clinton signed a plea bargain, rather than face trial on the obstruction charge. If nothing else, by this act Clinton validated the original impeachment proceedings. They were correct and Clintons own actions prove that fact.

Anonymous said...

... by this act Clinton validated the original impeachment proceedings.

So we've got:

DeLucca: No
Big Mike: Yes
Rhuse: Yes.
Daniel Miglavs: ?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:46

First off, who said anything about your race? What makes you think that you have the ability to determine with just some type-written words? I could be freaking Chinese for all you know, dumbass.

You say that people talk like that where you're from eh?? Nice place. I can see why you left.

You're a moron, an idiot, and you haven't enough brain cells to fill a thimble.

That's how people talk where I'm from when confronted by a foul mouthed nitwit. Grab a dictionary (it's kind of a book like thingy with words and stuff in it) and try to at least pretend like you have something substantial to offer the conversation. So far, it's been "fuck fuckety fuck shit fuck mother fucker." Nice. I'm sure that plays well down at the skate-park where you hang out all day getting stoned, but don't try to jump into a semi-serious discussion with that garbage.

Why don't you go back down into the "apartment" in grandma's basement, grab your 40 before it gets too warm, and get back to watching wrestling reruns on TNT. Oh yeah, that job application isn't going to fill itself out, get to writing, slacker.

Anxiously awaiting your well thought out, and finely worded reply.

Anonymous said...

9:46, not much else to say other than fuck you. Stay out of my path IRL or I'll beat your ass down like the mother fucker you are. When you fuck with people, this is what you get. I did nothing to start this shit, but I'll sure as shit finish it with you and any other of you dumbass mother fucking Oregonians out there. Bring it on.

To the rest of you, I apologize for the gruffness, but I am sicker than shit of these holier-than-thou dickweeds that think they are better than everyone else. Fuck 'em with a rake.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of jobs, I post at 6 p.m., usually later. You post in the middle of the day. Look who's jobless, you fucking fuck. And if you ain't, then you are fucking around while on the job, you useless fuck. FUCK YOU!


Anonymous said...

If you are going use Tourette's as an insult, learn to spell it you morons!

BTW, my son has Tourette's and he behaves and acts better then all of you...and is only 15...

Grow up you turds.....

Anonymous said...

Fuck you too. I didn't start the shit, some asshole did. My fucking nephew has it as well. He is doing great with his meds, but has his challenges. All you need to know is that if you fuck with me, I'll go ape shit all over your ass.

Again, another situation where I didn't start something and some mother fucker wants to come in and fling fecal matter all over the place. Go eat a dick.

Anonymous said...

I love reading this stuff. Very entertaining. Kind of like going to the freak show or something.

Anonymous said...

The sprint to the bottom continues ...

Anonymous said...

I have no problem being the first to the bottom. When it comes to some of you fucks, you get what you deserve. Generally I come here to get away from some of the insanity that the fucked up Left in Oregon has to offer, but they like to come here and start shit. Fine, but when you get personal, I'll dial it up 10X. So fuck any of you who have a problem with it. Don't like it, don't make it personal next time. If you stick to the topic, I'll keep my trap shut in that regard, otherwise, I'll be back for your faggot asses.

R Huse said...

Anthony - Yeah, its kinda twisted isn't it?

I mean who would have thought 50K's money management issues would morph into something so weirdly entertaining.

I have to admit, its sort of like the organ meat section at the supermarket. You know its gross but somehow you just have to look.

Its weird, because the "Ill give you a beat down" line is so ridiculous, and 50K is hardly the first to use it. Somehow though, combined with all the "fuckety fuck yo dog" stuff and it comes out funny as hell. If nothing else, you do have to hand it to him for that.

For me the height of it was the white bread nigger thing. I mean what the hell was that?

As far as I am concerned, 50K is DA YO FUCKETY FUCK FUCK BOMB!

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh! Look out everyone! Tough Guy Frank Rizzo the 50K wonder is coming after our "faggoty Asses".

What a joke. You think you're putting the fear into any of us? When a dipshit like you shows up and starts to reveal his true colors, I'm calling him on it.. every single time.

You can continue to post your "F" bomb tirades using your obvious GED education, but don't pretend to be a martyr trying to take care of the weasels who attack you personally by "Dialing it up 10X" (nice line....did you hear that from your favorite wrestler?)

Stop with the double digit vocabulary, and start discussing with thought and purpose, and people won't attack you personally. The only reason that you got treated like you did, is simply because you deserved it.

Anonymous said...

... Stop with the double digit vocabulary, and start discussing with thought and purpose, and people won't attack you personally.

As someone who has posted here now and then and attempted to start discussions with thought and purpose, I can say without any hesitation that Mr. DeLucca's observation (above) is one hundred percent, undiluted, Oregon-grown, Grade A bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Anthony, was I talking to you? Was I fucking talking to you? Well, I wasn't, but since you want to get in on this, FUCK YOU, TOO, MOTHER FUCKER. Ha ha ha, asshole!

I deserved it, huh? No, I didn't, but you deserve the shit you get right now. Any more of you mother fuckers out there want some of this? Shit for fucks that speak up show that you are the ones who don't know jack shit about shit. Fuck you all!

R Huse said...

Yo 50K, while you aint Charles Schwab you is the ass kick bomb drop.

You can string together the word "fuck" like nobodies business.

You ever think about You - Tube?

Im talking about getting the message out, telling people where you are from, bringing the beat down. You know what Im saying? Im talkin about locked in and WIRED. What Im saying is you get this stuff out large, Im talkin multimedia full on I phone streaming. You know what Im saying? You get this stuff on the full You Tube hook up, and I mean full on pod cast and everything, and people are gonna log in on it.

Anonymous said...

'All you need to know is that if you fuck with me, I'll go ape shit all over your ass.'

I'm trembling with fear over the thought of you going 'ape shit' all over me.....

Take your fetishes and get lost...your mommy wants you to clean your room...time to log off the computer now...


Anonymous said...

"turdlicker?" That's pretty fucking gay, you fucking fag. Time for your mommy to deal with your anal fissures you fucking faggot.


Anonymous said...

'"turdlicker?" That's pretty fucking gay, you fucking fag. Time for your mommy to deal with your anal fissures you fucking faggot.

That's the best you can do? Come on..your Momma's out working the corner leaving you alone and all you can do is this?

Try again......

Tossed salad eater....

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fag you are. You sound like the little 5 year-old who is getting picked on by the 7 year-old at the local playground. Can't even come up with a good response. Just trying to string something together. Fucking ass-jockeys. Do you stutter, too. lol

Anonymous said...

'Wow, what a fag you are. You sound like the little 5 year-old who is getting picked on by the 7 year-old at the local playground. Can't even come up with a good response. Just trying to string something together. Fucking ass-jockeys. Do you stutter, too. lol'

Isn't it nice to know the trained trolls will always respond when taunted....

It is amazing how much the children like to swear when mommoy is out walking the corner...