BlueOregon, the folks that try to keep black people from voting (If I say it over and over then people will assume it's true) did a post on the head of the Oregon Christian Coalition being accused of child molestation.
The post didn't offer any opinions but the liberals who commented afterwards did:
I get a certain sense of pleasure when someone who attacks the morality of my being gay when they have been accused of child molestation.
Let me get this straight... a big, white, dopey bible-thumping Christian Coalition leader who says his morals are better than us... has been focking his little daughters and nieces... for years now.
In a general way, I think two recent studies shed some light on this phenomenon:
[1] Religious devotion sets the United States apart from some of its closest allies.
[2] More than one in four U.S. adults per year have some form of mental illness or substance abuse.
How tolerant. If any of you have gotten "a certain sense of pleasure" over any child molestation then stop reading my blog right now and commit yourself to a mental institution.
The reason that "values voters" and Christians don't vote for Democrats is... Democrats HATE religious people. They hate the idea of morality. They hate the idea of something larger than their own selfish desires. They hate the thought of some behavior being off limits because it's wrong.
They hate the thought of being accountable for their actions. They hate the thought of consequences for lifestyles or choices they make. They hate people who disagree with them. They hate the idea of an authority larger than themselves. They hate, hate, hate.
For another offense against Christianity take a look at some "art" hanging at Willamette University.
Have you actually seen this art--or just looked at the picture on Lars' site of the 1 of 4 pieces in this series?
Lars has VERY little on his site about what this art actually is. Actually all he has is the picture. That's it--no details. There is a lot more to it. Educate yourself before posting like that.
You said, "They hate, hate, hate."
I'm sorry... who hate hate hates? Without people like you this world would be a lot less hateful. Everyone that is different than you is wrong and 'hateful towards Christians'. Christianity is not being attacked as the most extreme religious organizations would brain wash their base into thinking.
I think one of the reasons that people have an issue with crazy religious extremists like yourself is because of the massive amounts of hate and ignorance that comes out of your mouth. I personally don't see true Christian values here...
As far as the former head of the Multnomah county GOP/Chairman of the CC molesting his own pre-teen relatives... you are having an issue with people criticizing him. They are not saying that molestation is OK and it is so like you to make such an inane remark. It's quite comparable to you saying as the opener of your 'post'...
"BlueOregon, the folks that try to keep black people from voting (If I say it over and over then people will assume it's true"
Give me a break Daniel.
Bryan H.
Gay Rights Watch
Bryan, so glad to hear from you. It's been a while.
As for "who hates who" I think I made it pretty clear that the left hates Christians.
I offer no defense of Lou Beres, if he's guilty then he is scum. I do not have an issue with people critizing him but I have an issue with them getting "pleasure" out of accusation of child molestation.
As for the "art," you didn't listen to Lars today did you? He talked about it for quite a while and I do feel educated on the subject. If you have some info for me then I'm all ears...
As for my "they keep black people from voting" comment, it's been a constant for the last few days. It's called sarcasm.
As for me being a "crazy religious extremist," I prefer the term "Jesus Freak."
I wouldn't say the entire democratic party hates christians, but I will say that as a catholic, I've never felt the love from the left. I've only felt like an outcast and a square because in comparison I may act conservatively. And, yet, I vote progressively, so I might be considered left. I think the democratic party should be listening to folks like Daniel and I, because we're feeling ostracized. If the democratic party is supposed to be for women and minorities, how come I'm not feeling welcome simply because I wear a cross around my neck?
Shit. I must have missed Lars today... (I'm trying that sarcasm thing too)
As for you adding the quotes to the word art--it's ridiculous. If art offends a person, should we not display it? If that were the case, then we would have no art. That's the "beauty" of art. It's self expression, something the far right decries.
A friend of mine is actually in this series of art. I saw it in person. At first I was a little taken back seeing my friend half naked (top half) in this piece. Though when I actually looked closer it was quite remarkable.
These pieces of art have the text of 4 major civil rights issues (Christian proposed hateful legislation). I know that one of them is the DOMA text, one of them has the wording of Measure 36, another (I think) the text of CA's Prop 22 and the other I'm not sure what it's content is.
It's art--leave it alone. It's about repression. If you (in the general sense) are offended for being called out on proposing extremely hateful legislation, then that's your prerogative.
I'll disagree about the Dem's should not be reaching out to people like Daniel... the Dems don't need people like this in their party.
Bryan, I'm sure that there is lots of "art" out there that would offend you.
Are any of the ripped pages in the picture from the bible?
And Bryan, your tone is increasingly bitter towards me. I thought that we were friends.
You keep calling me hateful but I'm not sure what I have done to deserve that label. If simply supporting Measure 36 is "hateful" then a good majority of your fellow Oregonians are "hateful." (and a larger majority of your fellow Americans)
The accusations of Lou Beres, if found to be true are reprehensible. But the great thing about our country is innocent until proven gultiy. I hope he did not do those things, merely for the sake of the alleged victims. I could care less about his reputation. However, to preach tolerance and lack of hatred, Bryan then to post
"If true (I have no doubt it is, but for legal reasons I will say that) I have some words...
Fucking hypocrite. What happened to practicing what you preach, you sick fuck? I am outraged. Totally and completely outraged. How can you sit there preaching about morality, working hard to set back civil rights decades... You are a disgusting pervert Lou."
On your website. Hypocricy?
As far as that art goes, It makes me sick, I find it distasteful in its blatant attempt to be cotroversial and thereby drawing attention. I do not need to go to WU to see the display. I can look at that picture and decide that it doesnt apeal to me. Much like I can look at the mechanics of homosexuality and know that it doesn't apeal to me either. However, I always apreciate both sides of an issue. Another thing that makes our nation great. The GOD given right to not only voice our opinions, but to disagree with others.
Interesting... send that to your good friend Lars.
Bryan H.
For those of who seem to be 1/2 informed, the artist you are discussing is my son. Sean Gyshen Fennell. I taped his interview with Lars Larson, so I you are interested, you can actually hear accurate info.
Below is the transcript.
Sean Gyshen Fennell
Lars Larson Show
11 October 2005
LL: Sean Gyshen Fennell is an artist at Willamette University. How are you doing Sean?
G: Doing pretty well Lars, how are you?
LL: Glad to have you on the program but I’m not real happy about that art work. I mean it’s a private university you can put what you want on the walls. I’ve had a lot of people trying to figure out what this art work means. These naked figures of people who appear to be in embraces that would indicate they are homosexuals and then torn up pages of something at the bottom of the photos. Why don’t you tell us what it’s all about.
G: I’d love to. First of all the goal of the icon project is to yield art that investigates societal constructs and visually stimulates the viewer. And to facilitate discussion which is why I am very happy to be on your show because that is what the work is intended to do. The text that is in the background is actually some of the measures that were passed, including gay marriage, Measure 36 and the smaller icons that are below are the Patron saints such as St. Anthony of Paudu or St. Patrick who are the patron saints of the oppressed people and excluded people. And the figures in fact, in the icons are homosexuals and its trying to draw lines between these and investigate the current political and religious climate.
LL: Does one of those figures work for Kate Brown, the senator?
G: I am not familiar with that.
LL: Sure, you don’t know the people you took naked pictures of?
G: I know them very well but I don’t know what they are doing now. I actually moved to St. Louis. I am attending graduate school.
LL: OK So here’s the concern I have. Why would you show a ballot measure passed by Oregonians overwhelmingly torn up at the bottom of the picture like that?
G: Well, it is actually not torn up. It’s in its completion there is gold leafing over the entire image which I guess gives it an appearance of being torn.
LL: So it’s not really torn up?
G: No, it is not torn up. It is in its completion.
LL: It’s in completion?
G: All the text is there it is just that some of it is obscured with gold leaf.
LL: Okay, So it wasn’t intended to look torn up.
G: No
LL: Okay. Now the figures appear to be posed in a way that I thought it looked like icons like you’d seen in Russian icon, the little kind of circles around the head and a little gold leaf.
G: Exactly
LL: So you are depicting homosexuals figures in photos as saints.
G: I am referencing Byzantine Icons and religion through those forms. I do not consider the objects to be venerated in any way. I am merely using visual language.
LL: No, now what’s the visual language when you depict homosexual figures in a photo as saints?
G: I am referencing the saint figures as well as drawing attention the fact there are saints within the religion such as St. Anthony of Padua for oppressed people yet the religion in of itself is oppressing individuals and saints themselves have been martyred. And…
(interrupts)LL: How is religion oppressing homosexual people?
G: Well, I mean it’s pretty clear within the legislation and in your show that all Christians should be offended by images like the ones I made…..
LL: Well no no, I am bothered by images if they if they if they are comments on religion by taking homosexual figures and portraying them as saints. I don’t think any religion on earth makes people saints by their personal behavior or homosexual behavior. And I don’t know how it is you think religion oppresses people with regard to their sexuality. You have a choice as to which religion you participate in. Tell me which religion oppresses homosexual people.
G: Well right now Catholisim especially the Vatican is saying homosexuals cannot be ordained. I mean for example……
LL: Well well but that’s the rules of their group. If you are a homosexual and you want to be ordained, you go to a different church.
G: Well are you saying homosexuals should not be able to be Catholic?
LL: Well that’s what the Catholic church has decided. Does a church have the right to set the standards for its religion?
G: I believe………..
LL: I mean for example. If… I like I like to drink whiskey on occasion. I try to do it in moderation and I try to do it only on the weekends with friends and when I am not going to drive. But if I wanted to join the Mormon church Sean, I can guaran damn tee you that the Mormons are not going to let me in as a whiskey drinker. If I say, well you ought to change your rules and let whiskey drinkers into the Mormon church they’d say Lars, one of the tenants of our religion is that you don’t drink booze. So why would a booze drinker want to join the Mormon church? Why would a homosexual want to become ordained as a member of a church that doesn’ know that does not believe that homosexuals should become priests?
G: Well drinking whiskey Lars is a choice where I do not believe homosexuality is a choice and there are these people who have been brought up as Christians…………
LL: No but joining a church is a choice, becoming a religion is a choice. Can we agree on that?
G: Joining a religion is a choice..
LL: I could choose to become a Catholic tomorrow, I could choose to to convert to Judiasm tomorrow so but why would I want to join a church that doesn’t respect the way I conduct my life?
G: Well possibly that was the church you were brought up in and that is the community you feel comfortable in and perhaps that is the faith you actually believe in yet it discriminates against you and you should still have the choice to join that religion, I believe.
LL: Do you think the people should be offended by your art work?
G: If people are offended by my art work I think that is fine. The work in of it’s self is there to facilitate discussion and hopefully draw connections and get people to start thinking about that there are certain societal constructs that prohibit people from doing things and…
LL: You’re trying to get people to think differently, right?
G: I am trying to bring a different prospective to these issues that have intertwined through out history. I mean homosexuality in the church and art is nothing new. It has been there for an extremely long time.
LL: Good point. Sean I’m up against a clock but I appreciate your time sir. Thank you very much.
G: Thank you very much
Hi there Daniel, I was just traveling through looking for some interesting stuff on poster art and I came upon your Blog. I haven’t seen what I was after regarding Liberals hate, but I’m going to carry on searching for more information on poster art related stuff. By the way your Blogs great.
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