Monday, March 29, 2010

What will they think of next? The cotton gin?

Researchers say stemless cherries would save money

Researchers from Washington State, Oregon State and Michigan State universities are in the second year of a four-year project to develop a mechanical harvester that could not only save growers money on harvest costs, but also remove stems from the cherries. The stems sometimes dent the fruit as it's shipped.

Gasp, America is going to innovate to become more productive and efficient? The writing is on the wall for illegal aliens to lose more of their stolen jobs while engineers, fabricators and operators will take over.

If we ended the slave labor source that is illegal aliens then this positive change would come about that much sooner.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?

Again, why do you fly the flag of the dunghole that you just left? Even after you are told to pretend that you like this country you can't help yourselves. I mean, you all could be featured on those "stupid criminals" shows.

[imagine the voice]
Hi, I'm Sheriff John Bunnel and what you are about to see will shock you. These criminals are here to steal from Americans, commit identity theft and generally engange in a culture of crime. Amazingly, one political party wants to reward them with amnesty but these illegals can't seem to follow the simple instructions to keep public opinion from turning against them.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How stimulating

State jobs listings posted today 3/24

Eligibility Worker/Bilingual: English/Spanish

Receptionist/Screener/Bilingual: English/Spanish

Child Welfare Caseworker/Bilingual: English/Spanish

Child Welfare Caseworker/Bilingual: English/Spanish

How do you say "thank goodness for Measure 66/67" in Spanish? These are just one day's worth of state workers who have the job of catering to illegal aliens.

But it's Christmas for the sheeple

Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Don't question. Sure they use the word "control" a lot but they are just looking out for us. The insurance industry needs to be controlled. The financial industry needs to be controlled. Any industry that emits carbon needs to be controlled.

And certainly any individual who might make choices that are contrary to the central plan created by Washington DC need to be controlled. Don't drive that vehicle. Don't eat that food. Don't smoke in that bar. Don't build that suburban neighborhood.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm thinking about dropping my health insurance

The federal government is out of control. They do not have constitutional authority to require all Americans to buy a product/service.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Congress is about to pass an unconstitutional law

My Healthcare Plan
by Ann Coulter

It's a one-page bill creating a free market in health insurance. Let's all pause here for a moment so liberals can Google the term "free market."

In the first sentence, Congress will amend the McCarran-Ferguson Act to allow interstate competition in health insurance.

We can't have a free market in health insurance until Congress eliminates the antitrust exemption protecting health insurance companies from competition. If Democrats really wanted to punish insurance companies, which they manifestly do not, they'd make insurers compete.

Instead of insurance companies jumping to the tune of politicians bought by health-care lobbyists, they would jump to tune of hundreds of millions of Americans buying health insurance on the free market.

Go read the whole thing. Keep calling your "representatives" and get ready to have government workers practice preventative medicine on you.

NOTE: The "this mailbox is full" situation is worse than during the last amnesty attempt. It's hard to get through to these people.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Get ready to push back (again)

Who: NumbersUSA Local Power Team – Grassroots Activists

What: 4 ACTIVITIES, 30 minutes each… Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
3/19 Friday: 1:30pm Local District Office Visits at 1:30pm Local Time
3/20 Saturday: 1:30pm Fax Congress, Sign Petitions, share on Facebook & Twitter
3/21 Sunday: 1:30pm Webcast Broadcasting from the March in

Washington D.C. We are counting on your viewership!
3/22 Monday: 9:00am-1:30pm National Call Campaign

When: March 19-22, 2010

How: Read our News story on S.T.O.P. AMNESTY in 4 DAYS! and click your action level below. We need your commitment, we need your action, and we need your help. It’s time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You don't say

Rampant Medical Marijuana Abuse attracting drug trafficking to Southern Oregon
Not only is Oregon one of the top seven Marijuana producing states, according to the Oregon Employer Drug-Free Initiative, but the state leads the nation in virtually every measure of substance abuse.

O.S.P. say they see more Marijuana trafficking linked to Southern Oregon, then any other region in the state, mainly due to the ambiguity and abuse stemmed from the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, which passed over ten years ago.

The number one medical condition claimed by medical marijuana applicants is "severe pain" with 23,346 patients. The much ballyhooed glaucoma has 404 patients. Way to be fooled Oregon voters.

Monday, March 15, 2010

He's teaching your kids

Food, water should be free for all
Mohamed Jemmali University instructor

Like air, water, food and electricity can now be free. No more water or electric bills. Free trips to the grocery store. No more deaths and suffering due to poverty and famine. No more work is necessary once you own a home and a vehicle. No more crimes due to hunger and unemployment. Why aren’t we living in this world?

Really? This article reads like it was written by an idealistic 3rd grader not someone who is teaching at the University of Oregon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Way to kill more jobs

Les Schwab Tire Centers Pays $2 Million to Settle Hiring Discrimination
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it has resolved its gender-based hiring class lawsuit against Les Schwab Tire Centers of Washington, et al., and Les Schwab Tire Warehouse, Inc. for $2,000,000 and other corrective measures.

"The EEOC will continue to investigate employers and industries that have put women in certain types of jobs, and men in others. We hope Les Schwab becomes a model employer of women in the male-dominated tire industry."

The company is based in Bend, Oregon.

In related news I am currently preparing a lawsuit against both Ladies Home Journal and Cosmopolitan magazines for not featuring enough articles on power tools, work boots and trucks.

I am also going to do my part to fight this political correct nonsense and make sure that I don't allow any woman to change my tires at Les Schwab. Affirmative action employees aren't really the people I want touching the part of my vehicle that needs to contact the road when I'm going 65mph.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Government acronyms are running wild

Police act swiftly after gun purchases
Concerns about an Oregon Department of Transportation employee who purchased several guns after being placed on leave prompted law enforcement across Southern Oregon to step in.

ODOT Communications Director Patrick Cooney said there were administrative, personnel matters involved that limited what the department could discuss.

However, the state agency had reported concerns about the man to law enforcement agencies, who started monitoring him, officials said.

Authorities were "extremely concerned" that the man may have been planning to retaliate against his employers, the news release said.

"Instead of being reactive, we took a proactive approach," OSP Sgt. Jeff Proulx said.

Police are holding the weapons for safekeeping, but no criminal charges have been filed.

ODOT: the same agency that wants to put a GPS device in your car. Perhaps this will facilitate the issuing of proactive speeding tickets.

OSP: arresting your for things that you haven't done but that a government worker imagines you could possibly do.

Several lessons should be taken from this. First, buy private. It is clear that the background checks are being used for more than just making sure that you can legally purchase a firearm.

Second, where is the Oregon ACLU? These guys have wild nightmares of an out-of-control government keeping child-porn out of taxpayer funded libraries but can't seem to comment on a citizen being taken from his home in the middle of the night on the whim of government officials?
Third, we aren't paranoid if they really are out to get us.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Give them a degree in "can't legally work"

Dream Act: Education equality -- or de facto amnesty?
Eugene City Councilors are set to vote Monday night on a controversial subject: Should undocumented immigrant students be allowed to pay in-state tuition at public universities?

Diego Hernandez, a University of Oregon senior with a double-major in ethnic studies and political science, thinks so.

"If we close the door on them," Hernandez asked, "what are they going to do?"

I think that a majority of Oregonians would respond to that questions by saying: "They will hopefully go home."

Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy supports the Dream Act. Councilor will vote on a resolution in support of the act Monday night. The vote will not affect the legislation, just show the council's support.

"In this case, we're talking about kids who spent their whole lives going to our public schools and want to have the same opportunities as everyone else," Piercy said.

They don't have the same opportunity because they can't legally have a job. What good is a college degree if you can't work? And aren't these illegal aliens just doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do? Jobs that apparently require a college education.

This is almost funny coming on the heels of the recent protest where spoiled brats whined that school is too expensive for them. I'm guessing that those same people support this idea. I'll let that irony sink in.

Follow the money

FDIC Said to Encourage Pension Funds to Invest in Failed Banks
U.S. regulators are encouraging public pension funds that control more than $2 trillion to inject capital directly into the banking system by buying failed lenders, said people briefed on the matter.

Oregon’s retirement fund may contribute $100 million as regulators seek “the support of state pension funds to solve the crisis surrounding ongoing bank failures,” Jay Fewel, a senior investment officer at the Oregon State Treasury, said in a presentation made at the fund’s Feb. 24 meeting.

Government is investing money for political reasons and trying to pick winners and losers. They get to play with money like it isn't theirs. Oh wait, it isn't.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Classic Porltand

I've looked at many of the "students who want something for free" rally photos from Portland and have yet to find a woman wearing makeup.
Continue to insult those of us who are paying for your education in "black lesbian women studies" and see how far it gets you.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Be creative

TriMet Secure Bike Parking Facility Survey
TriMet is opening new secure bike parking facilities at Sunset, Beaverton and Gresham transit centers in May and June 2010. We'd like to give these facilities a name, and we want your help.

This project is funded by federal stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) money designated for maintenance and infrastructure improvements.

If you click the above link you will have an opportunity to choose "other" and give a suggestion as to what this facility should be named. If you are so inclined leave your suggestion in the comments section here. I'm up for a good laugh.

"Thanks for your feedback… We appreciate it! Watch for announcements about the new bike facilities later this spring. "

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

If guns are outlawed... only our government masters and outlaws will have guns

NOTE: I will accept that guns don't deter crime or protect people when the secret service are disarmed.

Supreme Court Weighs Chicago's Strict Gun Ban
In 1982, Chicago imposed the strict gun ordinance to help combat rampant gang and firearm violence that plagued the city.

In court papers, lawyers for the city of Chicago pointed out that 402 of the 412 firearm homicides occurred with the use of handguns in 2008.

I believe that pretty much EVERYONE should be able to have guns. I'm in favor of high school kids storing guns in their locker when on the rifle team. That being said, I don't think that the city of Chicago lawyers should have guns because they are clearly so stupid that they would only be a danger to themselves and others.

They banned handguns and then argue that since so many handguns were used in murders the ban should stay in effect...

Court Hears Second Amendment Debate On City Ban
Paul McGrath was an aide to Mayor Byrne who helped craft the city's anti-gun legislation. He believes doing away with the gun restrictions would be a bad idea.

"If our gun control law is struck down, there will be more guns," McGrath said. "Do we want more guns?"

Yes, we want more guns. In fact, I can't think of a good limit on the number of guns that I would like to purchase. Heck, just in the category of shotguns I can think of at least 5 more that I really really need. But I guess that before I exercise my God-given and constitutionally protected right I should check with Mr. McGrath to see if he thinks that it is a "bad idea."

Clearly our rights should be subject to the "bad idea" test on a regular basis.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Seattle Times writer with witty lines about guns

Supreme Court to scrutinize state, local gun laws
State and local gun laws are in the cross hairs as the Supreme Court prepares for a historic oral argument Tuesday.

In the crosshairs... I don't get it? Oh, because some rifles have scopes with crosshair reticles. That is SO funny and witty. I wish that I was a brilliant newspaper journalist so that I could come up with clever lines like that.

The conservative majority that struck down Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban in 2008 appears poised to stretch the Second Amendment further. The session Tuesday will let justices test-fire arguments in a case in which the reasoning could be as intriguing as the outcome.

For gun owners and lawmakers, McDonald v. City of Chicago presents one bottom line: If the court agrees that the Second Amendment covers state and local governments, as seems likely, some but not all gun restrictions will be blown away.

Blown away... I don't get it...

For constitutional scholars, the court's means may be as important as its ends. To eliminate Chicago's gun ban, court conservatives could end up overturning a 137-year-old precedent that has hindered the expansion of new rights.

Let me explain to Seattle Times writer Michael Doyle a very simple truth. We have a right to keep and bear arms. This is not a "new" right. This is a natural right that our constitution prevents government from infringing upon.

In my world this means:

Background checks = government has no business doing them.

Issuing "licenses" to carry concealed = government has no business doing them.

Restricting capacity, style or cyclic rate of fire = government has no business doing it.

If you want a good example about how the unconstitutional NFA (national firearms act) is the dumbest thing ever:

This firearm has a fake suppressor to keep the barrel over 16" in length because it is a rifle due to it's buttstock.

This is the EXACT SAME FIREARM but since it it has the buttstock removed it is considered a pistol and does not need to be 16" in length.

Now you can purchase an SBR (short barrel rifle) as long as you tithe the government with $200 or if you are better than the rest of us and you work for government you can possess these weapons in your official capacity as "better than citizens."

Bravo to Bunning

I really had thought that we had reached a point where unemployment benefits would be extended forever. When"it's for the children" trumps the constitution and how do we pay for it is a consideration for another generation it is refreshing to see Jim Bunning demanding to know where the money is to extend unemployment benefits. (a term that I despise, there should be no "benefit" to being unemployed)

Of course, everyone now calls him heartless which is clearly more important than the issue of "how long should your unemployment INSURANCE last?"

Should it be 3 years? 20 months? Someone on the name calling side throw out a number so that we can hold you to it at some point.