Friday, April 15, 2005

Now hiring for... another needless state job

$2546 - $3529 MONTHLY

The Oregon Youth Authority values culturally competent staff to provide a continuum of services to our diverse clientele.

Major duties include, but are not limited to:
* Provides youth and staff with information, events and activities and information that will enhance their understanding, appreciation and celebration of Native American and other minority cultures.

* Provides direct services to Native American youth, and provides educational, cultural, inspirational events for residents and staff at the facilities.

* Maintains awareness of specific minority organizations in Oregon, networks with the respective communities by making speeches and presentations and keeps the community informed about the facility programs and services.

* Designs, prepares, and delivers cultural competency/diversity and gang intervention training for the OYA staff and community partners.

So for $42,348 (+40% benefits) a year the taxpayers get someone who will "provide information" and "awareness" to enhance juvenile criminals "understanding" of "minority cultures." That's money well spent. Definitely better than hiring another guard so we can lock a few more criminals up...

1 comment:

Daniel said...

"Values driven?" To the state that means appreciating and encouraging Sam who now goes by "Samantha" using the stall next to you in the bathroom. You are probably better off in the private sector.